Master of Beasts

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: determination

In the eastern part of the Black Scale Mountains, on a mountain on the edge, warm sunlight scattered from the gaps in the leaves, drawing countless dazzling light spots on the slightly damp ground.

Above the ground, the emerald green psychic bamboos gently swayed the dense bamboo leaves and vigorous rhizomes, firmly grabbing into the soil and absorbing the nutrients in them.


In the calm group of psychic bamboos, a purple shadow suddenly flashed past, causing a riot of many psychic bamboos. As the branches swayed, sharp bamboo leaves suddenly shot out towards the red flame. , But they couldn't wipe a single piece of hair, and they were all embedded in the soil.

This scene is constantly staged above the mountains.

"well done."

Standing on the branch of a giant tree, Xiao Yang smiled and touched Chi Yan's little head, and immediately put a light green droplet held in his sharp claws into a transparent vial.

shook the bottle lightly, looking at the half-full liquid inside, Xiao Yang showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Is this enough?" Xiao Yang looked at Master Mo and asked expectantly.

"It's almost done." Master Mo nodded, then waved his hand, and a half-buttoned bowl-shaped light mask shrouded the giant tree where Xiao Yang was in. The small spirit beasts hiding in the giant tree were also cleared away. Out.

sighed slightly, Xiao Yang's eyes were hot, and his palms were spread out. An emerald green leaf lay quietly in his palms, exuding a faint fragrance.

"It must be useful."

Xiao Yang groaned softly, and slowly poured out the liquid in the bottle. The strange thing was that none of the liquid was spilled, but it was wrapped around the leaves as if it were frozen, and it seemed that it was still shaking slightly.

Putting the transparent vial into the empty stone, Xiao Yang's hand printing changed, and the aquamarine leaf suddenly gleamed with the starting point of fluorescence. The liquid surrounding it all penetrated into the leaf, and in an instant, it was completely submerged.

With his eyes closed tightly, Xiao Yang sat on the tree trunk, with the leaves floating up and down above his palms. Suddenly, a little light appeared in his dark vision.

The light gradually spread, and a piece of black ground gradually appeared. In the air, black mist was floating everywhere. A little beast like a bacon, lying on the ground, his body undulated slightly with its breathing. The next moment, it wondered. Raising his head, he seemed to have glanced at Xiao Yang, and then moved quickly into the mud.


Xiao Yang opened his eyes abruptly, and the leaves on his palm split from the middle, and immediately fell down in a whirl. When it fell into the air, it gradually shattered and turned into countless green light spots.

"I saw it, it is indeed a wood profound beast!" Xiao Yang looked at Master Mo in surprise, his voice hoarse with excitement.

More importantly, that place is very familiar to him, right in the bloodstone gate of the empire!

"Let's go now!" Xiao Yang stood up, his expression frantic.

"No." Master Mo shook his head.josei

"Why?" Xiao Yang was slightly puzzled, it was a profound beast, if you miss it, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life!

"Little guy, I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. I saw the scenes you saw. Didn’t you find out? That profound beast is likely to have reached the lord level. Don’t say your strength is not enough to conclude a spiritual agreement. It is difficult to even catch it." Master Mo's calm words spread, and the enthusiasm on Xiao Yang's face instantly disappeared.

"What should I do then." Xiao Yang sat down helplessly.

I have to admit that what Master Mo said is indeed reasonable. If profound beasts are so easy to obtain, they will only exist in legends. Their escape methods are not inferior to their reputation.

Even if the strong spirits go, they may not be able to touch the wood profound beast.

"There is a way, naturally." Master Mo looked at Xiao Yang with expectant eyes and smiled: "As long as I can find the missing page, my strength will be restored to a large extent. At that time, catch It is not difficult to live with a lord-level wood profound beast."

"Will it run away?" Xiao Yang asked worriedly.

"Haha, you can rest assured that if I'm not mistaken, the profound beast is breaking through at a critical juncture. Within half a year, it will not be able to move in a wide range. You must know that the difficulty of the profound beast's breakthrough is comparable to that of ordinary spirits. The beast is much bigger." Master Mo smiled.

"That's good." Xiao Yang took a breath, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and muttered: "Lord level, you can all turn Guyang City upside down."

"If you are lucky, that wood-based profound beast is only at the lord level. When you reach the seventh-order spiritual master, you can barely bear its spiritual power. If the profound beast is stronger, let alone you , Even if the spiritual master is strong, the spiritual gate will burst." Master Mo said deeply.

"It seems that I have to improve my strength quickly."

stood up, Xiao Yang's eyes flashed a steadfast light, no matter what, he must reach the seventh-order spiritualist within half a year, or even if he found the profound beast, he would not be qualified to touch it.

"The first task now is to refine the Qi-Returning Pill."

After making up his mind, Xiao Yang leaped down from the top of the tree. After Master Mo removed the mask, he quickly left here. The spirit beasts who were forced to leave the giant tree carefully glanced at Xiao Yang's back. , Quickly shot towards the top of the tree.

The refining materials of the Qi Pill, in addition to the blue Ming grass, are the extremely rare lava fruit ~~ The lava fruit grows on the lava fruit tree. This kind of spiritual tree is usually called the rock horned dragon rhinoceros. Spirit beast care.

Lava fruit contains extremely violent fire attribute energy. After the rock horned rhinoceros crushed it, mixed it with soil and smeared it on the hard armor outside the body to increase the strength of the hard armor.

"Is that the rockhorn rhinoceros?"

Xiao Yang hid behind a rock, watching the sturdy figures like hills in the distance, his eyelids twitched.

Rock horned rhinoceros, a rock-like beast, walks upright like a giant barrier. Their bodies are covered with silver hard armor. They are extremely hard. On their tiny noses, there is a sharp unicorn, which is exposed to sunlight. Under, glowing bright light.

Although their legs are short, the pair of fists have extremely powerful power, and even Xiao Yang has a numb scalp when they swing.

As soon as his gaze turned, Xiao Yang saw a spiritual tree about ten thousandths of a distance in the scorpion horned rhinoceros community. Among the fiery red leaves, red fruits swayed gently with the breeze, dissipating violent violence. The spiritual power fluctuates.

"Lava Fruit."

Xiao Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

[Today’s plus is delivered, Fan Yan is currently reading and testing the water in QQ, the fantasy of pet streaming is too small, and he was bullied to death by the fantasy of the same period, crying...

Now this book, there are not many readers at the starting point, there are only dozens, but there are many QQ browsers, 1.7W follow-up reading.

Let’s discuss it. Tomorrow QQ reading will add one change for every three hundred collections added, and the collections added today are also counted. As long as there are enough, no matter how many changes are added, Fanyan will try to write it down tomorrow.

The heroine is about to appear, starting point and QQ browser brothers, pets are really hard to mix, Fanyan needs you! 】

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