Master of Beasts

Chapter 255

Chapter 255: means

The broken rock fragments flew out from the place where the body of the scorpion smashed, and the low explosion sound continued on the high platform. [No pop-up novel network]

Everyone's eyes were staring blankly at the ground scorpion that was smashed like a sandbag, and even the corners of many people's mouths trembled slightly.

That was a ninth-order high general division-level spirit beast. In the entire Guyang City, it was an extremely powerful existence, but in front of that rockhorn rhinoceros, it didn't even have the qualifications to resist.

The movement in his hand slowly stopped, the Rockhorn Rhinoceros looked at the dying Ground Scorpion, and immediately flicked his arm with disdain. For a moment, the latter's body directly turned into a fierce wind, and S entered Liu Yun. In the rocky ground in front of his feet, only half of his body was exposed.

Looking down at the shattered carapace of the scorpion, Liu Yun's old face was stiff, and the fingers hanging on the side of his legs were shaking constantly because of fear.

He consumed a lot of elixir, and the Earth Scorpion, who had worked so hard to ascend, was actually defeated by a junior?

Moreover, this was already the second ground scorpion he was buried.

"This battle, the Xiao family..."

The old man in the audience wanted to report the result with anti-S conditions. The weird gazes from casting S suddenly made him frightened and closed his mouth. Only then did he remember the battle, and It is not part of the process of the Lingdouhui.

Looking at the smiling young man on the stage, Liu Xiaoyun’s expression was as terrible as a rainstorm, and Xiao Yang’s growth rate was too rapid. Yangcheng will be stepped on by him.

"Ha ha."

Xiao He stroked his beard with his palm and gave a faint smile, while the Xiao family members behind him looked excited. If there were no accidents in this spirit fight, then the biggest winner would be undoubtedly the Xiao family.

"Xiao Lie, you really gave birth to a good son." Senran's voice popped out one by one from between Liu Xiaoyun's teeth.

Glancing at Liu Xiaoyun, who had a yellow complexion, Xiao Yang smiled faintly, then lifted the soles of his feet and was about to walk down the stage.

"and so on."

At this moment, Liu Xiao's low voice suddenly rang.

Looking at Xiao Yang, Liu Xiaoyun looked at Xiao He, with an unkind expression: "Elder Xiao, in recent months, my Liu family’s business in Bloodstone Pass was greatly impacted. Can this matter? Patriarch Xiao came out to explain."

Hearing that, the eyes of Lu Shinan, Shi Bujing and others were all slightly narrowed. Long ago, Xiao Lie's figure disappeared from Guyang City completely. There are many rumours that Xiao Lie might have fallen somewhere. .josei

Otherwise, as the head of the family, how could he not be seen for nearly half a year.

And once this news is confirmed, then as the old opponent of the Xiao family, the powerhouse of the Liu family, will surely launch a **** attack without mercy, and instantly defeat the Xiao family.

"Explanation? What kind of explanation do you want." Xiao He's voice was flat, as if he hadn't heard it, and Liu Xiaoyun's voice contained a trace of cold killing intent.

"If you can't explain this matter clearly, it's better to let Patriarch Xiao come out."

Liu Xiaoyun stood up with a sneer, and the several powerful Liu family behind him also stood up at the same time, and their solemn eyes gathered on everyone in the Xiao family.

They are ready to completely tear their skin.

Facing the murderous Liu Family, the calmness on Xiao He's face disappeared little by little, and his brows were also slowly frowned. The Liu Family dared to target the Xiao Family so aggressively, it must have heard some wind. .

At this time, it is undoubtedly a very stupid behavior to cover it up with words.

"I heard that Patriarch Xiao was buried outside the city a few months ago. I don't know if Elder Xiao knows about it." Liu Xiaoyun's blade-like gaze cast S on Xiao He.

His chest was slightly ups and downs, and Xiao He's eyes were cold. Although the news was not accurate, the most important point was no different from what Liu Xiaoyun had said.

At this time, Xiao Lie was indeed not in Guyang City, so whether he was alive or not would not make the Liu Family put away their wolf ambitions.

For a while, everyone in the Xiao family fell into silence, but everyone's nerves were stretched to the extreme. If Liu Xiaoyun insisted on doing it today, then the situation in the Xiao family would become extremely passive.

After all, Liu Xiaoyun is a Tier 6 spiritual master with real value.

"Elder Xiao, please call out Patriarch Xiao. Isn't Liu's face, please don't move him?" Liu Xiaoyun looked at Xiao He, with a little threat in his voice.

Hearing that, Xiao He’s palms in his sleeves were slightly closed, a drop of cold sweat slipped from his face, and such things as annihilation had happened several times in Guyang City. He believed very much that if Liu Xiaoyun decided to do it, in the end, The result of this must be to eliminate the roots.

"Patriarch Liu, my father, is indeed still alive."

The sound from the stage caused Liu Xiaoyun's eyes to flash with a sharp light, and immediately his gaze slowly swept over Xiao Yang.

"However, you really can't please him for your face." Xiao Yang grinned and said.

Xiao Yang snorted with a faintly smiling voice, and many people's expressions were slightly dazed. Although Xiao Yang defeated Liu Yun and showed good strength, Liu Xiaoyun, the head of the Liu family, did not. It's not that Liu Yun's kind of goods are comparable.

There is no way to make up for the gap between the spiritual master and the spiritual master.

"In other words, I have destroyed the Xiao family now, and Xiao Lie is helpless?" Liu Xiaoyun stared at Xiao Yang, a hideous murderous intent gradually surged in his eyes.

For Xiao Yang, Liu Xiaoyun’s hatred in his heart can be described as monstrous. His most beloved offspring is Liu Yuan, but it is this kid who ruined Liu Yuan’s face so terribly. If there is a chance, he doesn’t mind using the most cruel The method used to torture Xiao Yang to death.

"It's true~~ Xiao Yang nodded slightly and said with a smile.

As soon as this sound came out, everyone's mind was buzzing, and they all doubted whether Xiao Yang's head was broken, and the Liu family headed by Liu Xiaoyun was going to destroy your family!

And you, it looks like you don't care.

Looking at the smile on Xiao Yang's face, the eyes of Lu Shinan and Shi Fujing were a bit strange. Of course, they wouldn't think that Xiao Yang was deliberately seeking death. He dared to say that, then it must have some trump card.

But what kind of trump card can make a seventh-order spiritual master have the courage to face the sixth-tier spiritual master.

"Call out the person behind you." Liu Xiaoyun's eyes were cold and faint.


There was a trace of surprise in Xiao Yang's eyes, Xuan even understood immediately, chuckled, and said: "Sorry, I don't have any helpers, but I want to personally learn about the methods of Patriarch Liu."

(End of this chapter)

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