Master of Beasts

Chapter 714

Chapter 714: Catwoman


A solid wooden door protruded from the rear, separating the front area from the rear area.

Those who stay in the rear are either too weak or have no background. They are not yet qualified to participate in this kind of scene.

"It's about to start." Yan Sheng smiled faintly.

A luxurious stone platform soared from the forefront, and the surrounding stone platform was covered with white spar, and the brilliance that radiated from it illuminated the platform.


A yellow halo waved endlessly on the stage, and a gray-haired old man emerged from it.

This person is surprisingly the person in charge of the Golden Sun Club, Xing Rui.

"What a strong fluctuation, this old man, at least the fifth-order spirit emperor, right?" Xiao Yang felt it roughly and said softly.

"Seventh order."

Feeling Xiao Yang's puzzled gaze, Yan Sheng smiled and shook the bracelet hidden in his sleeve robe: "This thing can detect the specific strength below the Spirit King, and it has no effect on the Spirit King."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yang sighed inwardly.

In the end, it was the lesser master of Yuanshi Guan, and even this kind of strange object.

"Hehe, old man Xing Rui, I think many friends from the Northern Territory are familiar with me. Today, the ancient hall master held a golden sun meeting, Xing Mou is here, thank you for your support." Xing Rui laughed. Reverberated in the venue, resounding in everyone's ears.

Regarding this, the people in the field also gave their hands a lot of face and smiled.

To give Xing Rui face is to give Gu Lie face, they would not fail to understand this truth.josei

"However, I, Xing, would like to remind me here."

Xing Rui narrowed his eyes slightly: "Jinyang will be strict. If someone does not have eyes and maliciously interferes with the auction order, Jinyangwei behind me is not a vegetarian."

Xing Rui's cold voice enveloped the venue, and many people's waists were straightened uncontrollably in order to show respect.

Jinyangwei, there is the Spirit King at the top, and the Lingpan at the bottom. As long as they are in this area, no one wants to provoke them.

"Now, let's auction the first item..."

A warm smile on Xing Rui's face once again eased the atmosphere in the field, and with the fall of these words, it also heralded the official start of the Golden Sun Meeting.

"Xing Rui."

In the audience, a man in purple clothes gently turned the finger on the thumb of his right hand, and smiled jokingly at the corner of his mouth: "Waiting for the back, you will lose your face, and Gu Lie, I want to see, you people, in front of you The face of many powerful people, how to step down."

"The first item, King Luo City, Day City...The ownership of the Red Embers City, each city has a reserve price of 500 yuan, now shooting!"


Xiao Yang, who was drinking tea to moisturize his throat, squirted out what was in his mouth.

It wasn't that his concentration was not enough, it was indeed the item Xing Rui had auctioned off, and it was too shocking to his three views.

Luo Wangcheng? Red Sun City?

These cities, as unowned objects, will be auctioned?


"Luo Wangcheng, Hongri City and other cities belonged to the Beidouwu gate, but three months ago, for some reason, the entire sect of Beidouwu was pushed horizontally, and these cities were also vacated."

"In order not to dispute, these hegemonic forces in the Northern Territory must have a solution. Therefore, the thousands of cities vacated will be auctioned to determine their ownership."

"As for the spirit jade obtained, it will be divided equally among the major overlords."

Sage Yan looked at Xiao Yang in amazement, and explained with a smile: "Otherwise, do you think these hegemonic powers are the accumulation of the foundation, and a large part of their income is the sacrifices paid by these cities."

"Even some small empires, behind them, there are some shadows of hegemony-level forces."

"It's just that, apart from the city lord and the monarch, ordinary people don't know anything about it."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yang gave a wry smile.

Originally thought that he had stepped into Xingyufeng for so long and had a certain understanding of the mainland, but now he realized how naive he was.

"Cold Lion City, one thousand four hundred pieces of jade!"

"Bixiao City, one thousand five hundred pieces of jade!"

"Senyue City, one thousand two hundred yuan of jade!"


The voice of Xing Rui's faint smile continued in the audience, and Xiao Yang shook the palm of his robe and shook it slightly.

Without strength, this is the result, at the mercy of the strong.

People in those cities, I'm afraid they don't even know who is in charge of their own destiny.

"Next auction item."

After the auction of the city under the gate of Beidouwu was completed, Xing Rui was obviously relieved and immediately clapped his hands. A beautiful maid pushed a silver cage and walked out slowly.

"I'm going!" Ye Shuang's eyes straightened.

In that silver cage, a weak girl shrank helplessly at the corner. On her head, there were a pair of cat ears and a fluffy tail, which was placed on the hem of her skirt, gently Trembling.

"Catwoman?" Xiao Yang couldn't help but stunned.

Such a peculiar species, which is only recorded in ancient books, actually exists?

It is said that it is a catwoman, but in fact it is just different from ordinary people. As for other characteristics, it is exactly the same as an ordinary spiritualist. It has the same spiritual door and can also conclude a spiritual covenant with a spiritual beast.

However, because their appearance is so special, it attracted many male spiritualists to hunt wildly, making the special group of cat women almost disappeared thousands of years ago.

Unexpectedly, Jinyangtang could still get it.

"Hey, these ears have a lot of feeling."

A third-order spirit emperor in the crowd showed a wretched smile on his face: "At night, if you can hold her tail, hehe...that taste must be very sour and refreshing."

"On the edge of the Northern Territory a few days ago, the catwoman who just appeared hasn't been touched yet."

Xing Rui smiled lightly: "The starting price is three thousand Lingyu!"

This value extinguished the thoughts in many people's hearts in an instant.

Three thousand spirit jade, there are too many things that can be done, even if it is used to buy a city, it will be able to recover the capital within a few years, so why waste it on this catwoman.

"Three thousand and one!"

"Three thousand three!"

Although some people give up, there are still some people who are extremely enthusiastic about this kind of thing and repeatedly sell prices.

"It's too pitiful~~ Ye Shuang sighed softly.

Shrinking in the corner of the cage, the weak catwoman, hearing the shouts in the field, showed a desperate expression on Qiao's face. She knew exactly what this meant to her.

Suddenly, her eyes met with Xiao Yang, and her misty black eyes looked extremely helpless.

"Damn it!"

Being stared at by this line of sight, Xiao Yang cursed in his heart.

He would rather go to the Spirit Sovereign to fight, than let people stare at it with such a look.

"Five thousand five!"

"Five thousand and six!"

The price was still rising, and at this moment, a stern voice caused everyone's bidding to stop for a while.

"Ten thousand."

(End of this chapter)

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