Master of Beasts

Chapter 716

Chapter 716: The last one

"Soul Devouring Arrow, after the high-level Emperor Vault-level Spirit Beast Soul Devouring Nightmare, the spirit treasure can be transformed into a dark arrow after refining, which surrounds the whole body, which is extremely convenient to use."

Xing Rui smiled faintly: "Don't look at it as a high-level emperor, but after a throne-level spirit beast is refined, after a period of tempering, or with the help of some heavenly materials, it will soon be able to use it freely."

"The starting price, twenty thousand Lingyu!"

The auction continues.

As soon as this spirit treasure came out, all the spirit emperors and spirit kings with dark attributes were enthusiastic, and in just a moment, the price of Soul Eater doubled.

"Blood Shura..." Xiao Yang murmured softly, his expression quite moved.

According to the legend, Blood Shura is a powerful profound beast standing on the top of the mainland bloodline, no matter what it is, it is almost close to perfection.

However, thousands of years ago, the Blood Asura and the True Red Dragon of the Fire Disaster were defeated in the battle for the first position of the Profound Beast and disappeared.

Even the Emperor Zhou, the hidden spiritual emperors, are unable to pursue them in every possible way.

In the end, all the strong have no choice but to give up.

"Although the profound beast will not fall, there are exceptions to everything."

Master Mo’s voice resounded in Xiao Yang’s mind again: “The calamity of the red dragon in the flames is rumored to be able to burn everything, and its destructive power is thousands or tens of thousands of times stronger than that of the sacred sun. This special flame, Even the body of the profound beast can be burned to the end."

"However, even though the Great Red Dragon of the Fire Disaster was victorious in the battle that year, it was also a terrible victory. The hard abdomen was stabbed in a blood hole by Xue Shura. After the battle, he found a place to hibernate and recuperate."

"As for the **** Shura who was burned by the disaster and fell into the abyss, when he was dying, he happened to meet Emperor Dili, and under the protection of the latter, his life was saved."

"Wait..." Xiao Yang was puzzled, "Didn't it mean that if two profound beasts meet, they will inevitably die?"

"Then how do I know that something like profound beasts is older than me, and the relationship between them is extremely complicated. If I want to be so powerful, I can know everything, how can I still be affected by inflammation..." Master Mo's voice, Gradually decrease, until finally disappear.

With a light cough to cover up his embarrassment, Master Mo spoke again.

"Later, the Blood Shura wrapped in Emperor Liuli disappeared. Only Emperor Emperor Li, who occasionally moved on the mainland, appeared in the border wilderness after being defeated by the Lei Emperor, and became his current appearance. "

After listening to Master Mo's words, Xiao Yang rubbed his temples with a headache.

This amount of information is a bit too big.

"That means, as long as I bring this little girl by my side in the future, I can find Blood Shura?" Xiao Yang asked suspiciously.

"No, Di Li Jun is a profound beast, extremely arrogant and doesn't like contact with outsiders. If you keep her by your side, maybe Di Li Jun will control her and kill you with a click." Master Mo said with a smile.

Hearing that, Xiao Yang's black line bulged on his forehead.

so what should I do now?

"Everything happens." Master Mo smiled: "Just let this little girl go. It should be yours. Sooner or later, it will be yours. When she can freely control Di Lijun, if you two can meet, go find Blood Shura, it's not too late."

Master Mo's voice gradually disappeared, and Xiao Yang secretly smiled bitterly.

After all, it is the mysterious beast ranked third on the list of mysterious beasts. If you follow Master Mo's method, the probability of finding it is almost zero.

Regardless of whether Di Lijun can be surrendered by this catwoman, even if the two meet again in the future, it is difficult to say what the scene will be.

Perhaps, by that time, this catwoman had long been the Spirit Emperor and even stronger, and he was still spinning around in Lingpan.

"However, that's the only way to go." Xiao Yang glanced at him, then secretly peeking at his catwoman behind him, helplessly secretly.

Blood Asura, a profound beast of that level, is too far away from him, there is no need to rush for a while.

His current focus is still the King of Nights.

Only by getting the last black pearl orb can it be possible to conclude a spiritual covenant with the King of Nights.

"Next auction item."

With a smile on Xing Rui, a mysterious look appeared on his face: "Have you ever heard of the King of Nights who appeared in the mainland a hundred years ago?"


Xiao Yang was refreshed.

"Slap! Slap!"

Xing Rui clapped his hands. A crystal stone platform slowly rises from the gap opened in front. On top of it, a bead with evil spirits is particularly conspicuous.

"Black Mingzhu!"

"Jin Yangtang is amazing, even this kind of thing can be obtained."

"But only by collecting four of them can we truly find the King of the Nights. I'll just wait and see for a while."

"Yes, it's just one, there is no need to bleed heavily."josei

Hearing the surrounding voices, Xing Rui not only was not disappointed, but the smile on his face was even more intense: “Everyone understands people, and naturally knows that only by gathering four black pearl beads can you find the specific location of the King of the Nights, and even if not Make a spiritual covenant."

"However, I, Jinyangtang, once got a fragment of the polar night disc. Through this fragment, plus the Black Mingzhu, it is possible to find the polar night disc!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was boiling, and everyone's face was filled with excitement.

With the Polar Night Disk, it will be a matter of time to gather together four Black Underworld Beads!

"It's awful." Xiao Yang's eyes drenched.

He has counted a thousand things, but he didn't count this point. The fragments plus the Black Mingzhu could be sold at sky-high prices.

Compared to the illusory mysterious beast of Xue Shuluo, the King of Nights was more realistic.

What's more, as one of the profound beasts, the King of All Nights, who has not fought with Blood Shura, is not necessarily weaker than the former.

"The starting price, one hundred thousand spiritual jade!"

Xing Rui's laughter spread throughout the venue.

One hundred thousand spirit jade, this is a number that is enough to make the spirit king painful, but most of you here are the overlord of one party, and the resources in their hands are far more abundant than the idle spirit king.

Under the temptation of the King of Nights, they don't mind going crazy.

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

"Eleven to five thousand!"

"One hundred twenty thousand!"

Prices are rising steadily, and the atmosphere in the venue is fiery.

Every number called out, if placed outside, is enough to shock people.

"One hundred and forty thousand!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

Later, the number of bidders gradually disappeared.

Although the King of Nights is extremely tempting and tempting, it is only possible after all, not inevitable.

Under the balance, many people have no choice but to give up.

"One hundred sixty thousand." Xiao Yang said.

"170,000." A spirit king bid again.

"180,000." Xiao Yang's expression was calm.

"This..." The Spirit King gave a wry smile.

170,000 yuan is already all the spirit jade he can use. It is impossible for him to sell his family property and damage the foundation for a possibility.

"Nineteen thousand." After a long time, a spirit king tentatively said.

Now, UU reading is the only one who can challenge Xiao Yang.

"Two hundred thousand." Xiao Yang made a desperate bet.

Except for Catwoman's 10,000, these 200,000 are all his belongings.

The sound in the field disappeared.

Two hundred thousand spirit jade is already an extremely terrifying number, and even a powerful spirit king like Qin Cang is extremely painful.

"Two hundred thousand one time!"

"Two hundred thousand twice!"

"Two hundred thousand three..."

Qin Cang's voice was just about to fall.

"Two hundred thousand... plus one more."

The joking voice from a distance caused Xiao Yang's eyes to instantly cool down.

(End of this chapter)

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