Master of Beasts

Chapter 719

Chapter 719: Health!

"Are you stupid by me before, Jiulong Ye, hahaha!" Shou Que looked at Xiao Yang, with frantic laughter echoing in the venue.

Not to mention the elixir on the silver plate, there are only five leaves, even if it is told to anyone, I don't believe it.

Because something like Nine Dragon Leaf does not exist on the mainland!

"Yo, Gu Lie, the grade of your Golden Sun Club is getting higher and higher."

The hunter sneered: "Little dolls that don't even have full hair can come in. It is conceivable that you people are at a level."

"Master Xiao, what do you mean by what you just said?" Xing Rui asked nervously.

"Master? Any cat or dog can be called a master these years? Then, should I call myself a master hunter?" Shouque laughed.

"If you think that you are also a fifth-rank alchemist and can refine poison pills, it would be fine for Tang to call you a master hunter in the future." Tang Chen stood up angrily.

He was once defeated by Xiao Yang, and insulting Xiao Yang was tantamount to insulting him.

"Tang Chen, Master Tang?" Hunter's eyes narrowed.

Tang Chen, these alchemists, do not belong to any camp in the Northern Territory. Today, when they are invited by Jinglei Ridge, they may go to the Jinyang Hall tomorrow. If they are offended, the future Jinglei Ridge will not be so easy.

As for Shou Que, when Tang Chen stood up, his face was full of fear.

"Master Tang, Inuzi didn't mean that..." Hunter hurriedly explained.

"No need to say more, the old man won't answer Dan who will startle Lei Ling from now on." Tang Chen sat down, his eyes cold.

"Master Tang, I..." Hunter was completely anxious.

"One more word, I will issue an alchemy order, so that all the alchemists I know will refuse to make alchemy for Jingleiling." Tang Chen impatiently patted the armrest of the chair.

His face was blue and white, and the hunter was almost dizzy.

What is this!

But the hunter in the back was black, he actually offended a sixth-rank alchemist?

"Asshole boy, you can tell me, when did the five dragon leaves become the Nine Dragon Leaves? I will see today, how many blind people are in this Golden Sun Club!" The hunter obviously said The anger in his heart was all spilled on Xiao Yang's body.

Nine Dragon Leaf?

Open your eyes and talk nonsense!

"Xiao Yang, why don't you avoid it first?" Gu Lie hesitated and said.

He thought that Xiao Yang shouted out the sentence just now to save them. He didn't even believe that there would really be Nine Dragon Leaf in this world.

"If you say something, or the splashed water, is it possible, this master, likes to be full of nonsense?" The hunter stared at Xiao Yang straightforwardly, with a cold tone.

"No need."

Standing up, Xiao Yang smiled and shook his head: "Senior Gu, help me prepare ten portions of Demon Ming Grass, Purple Star Vine, and Nine Immortal Snail Powder."

Many strong players who knew something about elixir in the field looked at each other.

What do you want these things for?

"Go." Gu Lie told Tongguan.

"Hall Master, these materials are of extraordinary value. For Nine Immortal Conch powder alone, you need four thousand spirit jade for one serving, and ten servings is forty thousand yuan. There are also magic grass and purple star vine, which are also extremely expensive. Our medicine library In, there is no storage at all." Tong Guan smiled bitterly.

"Buy." Gu Lie was firm.

No matter what Xiao Yang wants to do, he will give it up today.

"Yes." Tong Guan arched his hands, glanced at Xiao Yang, and immediately walked out of the Jinyang venue.


The wooden door that was separated from the second half opened with a bang, and Lan Ran and Han Qiong in the back looked at Xiao Yang, who was standing among the many powerful men, dumbfounded.

The wooden door closed, and many people in the court began to whisper.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Jinyangtang to be so rich. 150,000 Lingyu bought Wulongye before. Now it is spending a lot of money to buy some useless materials. I admire and admire it." Hunter said with a smile.

"What the **** is Xiao Yang going to do?" Ye Shuang looked surprised.

"It should be alchemy." Yan Sheng smiled.

He is not an alchemist, and he doesn't know anything about the function of these materials, let alone mixing them up.

"He...he..." Catwoman was a little anxious.josei

"Don't worry, that guy, although he looks a little bit flat, but he's pretty reliable in doing things." Ye Shuang waved his hand.

"Oh." Catwoman nodded obediently with her ears flapping.

After half an hour.

"Master Xiao, the materials are ready."

Tongguan, sweating profusely, stuffed an empty boundary stone into Xiao Yang's hand.

He used three Jinyang Guards to get all these materials, especially the Nine Immortal Conch Noodles. There were only six copies of the entire Jinyang City. The rest went to other cities.

"Trouble." Xiao Yang took the empty boundary stone and nodded in thanks.

"Master Xiao, right." Hunter chuckled, "I want to see how you can turn five dragon leaves into nine dragon leaves, or I will lend you a five dragon leaf and give you some cloud mud. Piece it together?"

Xiao Yang's expression was indifferent to this ridiculous voice, and he ignored it.


The Zijin Ding appeared in front of him, Xiao Yang shook his right hand, and a deep yellow flame rose from it, and all the materials were thrown in by him.


Shou Que's suffocated face turned purple, and after all he did not hold it back, and laughed out loud on the spot.


Is this kind of alchemy technique worthy of being called a master?

He can go to him too!

"It turns out that the so-called master is this kind of fame and honour, and Kan has seen it." Hunter sneered.

Anyone who finds a first-rank alchemist and guides Xiao Yang, he can do everything right.

"What is this going to do?" Tang Chen stared at Xiao Yang closely, for fear of missing a move.


His eyes opened abruptly, Xiao Yang shook his palm slightly, the pill fire in the cauldron disappeared instantly, and the remaining liquid medicine exudes a brilliant light like glass.

"go with!"

Holding the five dragon leaves in one hand, Xiao Yang gave a soft drink and gently pushed with his right hand. All the liquid medicine was quickly poured into the five dragon leaves, making the entire five dragon leaves crystal clear.

However, this scene only lasted less than a quarter of an hour, before it returned to normal, and the whole five dragon leaves were reduced to their original state.

"This... hasn't changed?" Tang Chen was surprised.

"Haha~~ Jinyangtang is really big, one hundred and fifty thousand spirit jade bought Wulongye before, and fifty thousand spirit jade to watch tricks later, amazing, amazing!" The hunter was taken aback first, and then mocked. Laughed.

I thought there was a big move. It turned out that it was just changing Wulongye's appearance, and the price was too high!

The complexions of other people in the field also changed.

What the **** is Xiao Yang doing?


Ignoring everything around him, Xiao Yang turned his right hand and patted Wulongye lightly.

Suddenly, the entire five dragon leaves were suspended in the air, and four green leaves suddenly grew out of everyone's shocking eyes.

Nine golden dragon shadows soared around, and the majestic dragon roar filled the entire venue!


(End of this chapter)

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