Master of Beasts

Chapter 953

Chapter 953: Settle accounts

Sun Cheng grabbed the dazzling soul spar and laughed. All the alchemists who saw this scene were furious, their teeth rattling.

Because of this kid, the lives of their dozens of alchemists fell short.

Xiao Yang's rockhorn rhinoceros was almost killed.

Later, in order to deal with the powerful Mother Soul Devourer, Xiao Yang even struggled to damage his soul power and used a soul impact to explode the soul mark on the Kongjie Stone and take out the Kongjie Stone.

Sun Cheng, dare to take the soul spar?

Where does his face come from?


Taking the Rockhorn Rhinoceros back into the Lingmen, Xiao Yang heavily spit out a **** turbidity, then raised his head, his face covered with coldness, and slowly walked towards Sun Cheng.

"You are Xiao Yang? Well done. When I go back, I will tell my father and give you some rewards. Even if you want to join Cangyan Palace, it's okay." Sun Cheng glanced at Xiao Yang and said calmly.


The snow-colored light flashed.

Sun Cheng took the arm of the soul spar and dropped it to the ground. The break was as smooth as a mirror.

Xiao Yang's sudden move shocked everyone, and immediately every alchemist's expression was extremely cheerful.

Good job!

They wanted to kill Sun a long time ago!


With his arm dropped to the ground, Sun Cheng yelled and looked at Xiao Yang with cracked eyes: "You bastard, you idiot, do you know what you are doing, do you want to die?"

"This knife is because you pushed the sixth wave when the rock horned rhinoceros was rubbing it."

Xiao Yang walked slowly, and a snow knife condensed in his right hand slightly, and immediately threw it out like a flying knife.

It was Sun Cheng's right leg that was severed this time.

"This cut is because you kicked the Rockhorn Rhinoceros."

With a flick of his wrist, Xiao Yang continued to speak indifferently.

"This knife is because you said the blood of the rock horned rhinoceros."

"This sword is to sacrifice the alchemist who died because of you."

Cut out with four knives, and Sun Cheng broke all his limbs!

Lying on the ground in horror, Sun Cheng, who had been shaved off to an adult, had a broken heart and a bloodless face. After a while, a loud cry of fear resounded across the sky.

"To shut up!"

Picking up a stone and squeezing it into Sun Cheng's mouth fiercely, Xiao Yang's indifferent voice sounded slowly in the court.

"You can still shout, but what about the spiritual masters who died because of you, can they still shout?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

This battle seemed to be a victory, but in essence, it was a complete defeat.

A soul eater mother worm killed most of the alchemists in Star Crystal City.

This loss is undoubtedly very huge.

"This thing is for you."

Picking up the soul spar, Yao Yan handed it to Xiao Yang, with a solemn voice: "You cut yourself with a stab of mental power and suffered serious injuries. I don't know if you can absorb the energy of the soul spar. If you can, naturally it would be better."

The soul spar contains the mental power of the entire soul-devouring mother worm. After the alchemist is refined, it will obtain extremely huge benefits, and the spiritual power is far beyond ordinary people.

However, this is in the case of refining.

The situation of Xiao Yang now, not to mention the alchemist, just to find an ordinary ninth-order Lingpan, it is much better than him.

"Then I will accept it." Xiao Yang picked up the soul spar and placed it in the void stone.

This casually let it go, but it caused a needle-like pain in his mind.

Upon seeing this, the alchemists were silent, and no one objected.

Although the soul spar is precious, if there is no Xiao Yang, they will lose their lives in the hands of the Soul Eater Mother Worm, besides, Xiao Yang is damaged because of this battle.

For emotion and reason, the soul spar should belong to him.

"That's mine!" Sun Cheng cried loudly.

He is also an alchemist, and the soul spar is equally great for him.



The blazing red flame, like a huge sea of ​​fire, rolled up in the sky, and under that blazing temperature, the temperature of the entire Star Crystal City rose.

"Sun Huang." Yao Yan's complexion changed slightly.

Sun Huang, the head of the Cangyan Palace, is a Tier 1 Spirit King.

Xiao Yang abolished Sun Cheng, how could he let it go.

"Cheng'er, how did you become like this!"

In the roar of anger, a man bathed in flames rushed out from the sea of ​​fire, and the pressure that burst out in an instant made some alchemists out of breath at this time.

"Father, you have to call the shots for me!"

Twisting his body like a reptile, Sun Cheng cried loudly: "It's the one in the black robe. The dirty blood of his spirit beast soiled my robe. He also snatched my soul spar. He made it clear that he looked down on Cangyan Palace!"


With a cold snort, Sun Huang's violent eyes suddenly turned to Xiao Yang. Only the pressure of spiritual power that spread out was able to crush a Tier 1 Spirit Sovereign.

"Pavilion Master Sun, don't be impulsive, speak well if you have something!" Yao Yan obviously knew Sun Huang and quickly stood in front of Xiao Yang.

"Master Yao, don't stop me, today, I have to settle accounts with this kid!" The anger in Sun Huang's heart was raging like a sea~~ how could it be so reluctant to give up.

"You want to settle the account?"

With Gu Jing Wubo in his eyes, Xiao Yang slowly said, "Since you want to settle the account, then I will do it with you!"

"In order for the Rock Horned Rhinoceros to successfully use the sixth wave of tremors, dozens of alchemists in Star Crystal City used their lives to block the attack of the Soul Eater Mother Worm, but they were forcibly interrupted by Sun Wu. How do you calculate this account?"

"The pulse was interrupted. I was seriously injured. Senior Yao was almost alive and dead. My rockhorn rhinoceros was also penetrated through the body and almost died. How do you calculate this account?"

"In the process of deploying the Three Dragon Skylight Formation, several alchemists were buried under the tentacles of the Soul Eater Mother Worm. How do you calculate this account?"

At the end of the talk, Xiao Yang's eyes sharpened.

"How do you want to count the lives of dozens of alchemists? How can you count? Do you have the courage to count?"

Sun Huang sweated on his forehead.

Those are dozens of alchemists, not ordinary spiritual masters, they will die if they die.

The alchemist's network is so broad.

If the people behind these alchemists come to the door, how can he be a Tier 1 Spirit King?

Even if Sun Cheng died dozens of times, it would be hard to make up for it!

"The Spirit King, overwhelming people with power, is very prestigious."

With a cold smile, Xiao Yang shook his right hand, a medicine pill and a goose feather, which turned into powder and fluttered, and the two soul marks quickly sank into the space.

"That's... Mogan's Spirit Calling Pill?" Yao Yan's eyes trembled.

Ling Ling Pill, the elixir of communication!

"Song Mangyan's geese!" Some alchemists who recognized the geese exclaimed, and immediately looked at Sun Huang with pity.

The two powerful spirit kings, moreover, are also well-known spirit kings in the Northern Territory.

Sun Huang, it's miserable!

With a wave of his palm, Xiao Yang's tone was cold and harsh.

"Like to settle accounts? Very good, then, we are considered thorough!"

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