Master of Beasts

Chapter 963

Chapter 963: Wolf illustration

Around the vast ancient temple, a bunch of yellow giant flowers bloomed quite fascinatingly, and the dots of light sprinkled on it, making the tender petals more delicate and beautiful.

"What a beautiful flower!"

A woman rushed to this place and couldn't help slowing down, her fingers stretched out and tapped to the soft petals: "Unexpectedly, there will be such plants around the Poison Soul Palace!"

"Don't touch it!" a man with a scar on his face reprimanded loudly: "How many times have I told you, don't be too curious about everything, you are so frizzy, and sooner or later you will have trouble!"

"Brother, it's the first time that the younger sister has come out. It is inevitable that some children have xinxing. What's more, the most dangerous poisonous flying ant, we have already broken through, even if it is dangerous, it will not appear now." The admiring youth, seeing this as a good opportunity to capture their hearts, hurriedly finished the game.

"That's right." The woman smiled triumphantly, grabbed the petals of the giant flower, and immediately uprooted it and put it in the spirit bottle for collection.

They are all disciples of Qingming Lingyuan, and they have studied the way of plants and trees.

And at this moment.


The closed stamen of the giant flower suddenly opened, swallowing the completely unresponsive woman suddenly, and only a scream was heard, and the hot blood drops rapidly gushing from the stamen.

Woman, dead!

The blood sprinkled on his face, the young man froze for a moment, and then yelled frantically. A giant yellow flower moved behind him like lightning, the stamens opened, revealing white teeth.

"Is this the Sunflower." Shen Xue's jade hand was sweaty.

The spirit beast with such a nice name is so cruel.

In an instant, the field that had just been considered harmonious had become a **** hell, a puff of blood, sprinkled on the trunk, witnessing the tragedy just now.

"Let's go."

With a little tree trunk on his toes, Xiao Yang carefully followed the scroll's instructions and jumped on a few trees, gradually widening his vision.


Seemingly unbearable, Shen Xue followed closely.

Of course she knew that in the heavens of the gods, the benevolence of women would only bring disasters, but after witnessing the tragedy with her own eyes, her chest would inevitably get a little blocked.


His eyes narrowed slightly, and the moment Xiao Yang hit the ground, the snow knife in his hand quickly formed, and then he stepped on the sole of his foot, hugged Shen Xue who had just fallen, and withdrew dozens of feet.

"Yeah, there are two more here." A young man wearing an ink shirt glanced at Xiao Yang and Shen Xue, licking the corners of his mouth, quite bloodthirsty.

"Hehe, he's very vigilant." This time, a man with a feminine expression was speaking. His hands were behind him, and his two bare arms were like bones.

Looking at a dozen people not far away, Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

These people stand in three directions.

This meaning is self-evident.

"Over there, are the people from Langyaque too?" Xiao Yang's gaze rested on the young man in the black shirt who was the first to speak, and he whispered.

The costumes of this person and the young people behind him are the same as those of Lu Qian.

"It's the wolf picture of Langyaque."

Shen Xue, who was held by Xiao Yang, seemed to be so close to the opposite **** for the first time. She moved awkwardly, and her cheeks were reddish: "If nothing else, he should be the first person in the young generation in Langfang. ."

"Sorry." After a dry cough, Shen Xue quickly let go, Xiao Yang's eyes turned to the other two people immediately.

The leaders of these two forces are also Tier 2 Lingpan.

However, these two people are different from the few half-hearted people they have encountered before, and their auras are extraordinarily strong, and they must have stayed for a long time at this stage.

Such people are not so easy to deal with.

"Bone Refining, I heard that your Poison Bone Sect was separated from the Poison Soul Palace, why, this is planning to return to the roots of the fallen leaves?" The young man with the most handsome face sneered and spoke, his tone full of gunpowder.

"Hey, our Poison Bone Sect is here to find the roots. As for things like dying here, it's up to your Qingming Lingyuan to do it." Lian Gu choked back and said with a sharp smile.

Qingming Lingyuan?

Xiao Yang's eyes moved slightly.

The mark on the handsome young man's chest was the same as the few people buried in the Sunflower just now, so these people should all come from the Qingming Lingyuan where they had friendship with Shisanfeng.

"It's a pity." Xiao Yang sighed in his heart.

Knowing this, he just shot and saved those people.

However, even if they were rescued, it would be of no avail. With the strength of those people, it would be difficult to walk through the forest alive.

"Team four." Lian Gu licked the corner of his mouth: "So many people grab the chance, I'm afraid it's not enough to eat. Why, let's clean up the weakest ones first, how about?"

As Liangu spoke, his gloomy gaze turned to the two of Xiao Yang.

A ninth-order coffin.

A first-order spiritual emperor

This kind of lineup, if there is no guide from the scroll, I am afraid that even the poisonous flying ant can't get through it.

"Not very good." The young man in the Youth Spirit Institute smiled, and immediately looked at Xiao Yang, and said with soul transmission: "Friend, my name is Yang Ye, if you don't mind, we'd better join hands, Langfangque and Poison The Bone Sect has always been stubborn, and they will definitely find a way to destroy us."

"Alright." Xiao Yang nodded silently.

It would be better to have a helper.

"It seems that you have reached a consensus." Langtu smiled, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.


The ice wings of the Yubing Butterfly stretched over Xiao Yang's head, and a thin limb tempered with venom was spotted fiercely on it, ripples spreading around it.

It was a huge tarantula, dark green all over, and the poisonous gas entwined on its body, like venom, seemed to drip down at any time.

The venomous tarantula, the second-order intermediate nirvana, has poison attributes.

It is estimated that this fierce tarantula could kill Wu Jiang's heavy armored Earthshaker with just one blow.


The single blow failed, and the fierce tarantula silk stretched and hung down beside the wolf map.

"Interesting." A light of excitement flashed in Wolftu's eyes.

What he likes most to do ~~ is to inject the poison of the venomous tarantula into the body of the young strong man, watching them gradually die to satisfy his perverted desire.

"There is something more interesting, do you want to try it?" Xiao Yang's eyes were filled with coldness.

If it weren't for his quick reaction, the limbs of the venomous tarantula could take him and Shen Xue through a blood hole.

"Two, don't breathe."

Yang Ye's eyelids twitched, and he said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and kill the Green Vine Dryad and get the token to enter the Poison Soul Palace. After a delay, we have the advantage of the scroll, but it is gone.

"Okay." Langtu was still looking at Xiao Yang, and said with a smile: "Boy, I feel the special poisonous gas of Langyaque on you, that fellow Lu Qian should have died in your hands, you I will accept it."

Looking at the wolf picture calmly, the corner of Xiao Yang's mouth lifted.

"I am waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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