Master Of Erossu Book

Chapter 148 - The Queen Fallen So Deep She Fell Into Another World.

Chapter 148 - The Queen Fallen So Deep She Fell Into Another World.

"Why did patriach leave just like that? It was a bit strange..."

Gu Zexi spoke softly while clinging to Xia Feng. The violet qi running around them was slowly being absorbed while the erossu cultivator was thinking about this as well. Considering his connections here, the only one who could move patriach himself was the chef who is very important right now!

All because of the meeting of chefs! Cooking cultivators from various provinces and sects are going to compete and show their dishes to the Royal Blue Kingdom! 

This cultivation is indeed important and it could be said that Xia Feng was blessed by destiny to have this lady for himself! He chuckled, then turned to the lady who was looking at him with the indescribable emotions.

From giving her the pleasure and love to accepting her family. Then, fucking up the enemy! 


Gu Zexi was overwhelmed by emotions and lovelingly clung to the erossu cultivator!

"What is it? Do you want to cuddle in our erossu way?"

"Mmmm~~ I do~~"

Xia Feng himself fell too deeply for this black haired lady. Her honest and perverted attitude suited him and his path! He also remembers how boldy she told the other heads to send their daughters! However, by looking into her eyes alone, Xia Feng could feel the indescribable love that he had never felt in his life.

Whether this or past one.

"Ahhn~~ Not even waiting a second? So eager for qi~~?"

As the 'Erossu Harvest' ability was going on, Xia Feng's absorption was rather low in terms of speed. The street was still filled with this violet qi and from the looks of it, he would end his absorption at the same time Kong Family would end up cleaning the street!

So it was rather weak indeed!

But as his claws reached out to hold Gu Zexi's perky bottom, the erossu harvest exploded! The speed went relatively up, so both Xia Feng and Gu Zexi knew that they would end the process quickly if they done the deed right now.

"Doing it outside while others might catch us up... Ahhh~~ There are also those shitty elders moving around. I want to do it, my king!"

The moment the lady exposed her true thoughts, she laughed out brightly, then jumped to coil her legs around Xia Feng's waist. Her arms naturally went to coil around Xia Feng's neck as well and the laddy was indeed cuddling in erossu way as her tongue invaded the erossu cultivator.

"Mhmmn~~ Fondle my ass tighter. I don't mind you tearing up this dress. Also, let's do it fastly, okay? I want to see father later."

"You might have problems with moving though. Haha~~"

"He will understand~~"

As the queen wished, Xia Feng's claws tightened, sinking into her soft flesh. He obviously had intentions to tear apart her dress and would do it even without her approval. Still, it was much more stimulating to have Gu Zexi say it out loud while flushing deeply.

The intoxinated eyes were also the pleasure to look at. Those black jewels were sucking him in as she stared at him deeply in between her invades to the erossu mouth!

Sucking on those soft lips, the violet erossu qi speed became faster! The speed was raising up just like their tongue pressing against each other! The exchange of saliva was naturally good trigger! But Xia Feng wants more, he naturally wants more after falling deeper for the queen of public bath.

Of course, she is no longer the queen of public bath in his mind, but the queen only.

"MmhnnN~~ I am already so fucking wet! Itching for you like never before! Feng, drop me down on your big rod!"

"I am also fucking hard it hurts me. Let me use your juicy garden to heal this greedy little brother of my!"


The rod was so eager for Gu Zexi that it popped out from the cave by itself! The weapon of erossu, thick and hard was already softly pressing against juicy garden through her wet panties. Xia Feng and Gu Zexi also could feel some stares from other elders as they were cleaning the roof.josei

Those elders were simply elders and never in their life they had such beauty like Gu Zexi. The jealousy was on point right here!

Of course, Xia Feng would never let others look at the lovely body of his women and in this case, it wasn't hard to cover their bodies.

All because the moment his weapon pressed against her thin entrance to juicy insides, the violet qi from erossu harvest exploded with desire coiling around them like some cocoon. It was also soldified which just shown the potential of erossu and his control over qi.

The cocoon was soft like the lady's body. Indeed the erossu! 

"Ahh! Yes, finally! Mmm! I love you, Feng! Keep pumping me for eternity!"

"Oh, I fucking love you too, my queen. I want you to be with me forever!"

Laying on this soft cocoon, Xia Feng easily became the invader, going through the pink steamy walls with his drill. Her tight garden was coiling around him in the loveable way and Xia Feng himself was pumping her love spots showing the exact same feelings.

She whimped and shouted the affectione whispers, not caring about the outsiders who were hearing her. The wild queen herself moved her waist, adding another pressure to Xia Feng as she invited him deeper and deeper.

"AhnNN! Ahhh, I am so lucky! The best! Ahh! It's the best... I am already coming!"

"Come and come. I am ready to accept your everything, Zexi!"

Elicting the beautiful moans with each thrust, Xia Feng enjoyed this charming undulations as their bodies smashed into each other. The erossu qi could hide them indeed, but the sounds were as if increased by this very qi.

The loud meaty smashes and the lovely moans of Gu Zexi due to Xia Feng's breaking her insides were so intensive that everyone who was around them thought that they are doing this wrong. How could someone sound so damn sexy right now?

Xia Feng himself had the same question. The emotions indeed play huge role! He licked his lips with sneer that sent another wave of pleasure throughout Gu Zexi's body, then leaned down to catch her pink pearls!


His tongue flapped and bit those red pearls, changing from time to time. Her sweet scent and sweat got licked throughly by the erossu tongue as he trailed his tip around her areola! 

At this moment, Xia Feng was thoroughly connected to Gu Zexi by both body and mind. After all, she caught his head and pressed hard against her chest that was growig up nicely from all the care. Gu Zexi ruffled his hair roughly while feeling this erossu tongue biting her.

Her eyes were already rolled with the pleasure as she felt her yet another tide incoming with big steps. Clenching Xia Feng hard, the lady twitched and convulsed as another portion of love juices gushed out from her lovely place.

But! As Xia Feng was thorouhgly connected to her, his desire and love towards Gu Zexi was answered with rather... pleasant surprise. The Erossu Book inside his dantian trembled and the world of Xia Feng sent the invitation for her.

Right now, the black haired lady could enter his dantian just like ladies from erossu book! The world of Xia Feng was growing up nicely thanks to his two ladies, but also because his advancement.

In the middle of this very world, the violet walls appeared. Those were made from pure qi and had yet to be soldified thoroughly.

"Ah! Ah! Ahnn! Ahah! I am coming! AhH! Again! Mmm!"

"Me too, fuck! Ohhhh!"

Explosion gentlemen.

Anyway, coming back to the violet walls. Those were representing Xia Feng's body cultivation. He had three of those walls meaning his body cultivation was indeed in life creation realm! Furthermore, the soldifying was getting better with each explosion and who knows, he might breakthrough soon with Gu Zexi jumping on him lovelingly.

"Fuck me harder! Yes!"

"Oh baby, I feel breakthrough actually. Let's see if we can reach the late stage!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Hell is for later. Haha!"

"Mmhn!N AAhhh!"

The violet walls were in shape of circle! They were gates to the kingdom of Xia Feng's world. The body cultivation is like kingdom buidling while cultivation overall is the world building! The gates were also far from each other as there was a lot of room for new things in this kingdom.

But most importantly, in the middle of this kingdom, there was soul slowly forming. It was Xia Feng's soul. The first step to go into Soul Creation Realm! Once the ruler of this world appears, the qi can get soul.

Something akin to the Kong Lintan's arm beasts.

Explosion by the way.


The explosion was huge as the erossu qi around them was close to disappearing. The cocoon was losing color slowly, so the qi was thorouhgly absorbed by the erossu cultivator. One could already see the beautiful connection... 

Of course, there was no one on the roof as they began cleaning the street. However, the elders were still close as if trying to learn something. Nevertheless, Xia Feng suddenly got huge shock as Gu Zexi disappeared from his body.

His little brother went limp indeed, but that's not the case for this disappearance!

She clearly went to his dantian, to his world for beauties!

"No way! No way! I haven't thought about those chains at all!"

He roared instantly as chaining ladies is something Xia Feng never would do deliberately. After he changed his clothes fast, the erossu cultivator ran away to his newly bought territory as no one is going to distrub him here.

The elders who saw him alone were stupefied. For a while, they believed that Xia Feng left Gu Zexi alone in the roof.

From all those moans and body smashing, the curiosity was simply impossible to hold and they went up to the roof immediately! But nothing was here, except the broken tiles from the battle and erossu qi rampage!

"That lass is sure strong. She ran way quickly even after such treatment."

"Yeah, I wonder why she was hiding her strength like that. Was it because of this young man?"



Xia Feng quickly entered one of the broken houses.

He was naturally exhausted and sweaty, but all of this didn't matter at all. He sat down on the dirty floor and entered his dantian. 

Inside, he could feel resonating soul that was slowly building up from the qi. It was good improvement and if not the incident with Gu Zexi, then he naturally would be happy as it means he is reaching the soul creation realm with big steps indeed.

Not caring about the soul, Xia Feng looked around and ignoring the violet walls that he already saw before, the erossu cultivator quickly found one lady with ripped dress and two naked ladies who were definitely not human looking at each other.

"My King is indeed erossu. He also has beauties in his dantian. Oh my god!"


"Hey, I am Gu Zexi! Call me Zexi, okay?"



The other non human ladies answered her bright attitude with slight smiles. Ahrisha herself had already known the fact that humans from this 'southern province' don't treat other races equally, so she naturally told it for Scarlet some time ago.

Even though she might not like Scarlet due to the differences in their qi, as the ladies with similar fates, Ahrisha was all ready to protect her and rebuke Gu Zexi even though she is Xia Feng's woman!

Cute! The small lady stood up proudly while Scarlet was lightly behind her! Both of them were showing their beautiful looks and bodies that were curveous and enticing indeed.

The erossu ladies were honed with this very qi for years. Their beauty stands out for sure!

"It's actually the first time seeing other races human forms. But I have more important question. If I keep fingering myself with erossu nectar, my skin will also get this nice luster?"

"Of course. Xia Feng's erossu touch also has good effect on one's skin. You see, we have him everyday before sleeping, unlike you, that is."

Ahrisha sneered and threw her hair back while doing so. The small lady was first lady of Xia Feng from the book and the pride coming from it was rather huge. She had good share of him and even small adventure that sent her into brink of ecstasy.

Taking the initiative to show her position, the lady also pointed at her lake and said charmingly.

"And it's also our place here."

"Oh, Is that water already half in your juices?"


Gu Zexi asked honestly which knocked Ahrisha for a loop. Her lips trembled as she tried to respond to this, but before she could say anything, the queen put her finger on her lips and titled her head adorably.

"I can feel the unique qi of my king! You are so strong, I guess I don't have to worry about my Feng anymore. Mhnn~~ I wonder if he can do you and me simultaneously though. You know, outside and inside the dantian!"

"He can't!"

This time, Scarlet chimed in! It was her idea and she liked the fact that someone who had the same one arrived here. Gu Zexi also had Xia Feng's smell all over her, but she deliberately was stopping herself for coming closer due to her unknown identity.

But as this question rang out, Scarlet lost all her cautiones and approached Gu Zexi! The queen herself looked at the hot body of little pony, her eyes stopping at the tail. Since it was first time for her to look at other race, her interests piqued and she reached out for the tail.


"I can feel it, right? Pretty please~~"

"You can. I also want to feel Xia Feng's sweat on you."

"Hmm, feel free to do so then."

As the two ladies spoke, they literally hugged each other. Gu Zexi let out her hands slid across Scarlet meaty ass while playing around with her tail. The fluffy tail was indeed pleasant and as she pulled lightly, the little pony let out pleasant moan.


"That's kinda funny. My king must play with it regularly."

"Yes! I like it very much!"

Scarlet understood her feelings already thanks to Xia Feng himself. Not knowing that he is here, the lady said her thoughts, then burried her head in Gu Zexi's shoulder to feel the erossu fragrance. It seems that the ladies from erossu are easy to get with gentleness, but one must consider their sad pasts.

And Xia Feng's sad past as well! Due to it, he naturally treats all the fluffy ladies the way they deserve!

Erossu! Fluffy gentleman!

"Hey, why are you wearing this ripped dress? We are all naked here."

"Ah, my bad! Mhmm~~"


Three are all naked right now!

And strangely enough, XIa Feng decided to approach the ladies while they all were naked. He had quite worried looks, but his eyes skimmed throughout Gu Zexi's body to see whether she has chains!

Of course, Gu Zexi herself ignored all those chains. At first, she truly had thought that Xia Feng had caught some ladies for himself with his erossu techniques, but knowing him and his disposition, she found it stupid.

If he was truly catching ladies, then there should be more! And for example, Miss Xishe also should've been caught up! If he truly was catching up that is. 

Since he invited her here, he was already set on showing her this ability, so Miss Xishe naturally should be here. But Xia Feng ain't like that. The queen understood that and her attitude became too friendly!

"My King, I enjoy this fluffy tail, please wait a while."

"Ahn! Don't be so hard..."

"It's fine... As long as Scarlet allows you..."

Xia Feng himself was still surprised by this. Was the reason for Gu Zexi to appear here because of the thumping feelings he felt while looking at her? As he thought about it, Ahrisha took the initiative to slip into his embrace.

The small lady jumping naked was pleasure in itself.

"What is going on? She has no chains~~"

And Xia Feng naturally grabbed her voluptuous bottom to hold her. So Ahrisha was already happy and spoke brightly. Her question was pure curiosity, but as Xia Feng spoke about his thoughts, he also could notice a tinge of jealousy in Ahrisha's eyes.

"Why so jealous? Everyone needs their own time."

"Mmm. I know, stupid."

"Since the queen plays with Scarlet, it's my responsibility to take care of you."

In his soul form, Xia Feng's exhaustion was cleaned immediately upon his arrival. Holding the soft mounds of water spirit, Xia Feng allowed his fingers to sunk deeper, so deep the the red trails are going pop out after he takes off his hands.

And those red trails are going to stay for a while for sure.


Sealing the lips of Ahrisha who was moaning crazily, Xia Feng slowly caressed her pink hole with his finger as he slid it down through her soft valley. The pink hole was already thoroughly treated from all their close time and Ahrisha was truly sensitive here.

Her pink hole twitched lovelingly and took his finger in. He scratched her insides for a while while inducing the water spirit to bounce on his chest!

"Ahh! You are much stronger right now, it feels much better. Or?"

"Both, my lady. It's both."

Xia Feng laughed as he knew her thoughts, then his hands nimbly turned her around while keeping her close to his chest. As Ahrisha laid herself on his chest with her back, she moaned softly and prepared for the hell uprising.

The rod was already standing hard and peeking eyes of the queen and little pony were indeed working nicely. They put the magic on Xia Feng's weapon and he drilled the insides of Ahrisha through her second garden in one go!

"Ahhhhhhhh! In one fucking move! Ahhh!"

Pounding from below, Ahrisha felt her body flying instead of descending to the hell. Sliding across his chest the lady's toes and fingers stretched out in the utmost pleasure as her screams actually stopped the queen from playing with the tail.



"Let's join them."

The queen spoke quickly, then gracefuly approached the erossu cultivator. Her perverted mind told her to do one thing and that was to take care of the jewels of erossu! She also waved to Scarlet as there are two of those, so...

"I see... Let's make her body overfilled with white seed. We are going to be big and happy family, hahaha~~"


Oh, for sure! The ladies puckered their lips and pressed those red soft textures onto Xia Feng's gems. Upon feeling those, Xia Feng contracted and he shot the huge load into his water spirit. Yet those ladies were simply unstoppable right now. 

As if imitating the tongue of Xia Feng from earlier, Gu Zexi rolled and licked the gem while turning her eyes to Scarlet as though sending a challenge. The little ponny answered brightly, her fluffy tail and hair fluttering as she rolled her head around the gem, going for the every angle.

"SHIT! I am fucking... Oh goddddd. Uhhhhhhh!"

The explosions kept going for a while as he pumped his already nested white seed deeper into Ahrisha's second garden!


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