Master Of Erossu Book

Chapter 312 - The Erossu Grows In Strength As The Situation Gets Wilder!

Chapter 312 - The Erossu Grows In Strength As The Situation Gets Wilder!

"This place seems much more lovely lately."

Xia Feng was within his dantian after hard work. While his body was resting, he went to the 'water park' where his erossu water ladies worked hard! The place was looking much better as the ladies began soldifying up the water to form up a buildings...

They decided to go all water route!

"Welcome, Master."

The erossu lady brightly answered as she bowed slightly. Everyone's mood was heavenly, completely opposite to the one they had with other masters. It was as if there was truly a heaven within the erossu's dantian!

"Welcome, beauty."

Xia Feng gently raised the lady's chin, then sealing up her lips, the erossu made sure that the lady feels the heaven non stop! His tongue ravaged her little mouth as he hugged her gently. The body might be resting, but the erossu always finds a way for his erossu ladies.josei

Now, with the lady hugging his arm, Xia Feng went around the water park.

The erossu ladies were rather close to each other, so Xia Feng got greeted by the rest of them at once.

Ame was naturally here. Though pregnant, she was spending her time with everyone and living like usual... It meant that she is still the supportive lady she is! As her eyes spotted Xia Feng, she greeted him differently!

"Hi... Feng..."

It was quite embarrassing even now! However, as the lady who is going to give a birth for his child, Xia Feng couldn't let Ame call him master anymore. Right now, it was the fluffiness over nine thousnad as they both looked at each other.

"How do you feel?"

"Fine... I also have Vami helping me."

Naturally, the archangel is here. She was flapping her wings near Ame as her angelic eyes melted upon looking at the two. She was happy for Xia Feng and so he was. Because thanks to the pregnancy, the two spirit creations were ignoring each other!

It was mostly Vami because of her job though.

"I would like the beauty to go out with me for a small stroll."

"With the pleasure."

Just like that, Xia Feng and Ame spend time alone. They went around the dantian that had a lot of room for the development. And within the Xia Feng's 'kingdom', Ame noticed the two powerful qi of divine!

However, to her surprise, the white qi had a well crafted bench which a lot of white flowers around. It was a place where Xia Feng gently sat down with her. As mother of his child, Xia Feng must show a lot of attention not only to Ame, but also the little baby!

Furthermore, the fact that Lilimoon couldn't experience it hurted Xia Feng prompting him to spend more time with Ame. Of course, he himself also hoped to do it. It said that it gives a better future for the little baby!

Soon enough, the duo engaged in the soft kissing surrounded by the white flowers.


The time within The Black Mist Kingdom was too fun.

The 'virgin turmoil' has been going on even after few weeks, so Xia Feng could spend a lot of time with the virgin ladies that were seeking the guidance. At some point, Xia Feng was also getting the ladies whose cultivations were high.

It was because they focused their whole lives on the cultivation! The qi did its best to nourish their bodies and dantian, but in the end, they weren't the body cultivators, so their beauty was kinda limited.

Even so, Xia Feng was enjoying the virgins that were all grown up and ready to him from different environments.

His qi was growing up! The both types of qi!

It has to be said, but because of the Eros appearance, Xia Feng can be called two cultivators in one! His white qi and black qi are one, but each has its own cultivation! And when he uses the water techniques from the ladies, Xia Feng is forced to use one of this as his erossu qi is deeply related to these angelic and fallen powers.

"Master, master... Ah, it's so good... Mmmm! Master..."

The cute and shy ladies were naturally raising up his angelic qi.

He gently held them, his hands no claws, but the supporting hands of the erossu master! Feeling the immense hot and good support, every lady cutely supported herself on his body as he broke through their cute gardens.

It was overall, the beautifl and adorable sight.





"Asshole in the hole, ahahaha!"

And the ladies whose sexual desires awakened to be quite lewd aroused his fallen side as he broke them in two and sometimes three ways. The erossu smashed them hard as he swung his crotch at their meaty bottoms!

Mostly the older ladies who had to feel the weapon yet ended up as such.

Their overly loud screams were satisfying his cold qi and even as this very qi landed on their bodies, the ladies moaned like sluts accepting this punishment... Of course, the erossu always broke up the coldness as he slid his hot weapon across their slutty bodies.

In their cases, his rod was pretty much everywhere as he rained hard on them.

Overall, Xia Feng raised his powers so high he was already at the mid stage of the spirit creation realm! He felt so much qi that it wouldn't take a lot to go even further. Everyday, he was experiencing the new pussies, so he was indeed enjoying this.

His cultivation as well.

As the erossu rose in power, he suddenly got the letter from the king! It was very serious topic, but the king himself felt embarrassed to speak about it openly! Because no matter how he put his thoughts into the words, his real intentions would get exposed.

So he just went with it and wrote a letter.

"Oh, I see, haha~~"

Just like Loyas thought, Xia Feng realized his goals instantly.

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