Master of Lust

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: System, the cupid


Chapter 10: System, the cupid

Chapter - 10

[1. Ask Amanda to accompany you to his room. (Temptation +10)

2. Hey, want to have coffee with me? (Temptation +5)

3. I guess you need some alone time. (Temptation -5)]

It was the very second choice Rick got from the system.For the first one, he already teased Amanda. and he saw the results as well.

So... Should he trust the system? Or not? Rick didn't think about it much. He no longer believed that it was a prank. He had already seen it do winders just a few minutes back in his room.

Without dilly-dallying, he decided to go with the first option. Rick cleared his throat and still looking into Amanda's eyes, he decided to go with the flow.

"Hey, do you want to come to my room?" Rick suggested, "I am kind off tired standing here. We can have a chat over a cup of coffee."

"Ehh?" Amanda looked a bit surprised by the sudden invite from Rick. Her body went stiff for a while.

Rick could feel the tremble in Amanda's body, "I am just saying... You know, you can pour your heart out, and I am ready to listen," Rick asked, trying to sound casual despite the hint of nervousness in his voice.

Amanda hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting around as if contemplating the idea. "I don't know, Rick. I mean, I don't want to intrude or anything," she replied, her uncertainty evident, You are already hurt... I don't want to burden you."

"You wouldn't be intruding at all. I'd love to have some company, and you're welcome anytime," Rick smiled warmly, "Moreover, I am bored with no one to talk to."

She glanced at him, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Alright, sure. Coffee sounds nice."

'Yes,' Rick cheered in his mind and looking at Amanda, opened the system. Since Amanda has agreed to both accompanying to his room and the midnight coffee date,Rick wanted to know if he will get rewarded for fulfilling both the choices or not.


Name: Amanda Miller

Age: 26 years

Carnal Calibrator: 30/100

Romance Radar: 00/10


'Ahh...' Rick looked at the information in front of him, and was a bit disappointed. Looks like despite clearing both the choices, Rick could only get rewarded for one. That was a bummer. Being the master, shouldn't the system let him bypass a few things?

But the good thing is that the system awarded him of the choice with bigger reward. Carnal Calibrator increased by ten points and not five. At least the system was not a complete asshole.

While Rick was busy staring into nothingness, Amanda held Rick by his arm, "Let me help you," Amanda offered.

And as soon as she did, another prompt appeared in Rick's mind


1. Put your hand over her shoulder (Temptation +15)

2. Tell her you can manage on your own (Temptation -5)


Rick's eye shined as he looked at the prompt. The system was such a great tease. It was giving Rick ideas that Rick would never think of on his own.

Rick smiled, he pulled out his arm from Amanda's grip and placed them over her shoulder, "This is much better. It's hard to move with these crutches. You don't mind, do you?"

"No... It's alright," Amanda, on the other hand, smiled and did not think much about it. She had done it so many times for the patients. Instead, she put her hand around his waist to give him further support.

Rick felt relieved. He was a head taller than Amanda... When he looked down, he could see the crack between her breasts. He had an urge to drop his hand down by accident and touch Amanda's breasts. But the virgin him was actually afraid to do so.

Luckily for him, the system did not throw any weird choice at him as well.


"So? Are you okay now? Do you want to continue where we left? It's not a bad thing to let it all out," Rick said, as he took the coffee cup from Amanda.

Amanda hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share her feelings with him. "Well, it's just that... the guy you saw earlier, he's my boyfriend," she finally admitted, her voice tinged with sadness.

Rick raised an eyebrow, "So, was it official, or you guys were just figuring things out? I'm sorry if I intruding."

Amanda shook her head, a faint smile appearing on her lips. "No, it's fine. Since I am ready to talk, let me open the Pandora's box," Amanda almost giggled. But Rick could see the sadness in that laugh. It was not wholehearted, like the one he saw in the corridor.

"But to be honest, it's not something I have told anyone. No one knows about us," Amanda said with dejection, "Maybe that is why my colleague..." Amanda paused when she thought about the other nurse.

"Well, you can talk to me if you want. I'm a pretty good listener," Rick replied, hoping to put her at ease, "More so, when a pretty lady like you is involved," Rick smiled.

Amanda, when heard Rick did not say anything. She just smiled. She thought Rick was saying it all to make her feel better.

She then took a deep breath, her words coming out more formally now. "Thank you, Rick. It's just that I saw him with my colleague, and they looked so happy together, and I couldn't help but feel hurt and jealous."

Rick nodded understandingly. "That must've been tough. But you know, it's normal to feel that way sometimes. Relationships can be complicated."

Amanda sighed. "Yes, you're right. I just wish I could stop feeling this way. I feel betrayed... Like I should... But... But...

"I also can't just stop loving him. I am looking for excuses... He did this maybe because..."

Rick placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's okay to feel conflicted. Take your time to process everything."

Amanda looked up at him, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you for being so understanding. I just needed someone to talk to." Amanda said, placing her own hand over Rick's.

Ding! And the pale blue skin appeared in front of him again.


1. Tell Amanda she can always count on me (Temptation +15)

2. Squeeze her shoulder gently (Temptation +5)

3. Pull your hand (Temptation -5)


"Amanda..." Without thinking much, Rick was about to go with the first option, but just as he called put her name, Amanda looked at him. It maybe just a coincidence. She was maybe about to say something. But when she looked at him with those misty eyes, the rest of the words got stuck in his throat.

To be frank, Rick was just looking to get rid of his virginity with the help of the system. But to take advantage of someone when they are low, suddenly it did not feel right.

On one hand, if he followed the system, he was pretty sure he could get laid. There was no doubt it in Rick's mind.

But on the other hand, there was a part of Rick that hesitated. Accepting this prompt would mean committing to being there for Amanda, not just in this moment, but in the future as well. It would mean taking on the responsibility of being her emotional support. He was afraid that it might turn into a similar situation like he has with Emily.

'But it would be nice if we could develop something more,' Rick thought. With Emily he was pretty sure nothing could happen. But with Amanda, there was a chance. And if there was a chance, why not take it? Rick finally decided.

"Amanda... You can always count on me," Rick said, gently squeezing her shoulder.

And maybe it was the intense look in his eyes, or the sudden proclamation by Rick, Amanda's face turned red. She could feel her ears turn hot suddenly. She wanted to look away, but his eyes attracted him towards him. Maybe this what she wanted to hear all along. Someone who would want to stay with her. Someone she could count on. But the man she hoped would say it to her was no longer in the picture.



1. Tell Amanda she has a nice ass ( Temptation +25).

2. Look away and say sorry (Temptation -20)

3. Walk away (Temptation -50)


'Are you kidding me? We are starting to build something nice here,' Rick almost freaked out when he read the choices. What was wrong with the system. Just now we were trying to build and emotional connect. And a second later, you are back to your pervert self. And what's with the other two choices? Why would I even choose them?

His eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh. Truth to be told, he was thinking of apologizing to Amanda. Good thing the system popped up at the right time. Still, it was no excuse for the system to try and make him look like a pervert.

"Oh, man, this Lust system is really something else," he muttered to himself, feeling a mix of amusement and hesitation.

"Hmm, decisions, decisions," he thought, scratching his head. "Do I risk it and go for the points, or do I play it safe and avoid the potential awkwardness?"

After a moment of contemplation, Rick decided to trust the system again. If things go south, from the next time, he would just do what he feels like.

Just then, Amanda stood up and decided to leave. She had finally got her emotions in check. Rick might just have said those words to support her. She didn't want to take them out of context and get her hopes high.

"Oh, by the way, Amanda, I just wanted to say... um... You have a really nice ass," Rick blurted out awkwardly, immediately regretting his words.

Amanda looked taken aback, her cheeks turning a shade of pink, 'What is he saying? Why would he say it like that? Che... Pervert...' Though she said that, there was clearly a smile on her face. And she wouldn't know how to explain that.

"Um, thanks, I guess?" Amanda replied, clearly unsure how to respond.

"No, no, I mean, that's not what I meant to say!" Rick stammered, feeling the heat rise to his face. "It's just... this stupid system! Shit the system," Rick murmured to himself.

Amanda looked at him quizzically. "Huh? System? What are you talking about?"

"Are you alright?" Amanda bent in front of him and placed her hand on his forehead, "You don't seem to have a fever.



Quest: Kiss Amanda,

Time Duration: 5 Minutes.

Rewards: +15 Temptation, Ero points: 1000, EXP: 500



Name: Amanda Miller

Age: 26 years

Carnal Calibrator: 85/100

Romance Radar: 00/10


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