Master of Lust

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Don’t tell me...

Chapter 16: Don't tell me...

Chapter - 16

"Um, Rick?" Amanda looked at Rick, avoiding eye contact. She was struggling with her bra, "I can't seem to hook my bra back on."

Rick's eyes twinkled with mischief when he heard Amanda. He pretended to ponder the situation. "Hmm, looks like you're stuck. Whatever shall we do?"

Amanda glared at him, but there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Oh, you're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Well... Maybe just a little," Rick admitted, and his lips curled into a playful smile.

"Alright, enough teasing. Help me out here," Amanda said, turning her back to him.

Rick reached for the bra clasp, his fingers working deftly to hook it back in place. "There you go, all done. It was so easy," he said, giving her a pat on the back.

"Thanks," Amanda mumbled, there was still some lingering embarrassment in her eyes.

"You're welcome," Rick replied, his arms wrapping around her waist. "And you know what? You're amazing, Amanda. So you don't have to be embarrassed around me. That guy was an idiot to leave you for that hoe."

She looked up at him, her eyes softening. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely. If she can go after her friend's man. What is stopping her from ditching him for some other dude?" Rick said, sincerity evident in his voice, "I can guarantee that in no less than a week she will be banging some rich dude. Just be yourself and enjoy the journey. You don't need to worry. And with these melons... Ohh... ho... ho... You definitely don't need to," Rick said and gently pinched her boobs.

"Rick Stop!!!" Flustered, Amanda tried to stop Rick.

"Fine... I won't tease you anymore," Rick pulled back his hand and stood up.

"Better," Amanda huffed and stood up as well. Soon both of them were all dressed.

"Let's go," Amanda told Rick. But Rick did not follow Amanda. Instead, it looked liked he wanted to say something.

Rick looked at Amanda with a hopeful expression, "So, do you think I could leave the hospital now?" Rick asked.

"What?" Amanda raised an eyebrow, and looked angry. "So... All that lovey-dovey stuff we just did, was it just because you wanted to get discharged?"

Rick feigned innocence, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who, me? Of course not! I mean, sure, getting out of here would be a bonus, but that's not why we did that reason." Rick threw his arms and defended himself, "Look at those melons... Do you think I need any other reason?"

Amanda blushed when she listened to Rick, 'How can he just say that with a straight face?' Then she looked down at her breasts and pondered, 'Are they really that big?'

But she quickly shook her head and flushed away those thoughts. She tried to cover the shame on her face and tried to look serious, "Oh really? So you are saying there is no other reason?"

Rick pretended to ponder for a moment before answering with a sly grin, "Can we not discuss why my snake went into your cave? Look, I have never really liked hospitals. I don't enjoy being to one. And since you have already given me a thorough check up, don't you think I am all set to leave?"

"What snake? What cave? Do you have to be so perverted," Amanda rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the blush on her face. "Che.. Smooth talker, huh?"

"You know I am right," Rick replied, winking at her.

"Whatever," Amanda's playful demeanor softened, and she looked at him with genuine affection, "In all seriousness though, Rick, personally, I would like you to keep under observations for a couple of days more. But since you are insisting so much, I'll talk to Rachel, the doctor treating you, and see what she has to say about it. Is that okay?"

Rick's eyes lit up with excitement, "Really? You would do that for me?"

Amanda chuckled. "Of course, silly. But no promises huh... Whatever she says goes."

"I know... I know... You're the best," Rick said, pulling her into a quick hug.

Amanda playfully pushed him away. "Alright, alright, no need to get all mushy on me. Someone might see us and I will get in trouble."

"Mushy?" Rick looked at Amanda amused, "After two rounds of doing all what we did. You are scared that someone might see us hugging?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Rick knocked on the door, but when he got no response, he opened the door and walked into Rachel's cabin. Inside the office, Rachel was lost in her thoughts, staring into nothingness.

"Ahemm..." When Rick saw Rachel lost, he cleared his throat to get her attention. And Rachel looked up at him through the gap between her glasses, a stern expression on her face.

Seeing that she was not alone anymore in the room, Rachel looked at Rick, measuring him from top to bottom, "Heard you want to get discharged, Mr. Rick?" Rachel asked, her tone tinged with annoyance.

Rick chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I mean, I'm feeling much better, and I thought it might be time to get out of this place."

Rachel raised an eyebrow, studying him intently. "Feeling better, huh? Are you sure you're ready to leave? We need to make sure you're fully recovered."

Rick nodded, trying to sound confident. "Absolutely. I feel great, and I promise I'll take it easy once I'm out."

"Take it easy, huh?" Rachel pushed her glasses up her nose, and squinted her eyes. She seems to be thinking something, 'Is this how you take it easy?'

Rick found it odd when Rachel looked at him with those eyes. She seems to be wanting to say something but she was holding back.

"You know, Rick, you're not the first patient to think they're ready to leave before they're fully healed. I've seen it countless times, and it never ends well. You really need to take it easy."


1. I get it. I will take it easy. Don't mother me (Temptation -15)

2. Why don't you come with me and be my personal nurse (Temptation +10)


Rick was about to say that he got it, but the system saved him in the nick of time. He looked at the notification and was relieved that he did not say what he had in mind.

Rick's shoulders slumped a little, as he shrugged looking at Rachel, "Well... If you don't trust me, why don't you follow me home and be my personal nurse? Wouldn't that be a win-win for both of us?" Rick winked at Rachel and asked. josei

"What..." Rachel was at a loss of words when she listened to Rick. And as she processed his words in her mind, slowly her face turned red. She looked at Rick with glaring eyes.

'This boy... He looks so innocent. But what they say is so right. Don't judge a book by its cover. Looks can be deceiving. Just now he... And now he wants to... He is really a playboy.'

"Ahemm... What win- win? Please mind your words Mr Rick," Rachel cleared her throat and turned her eyes towards the report in her hands.

But Rick paid no attention to her words. He had already opened the system and was looking at Rachel's information in front of him.


Name: Rachel Williams

Age: 34 years

Carnal Calibrator: 50/100

Romance Radar: 00/10


'When did this happen?' Rick looked intrigued. From what he could remember, Rachel actually wasn't interested in him. All the values were at zero when he first met her. So how come the Carnal Calibrator was at fifty right now?

'Well, I must have gotten the ten temptation points just now. But what about the rest?' Rick tried to think of a reason, but he could not find a conclusion, 'Interesting.'

As Rachel reviewed his medical reports, Rick was busy thinking about the extra temptation points he got out of nowhere. For a few minutes, no one actually spoke in the room.

"Well, your reports look promising," Rachel finally said, looking up at him. "Your recovery is going well, but I still want to keep you here for a few more days, just to be safe."

Rick groaned, leaning back in his chair. "A few more days? Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously," Rachel replied firmly. "I want to make sure there are no complications before I release you. You'll just have to be patient a little longer."

He nodded, realizing that she was right. "You're right, I know. I'm just impatient."

He sighed, but there was a hint of resignation in his voice. "But you see... Just as you said, I am doing okay. So why don't you let me leave for now and I promise to visit for regular check ups? It should be okay, right?"

'It's not like he was directly hit by the lightening. There is no trauma and the reports look okay. I think there should be no problem.'

Rachel considered his request for a moment before nodding. "Well, that's possible."

"Really?" Rick was ecstatic.

"Yes... But no strenuous activities, understood?" Rachel warned Rick.

Rick nodded eagerly, "Got it. No strenuous activity. I am already a lazy bum. So that won't be a problem. Thank you... Thank you so much Doctor Cold." Rick stood up from the chair and thanked Rachel, "Well... I should get going then."

As Rick was about to leave her cabin, Rachel called out to him. "Rick, What do you think about Amanda, the nurse."

He froze for a moment, trying to gauge her tone. "Amanda? Well, we've become friends. She's a good girl. But why do you ask?"

Rachel looked at him intently, hoping to see some change in his expressions, "Just be careful, okay? I don't want you getting into any trouble."

He raised an eyebrow, a hint of confusion in his expression. "Trouble? What do you mean?"

She sighed as if hesitating to say something. "Just... be mindful of your actions, especially with people you work with."

Rick was taken aback, unsure of what she was trying to imply. "I'm not sure I understand."

Rachel waved him off, avoiding eye contact. "It's nothing, forget it. Just focus on getting better, okay?"

Rick was left feeling perplexed by Rachel's cryptic words, but he didn't push further. Instead, he thanked her for her care and reassured her that he would follow her instructions.

As he left her cabin, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Rachel's warning.

"What was it all about?" Rick wondered, but then his eyes widened.

"Don't tell me..." Rick looked back at Rachel's cabin and thought of the unthinkable.

* * * * *

[A/N: I hope you are enjoying the story. Do vote and comment. In the mean time, do read my other story, " The Devil's Harem ".]

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