Master of Lust

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Don’t tell me, I am into older women!

Chapter 23: Don't tell me, I am into older women!

Chapter - 23

"Well, well, what's going on here?" Amanda called out from behind.

Rick and Nurse Lisa turned to see Amanda standing there, her eyebrow raised in mock suspicion. Nurse Lisa's fingers stopped, as she looked at Amanda with a playful smirk.

"Looks like we've been caught," Nurse Lisa looked at Amanda teasingly, "But why do you look upset, my dear Amanda?"

Rick on the other hand, looked at Amanda and gulped. It totally slipped his mind that Amanda worked here as well. He was too focused on finding a guinea pig for himself. And who could be better than Lisa. She was beautiful, but was way below Amanda. On top of that, she wouldn't care who she slept with. She was not tied to one man.

Meanwhile, Amanda's gaze fell upon Rick and Lisa standing together, and a wave of complex emotions surged within her. Anger, jealousy, and a sense of betrayal churned in her chest, creating a tumultuous mix that she struggled to comprehend.

'Who does she think she is?' Amanda's thoughts raged inwardly as she squinted her eyes. The sight of them laughing and sharing camaraderie felt like a stab to her heart. She couldn't understand how Rick could so casually chat with Lisa, the very person who had betrayed her trust.

'Doesn't he know what Lisa did? How can he?' Amanda's grip on her emotions tightened. She had confided in Rick about the painful situation with her boyfriend, or should we say, ex-boyfriend? How Lisa had been involved with him behind her back. Yet, here they were, chatting away as if nothing had happened.

The bitterness of betrayal mingled with a growing sense of disbelief. Amanda couldn't fathom how Rick could be so oblivious to Lisa's actions. It felt like a betrayal on another level as if he were disregarding her feelings entirely.

'Is this his way of hurting me? Was it a one time thing? Was he just after my body?' Amanda's thoughts twisted into a knot of insecurity. She had shared her pain with Rick, thinking he understood her pain. But now, seeing him enjoy Lisa's company, she questioned everything. Was he intentionally trying to make her feel inadequate, to remind her of the hurtful past?

The jealousy burned beneath her skin, fueling the fire of her emotions. It wasn't just about the fact that Rick was talking to Lisa. It was about feeling replaced like she was being pushed aside for someone who had caused her so much pain.

As the seconds ticked by, Amanda's internal struggle intensified. She found herself torn between confronting them and walking away, her heart warring with her pride. The hurt and resentment pulsed through her, making it difficult to breathe.

She had thought Rick understood her, that he would stand by her side. But his actions painted a different picture, one that left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

At that moment, Amanda's emotions were a tempest, each feeling crashing into the other with a force that left her reeling. She wanted answers, wanted to confront Rick, and demand an explanation for his seemingly callous behavior. But deep down, she feared the truth – that sometimes, even those closest to you can let you down in the most unexpected ways.

Rick was almost on a similar boat as Amanda. His confidence might have taken leaps because of the Lust System, but he had just graduated from being a virgin.He still lacked in many ways.

Rick's heart raced as he caught sight of Amanda's intense gaze. He could practically feel her anger and confusion piercing through him. His mind raced, trying to come up with an explanation that could somehow salvage the situation.

"Hey, Lisa," Rick said, his voice carrying a forced cheerfulness. "I appreciate the chat, but I think I need to discuss something with Amanda. Mind giving us a moment?"

Lisa's eyes flickered between Rick and Amanda, a knowing glint in her gaze. She gave a curt nod and a smile that held a hint of mischief.

"Sure thing, Rick. I'll catch you later. Call me," With that, she walked away, her steps deliberate as she glanced back at them before disappearing around the corner.

"Hey, Amanda," with Lisa gone, Rick walked towards Amanda and greeted her.

Amanda's expression was inscrutable, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked at him. Rick could practically feel the tension in the air. josei

"Rick," Amanda nodded.

Rick's fingers drummed lightly on his thigh as he tried to gauge her mood. He wished he could read her thoughts at that moment.

Amanda's gaze flickered toward the disappearing figure of Lisa. She could swear she saw Lisa's mouth, 'Call me', to Rick when she left.

'That boyfriend stealing, cock riding, shameless bitch,' Amanda mentally cursed her bad luck. She only met Rick yesterday and he was already on Lisa's radar.

"What were you guys talking about?" Amanda squinted her eyes with suspicion.

"Oh... I was... I was just thanking her you know," Rick hurriedly thought of an excuse, "I came for a check and she was the one who helped me."

"Ohh..." Amanda nodded. If that was the case, it was understandable.

"But there were quite a few laughs,"


1. Apologize to Amanda. Say you were in the wrong. (Temptation +2)

2. Don't say anything. (Temptation +0)

3. Stand your ground. Lisa has done you no harm (Temptation +10)


'Oh..." Rick looked at the options in front of him and was a bit surprised. Unexpectedly, the rudest of the options was the most affected. It gave him the most temptation.

Rick initially didn't think about it, but the system was actually right. If he were to have his own harem, he needs to establish his own dominance. He can love his women, pamper them, and spoil them. but they better not dance his forehead.

"You don't expect me to diss her, do you?" Rick shrugged, "She may have wronged you. Cheated with your boyfriend. But she hasn't done me any wrong."

"I like you Amanda, but your boyfriend did the wrong thing. I can punish them for you, if you want. But don't expect me to carry that burden." Rick explained his stand.

"If you can't except that. It's better we end things while we are still on good terms," Rick clarified.

When Amanda saw the dissatisfied look on Rick's face, she panicked a bit, "That's not why I meant... It's just..."

"I know you are a bit skeptical at this moment. But you have to trust me," Rick told Amanda, "But I will always be there for you. Supporting you. You are my responsibility, no matter what."

Amanda hung her head, not able to look at it.

"We will get out of this together," Rick took a step forward and gently pulled Amanda into his arms.

"I know... It's just that after yesterday... I trusted him blindly... It was not the first time I found it odd. They were close for so long, but I always brushed off the possibility. Until... Until yesterday..." As she spoke, Amanda almost choked on her tears. She fought really hard not to let them out. That bastard was not worth it. But no matter what, she really loved him. That love can't just vanish in 1 or 2 days.


1. Pull away from Amanda and tell her not to talk about her ex-boyfriend. (Temptation -10)

2. Gently stroke her hair and comfort her. (Temptation +5)


"I know... I know..." Rick stroked Amanda's hair and comforted her, "It is hard, but we can always make an attempt in the right direction. Can't we?"

"What do you mean?" Still in his embrace, Amanda looked up and asked.

"Why don't we go out tonight? After your shift is over?" Rick suggested.

"Go out, as in a date?" Amanda asked, trying to confirm.

"If you want to call it that, then sure... Let's go on a date," Rick winked at Amanda.

"Date as in where we will stroll around aimlessly, watch movies, have dinner somewhere, and by the end, we will hold hands and enjoy the night sky? That date?" Amanda asked.

"Well... If you put it that way. We can do something else if you..." Rick rubbed the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly. Indeed that was his plan, but there was another step that he had in mind.

"No... It's perfect," Before Rick could cancel the plan, Amanda pulled out of his embrace and looked him straight in his eyes.


"My shift ends in another half an hour," Amanda looked at her watch and told Rick.

"I can wait," Rick nodded.

"Cool," Amanda put her hand in her pants and pulled out a $50 bill, "Well, that's all I have with me right now. There is a coffee shop just in front of the hospital. You can go there and tell them my name. Put everything on my tab. I will be there as soon as possible," Amanda instructed Rick and without letting him reply, made a run in the opposite direction. She was just too excited.


"What's with her always treating me like a child?" Rick frowned when he looked at the 50 dollars in his hand, "And why do I like it?"

"Don't tell me I like being spoiled?"

"Don't tell me I want to be pampered,"

"Don't tell me, I am into older women."

* * * * *

Q 1. What do you guys prefer?

A. Older women and MILFs

B. Younger girls and Lolis

Q 2. Also tell me about the pace of the story.

A. Keep it the same.

B. Speed it up.

[A/N: If you are enjoying the story, do let me know in the comments and vote for the story. Also, if you have time do review.]

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