Master of Lust

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Date [4]

Chapter 27: Date [4]

Chapter - 27

"You paid for it?" Zack almost choked on his own words, "That was fucking $35,000!"

Amanda's eyes widened with shock hearing Zack, "$35,000... 35,000... 35..." She mumbled to himself.

"Why are you whining about it? Did I ask you for the money?" Rick frowned, looking at Zack, "It's for my sweetheart. Do you think I can't spend this much on her?"

What Zack did not know was that just as Rick entered the shop, he got a quest from the system.


Quest: Buy a jewelry for Amanda

Time Duration: 1 hour

Rewards: Ero Points: +10,000; Cash: $100,000


Rick already wanted to buy a jewelry for Amanda, but when the system popped the quest, he was now in a hurry. But the sudden appearance of Zack irked him. He had already wasted 20 - 25 minutes because of his useless gibberish. Otherwise, Rick would have long bought the pendant.

"Rick..." Amanda finally got back to herself. Her eyes turned misty.


The system chimed and Rick knew he had completed the quest. He didn't check it then and there. He would do it, once he had gone back home.

Rick putting his arms around Amanda, smiled at her, "Anything for you, babe."

"I... I don't believe it," Zack stuttered, he hurriedly ran towards the sales lady who sold the pendant to Rick and was smiling ear to ear. After today, one thing that she will make sure to remember was to never judge someone of their looks. She was a bit worried when she saw Rick, but the latter put rest to all his worries. He did not buy anything too extravagant, but it was a good sell.

"You..." Zack looked at the saleswoman arrogantly, "Did he really pay for that pendant?"

"Sir, I would appreciate it if you keep your voice down and not disturb the others," The saleswoman got back to look professional again, "And yes, the customer over there did buy the pendant." josei

"Fucking hell..." Zack almost fell on his knees. It was not a huge amount for Zack. In fact he could easily buy it. But Rick did not look someone who can just pull out $35,000 even if he emptied his bank account. So how?

"Ahemm..." Rick cleared his throat as he walked towards Zack, "So, Zacky boy. Does this mean I won?"

"Fine, boy. You win this round," Zack gritted his teeth and looked at Rick with murderous eyes, "But don't be too happy, this won't last long."

And saying so, Zack decided to leave. He had already lost too much of a face today.



Quest: Humiliate Zack in front of Amanda and everyone else

Time Duration: 1 hour

Rewards: Ero Points: +15,000; Cash: $125000; 1 lottery spin

Penalty: Amanda will lose 1 love point.


'Penalty? That's a new,' Rick looked at the quest, and nodded. Till now there has been no penalty for him on failing a quest. He even wanted to check that out if there was some hidden penalty, but looks like he didn't have to now.

So, now that there is a penalty, Rick decided to act quickly.

"Buddy! Where are you going, buddy?" Rick was grinning ear to ear as he watched Zack leave.

"What is it now?" Zack pretended to be annoyed, but beneath that annoyed face of his, he knew what was Rick up to. That is also what Zack feared the most, and the reason he was in a hurry.

"The Bet!"

"You aren't thinking about reneging on your promise, are you? Rick walked towards Zack, with not so hurried steps and put his arm over his shoulder, "That's not very gentleman like, you know."

"Don't push me, boy. I am letting you off easily, so you should cherish that," Zack warned Rick and tried to push his hands away. But surprisingly, Rick's grip was stronger than it looked.

"Are you really going to act so shameless?" Rick looked disappointed, "In front of your lovely Amanda?"

"Listen boy. You don't know who I am. Who my father izzz... ahh..." Zack was about to threaten Rick with his family, but he suddenly didn't feel right.

"Hey Zacky boy... Are you alright?" Rick looked at Zack worried, "Did your father bring back bad memories? Your mother never told you who your father is? Is this why you are asking me?"

But Zack wasn't even listening to him. There was a turmoil going on in his stomach. He clutched his abdomen, hoping that his grip could somehow quell the rebellion within. But his stomach wasn't having any of it. It churned with a vengeance. Zack couldn't even understand what was happening to him.

With each churn, Zack's face twisted with grimace. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, his skin taking on a slightly greenish hue that hinted at his inner turmoil. He danced uncomfortably, his legs crossed tightly as if that could somehow contain the tempest raging in his belly.

Zack's eyes darted around the room, desperately seeking an escape route. He looked around, trying to find a, but his gaze blurred because of the pain. His heart raced as he realized that his only hope was to hold it in until the storm passed.

In the moment of despair, his mind raced faster than his heartbeat, contemplating the fragility of the situation. He was caught in a merciless standoff between his body demanding to let it all out and his own determination to avoid any embarrassing accidents. It was a battle of wills, a clash of titans, and Zack was the unfortunate arena where it was all unfolding.

"Buddy! Why are you sweating so much?" Rick held Zack's hand and asked, "And what are those moves? Don't tell me you are happy that I won. You are so open-minded." Rick appreciated Zack, and patted his back hard.

"You are the man, buddy. You are the man," Rick praised Zack with every pat.

"You..." Zack couldn't even curse Rick. Each pat on his back, almost opened the flood gates. Gates of terror.

Zack twisted his body in an attempt to find a more comfortable position, but his stomach churned even more vigorously, like a blender on overdrive, threatening to turn its contents into a messy explosion. Zack clenched his teeth, his knuckles turning white as he made a fist with the strength of a drowning man clinging to a lifeboat.

He could practically feel the sweat trickling down his spine now, a testament to the internal showdown that was reaching its peak. Zack's eyes darted to the clock, the seconds ticking by like the drumbeats of impending doom. He was engaged in a battle that transcended time, where each tick of the clock was a reminder that he was hanging by a thread, trying desperately to keep his dignity intact.

In his moment of despair, Amanda actually felt that something was wrong with Zack. Despite the air-conditioning in the store, there was sweat all over his forehead, and his face had started to turn red.

"Rick, let him go," Amanda said, she didn't want to drag it any longer, "I don't want to have anything to do with him any longer."

"You are such a sweet soul, baby," Rick acted all chummy with Amanda, "Fine, if you want, I won't pursue it any longer."

"Yee... Haw... Off you go, buddy," Rick said and slapped Zack's butt with full force, "Run like you mean it."

But Zack was not relieved in the slightest. Instead, his eyes widened. The storm inside of him was out of his control now.

In a moment of sheer desperation, Zack clenched his butt cheeks together as if that could somehow stop the inevitable. But it was like trying to hold back a train with a piece of string. His ass cheeks were no spider-man. The pressure built up, and Zack's resolve crumbled like a sandcastle facing a tidal wave. And then, it happened.

A sound emerged from Zack's nether regions that can only be described as a symphony of chaos—a harmonious blend of embarrassment and disbelief. Zack farted.

The fart, started as a low rumble, building up in intensity until it erupted like a volcanic eruption. And it almost shook the very foundations of the store.

But the noise was just the opening act, what followed was the main show. A scent that could've knocked out a charging bull at fifty paces, spread throughout the store. His white pants turned shades of yellow from behind. Thea patch on his pants was the Mark of shitting his pants, the Mark of shame.

The stench spread like a malevolent fog, wafting through the store like an invisible plague. And it wasn't long before the reactions started rolling in. Faces twisted in disgust, noses wrinkled as if they were waging war against an invisible enemy. The once peaceful atmosphere of the store had transformed into a battlefield of olfactory horrors.

With their hands on their face, every eye in the store turned towards Zack. Some looked at him while covering their noses with their shirts, while others adopted expressions of sheer disbelief that such a smell, can a human even let out such a smell?

Zack, meanwhile, was frozen in a mix of mortification and disbelief. He had gone from desperately trying to hold back his his shit to unleashing a fart that could be classified as a biological weapon. And if it was not all, his ass gave way to what followed next. And before he could recover from the embarrassment his fart caused him, he was already covered in his shit.

"I... I... think you should leave, buddy," Rick finally broke the silence in the store, "Lets forget about the bet."

"Lets forget this ever happened."

"Lets forget we ever met."

"Lets forget that you shit your pants."

"Lets forget that you shit your pants in front of Amanda."

"Lets forget that you shit your pants in front of all these people."

"All of you people. Forget that you saw a man shit in front of you."


"Lets forget all about shit." Rick finally spoke loud enough for everyone to hear him clearly.

"You bast..." Zack knew Rick was not helping him. In fact he was etching this incident and his face even more firmly in their minds. He wanted to curse him, lunge at him, and break his nose. But before he could even think about it, his stomach growled again. It was all happening again.

He had to flee.

"I will see you," Zack looked at Rick with murderous eyes and hurried his way out of the store.

With all eyes locked on him like he was the star of some twisted reality show, Zack knew he had to do the walk of shame. Face flaming, he shuffled towards the exit, each step feeling like an eternity.

"What just happened?" Amanda mumbled to herself in disbelief. It was a few seconds after Zack left that Amanda finally realised that it was all over.

"Who knows? Maybe it was his Karma fucking with him," Rick grinned as he looked at his hand in astonishment. Even he was surprised by how potent it was. Yes, Rick had used 'Magical fingers' on Zack.

He was actually saving it to use on Amanda or some other girl, but when the system gave him the quest to humiliate Zack, he remembered about the effect of 'Magical Fingers' on men. With a bit of curiosity, Rick decided to use it, and the effect was just too out of the world.

"Let's not talk about him," Rick shook his head, "Come, let's go."

"Wait! Rick, you didn't have to spend so much," Amanda held his arm and stopped him, "Mmm..." But just as she grabbed his arm, she felt a tickle all over her body, and she could not help but moan. Her pussy started to feel itchy and her face started to turn red, from the pleasure she felt down there.

'Shit! Stop it! Stop it!' Rick realised what had happened and he quickly yelled in his mind, trying to stop the 'Magical Fingers' effect. He wanted to test it on Amanda but not in the middle of the store, for everyone to see.

And the 'Magical Fingers' did deactivate, but it's timer continued to run. Looks like this card was going to waste this time.

Rick then turned his attention towards Amanda again. She was breathing heavily, had her eyes closed and she was holding his arms tightly, not wanting to let him go.

Rick stood still there for a while, until Amanda's breathing was normal again, and her was no more red. After a while, Amanda finally opened her eyes and looked at Rick, curiously.

'What happened to me? What was that feeling,' Amanda thought as she rubbed her legs together. She could still the wetness in her pussy.

'Am I falling too much for him?'

"Amanda, are you okay?" Rick placed his hand on Amanda's cheek and asked.

'Strange, I feel nothing now,' Amanda was confused. But she decided not to dwell on it for now.

"I am fine," Amanda nodded, "But Rick, I can't have you spend so much money on this," Amanda said as she tried to take off the pendant.

But Rick stopped her, "Don't. I want you to have it, Amanda. Plus, I think it's worth it to wipe that smug grin off Zack's face.

Rick, "Anything to shut him up."

Amanda was still hesitant, "But..."

"You're worth every penny, Amanda." Rick wrapped his arm around her, "Now if you say anymore, I will feel hurt."

"Fine... But thank you, Rick. And I am sorry you had to deal with that." Amanda took a deep breath and spoke.

"No need to say anything. Let's just call it a little something to remember this day by. It was entertaining," Rick grinned.

Amanda's eyes softened as she looked at Rick. She realized that his intentions were genuine and that he simply wanted to make their outing memorable.

Amanda glanced at the necklace one more time, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. She knew that this day would stay with her for a long time, not just because of the pendant Rick bought for him, but also because of the heartfelt gesture from the guy who was slowly capturing her heart.

"Well, you can always return the favor," Rick when saw Amanda lost in thoughts, said with a smirk.

"How?" Amanda quickly asked, but when she saw the lecherous smile on his face, she regretted it immediately.

"Well... We can finish what we couldn't that day," Rick winked and placed his hand on Amanda's ass, caressing it.

"You... You Pervert..."

* * * * *

[A/N: Somehow by mistake, I started privilege after this chapter. It was suppose to start at Chapter - 30, but... Well, it is what it is. If you are enjoying the story, I hope you continue to do so.]

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