Master of Lust

Chapter 30 My Apartment?

Chapter 30 My Apartment?

30 My Apartment?

<nullb>Chapter - 30

Amanda and Rick strolled down the street, basking in the cozy streetlight vibes, their steps in sync. One could practically feel the awkwardness in the air, thanks to their recent shop escapade. Amanda's cheeks were like two blushing tomatoes, and she couldn't resist sneaking a peek at Rick from time to time.

Rick totally caught her checking him out but decided to play it cool. He didn't want to turn up the heat on her embarrassment. So, he played it cool and gave her some breathing room, not wanting to turn her tomato-red cheeks into full-blown cherries. Still, those sneaky glances just kept on coming, and he couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.

"What's going on in that mind of yours?" Rick finally teased, his voice carrying a light-hearted tone. He could not hold himself back any longer.

Amanda's gaze snapped up, and her blush deepened. "N-nothing! I was just... thinking."

Rick grinned playfully,"Thinking about what? Our little adventure back there?"

Amanda's eyes widened, and she quickly shook her head, "No, not at all! I mean, yes, it was an adventure, but... um, never mind."

Rick laughed, enjoying Amanda's flustered response. "You're adorable, you know that?"

"I am not," Amanda huffed.

"So, did you like my gift?" Rick asked, eyeing the little bag in Amanda's hand. It was precisely the little butt plug he bought for her.

Amanda's blush intensified, and she cast her gaze downward. "Stop teasing me."

"Okay, okay," Rick conceded with a chuckle. "I promise to behave... <nullb>For now."

And what followed was a comfortable silence, Amanda and Rick walked with their fingers intertwined. But Amanda still looked like she had something to say. She was trying to run her words through her head again and again. Not wanting to sound clingy or perverted.

After they had walked for about ten minutes, Amanda took a deep breath, finally gathering her courage. She knew she needed to address the question that had been on her mind since they left the shop. Clearing her throat, she spoke in a slightly roundabout manner, "So, um, Rick... my apartment is just a couple of blocks away from here."

Rick turned his attention to Amanda, and nodded in approval, "Oh, that's convenient. You live nearby. I can drop you there."

Amanda nodded, her fingers fidgeting with the strap of her bag. "Yeah, it is. I was thinking... That you know... Maybe if you... If you want, you could come over for a little while."

Rick's lips curved into a warm smile. He could sense Amanda's shyness and hesitance. But he felt like he had teased Amanda a lot today, the daily quota of teasing her was almost over. Instead, he wanted to make her feel comfortable,. "Sure, I'd love to. Your place isn't too far, right?"

Amanda was quite happy hearing him, she nodded her excitedly, "No, not at all. Just a short walk from here."

Rick matched his steps with Amanda's, their shoulders occasionally brushing against each other. "Well, then it sounds like a plan. Lead the way. My lady."

Amanda's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She appreciated Rick's casual response to her invitation. She was definitely hoping to get teased by Rick, but he said nothing this time.

Rick followed Amanda and in no time, Rick saw an apartment complex in front of him. As they approached her apartment building, Amanda felt a sense of anticipation building up within her.

As they stood outside the Apartment building, Amanda hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest as she looked up at Rick. She was hoping he would take the hint and ask to come up.

But Rick just stood there, staring at her building.

Finally giving up on the hope that Rick would ask her to come up, Amanda decided to invite him. But before she could gather her courage to say anything, Rick spoke up.

"Well, I should probably get going," Rick said with a small smile.

"You want to leave?" Amanda bit her lip, "But you said you will..." Amanda could not complete herself.

Rick smiled at her, he cupped her small face in his palms and said looking straight into her eyes, "The day has been great, possibly the best that I have spent with anyone. I want it to end on a happy note, something I hardly get."

Amanda's lips curved into a playful smile, but her eyes held a tinge of disappointment, "Oh really? So, this was a 'happy ending' kind of day for you, huh?"

Rick chuckled, his gaze meeting hers. "I was more than happy. I finally have a girlfriend."

"Who said I am your girlfriend? I don't remember agreeing to it," Amanda smirked.


<nullb>Quest: Tease Amanda, and pull a reversal on her

<nullb>Time Duration: 10 minutes

<nullb>Reward: Ero points: +500; Cash: $10,000


"Oh... Is that so? My bad. Guess, I got carried away. So what should i do?" Rick pretended to think, "I should tell that guy first, Zacky boy. He will be happy."

"As for me, I should try on Lisa," Rick 'revealed' his plan.

"You dare," Amanda quickly snapped, pointing her finger at Rick, "You better not have thoughts for that bitch." Once losing her boyfriend to that bitch was already a disgrace for Amanda, she was not letting that happen again. Moreover, Rick was way better than that shit hole, Zack.

So she instantly flared up at the mention of Lisa's name, but when she the smug look on Rick's face, she realised that she had again fallen to one of his tricks. She couldn't help but sigh. In front of Rick, she was just a girl, someone he could easily play with.

She sighed, her fingers toying with the edge of her shirt. She wanted to ask him to come up, to continue their time together, but something in Rick's demeanor told her that he had something on his mind.

Rick could guess what was on her mind, "I actually have something I need to work on. It's like a project. I know it's a bit weird, but I really need to get it done."

Amanda nodded, understanding his situation. "No problem, Rick. College work comes first," She thought it had something to do with his college. It was not unnatural to have projects.

Rick smiled appreciatively. "Thanks for understanding. I promise we'll hang out again soon. How about we plan something for the weekend?"

And just one sentence from him brought a smile on her face. The disappointment faded away, and she was already looking forward to their next meeting. "That sounds like a plan. Just let me know."

Rick took a step closer, his hand lightly brushing against Amanda's arm. "Definitely. And don't worry, next time I'll make sure I don't have any 'projects' to work on." josei

Inwardly, Rick was wrestling with his own thoughts. He was eager to go up with Amanda, to continue their time together in the cozy ambiance of her apartment. Yet, he also knew that he had to lay the groundwork for his experiment involving Lisa. The idea tugged at him, reminding him of his initial intentions when he had met Amanda's colleague.

As much as he wanted to enjoy Amanda's company and explore the uncharted territories that he could not the last time, he also had to ensure he understood the system's abilities and limitations. That required some preparation and planning, which he couldn't ignore.

Rick cleared his throat, breaking the momentary silence. "Amanda, I really had a great time, and I wish I could stay longer. If it was not for the project, I would have already pulled you up and plugged that little toy where it belongs."

"Che... Shut up. Your mind is always thinking about something dirty," Amanda pushed him away chided, "Just go, you idiot."

"Hahaha... Then I will get going," Rick laughed as he walked backwards, his face still towards Amanda, "But remember. Lube is your best friend."

"You..." Amanda wanted to run and smack Rick, but he had already turned and walked away.

Amanda watched as Rick walked away, his figure disappearing into the distance. The knot in her stomach tightened as a mix of emotions swirled within her. She sighed heavily, her breath forming a small cloud in the chilly evening air. "Why does he always have to leave like this?" she muttered to herself, her voice barely audible over the distant city sounds.

Turning away from the street, Amanda trudged towards her apartment building. As she stepped into the elevator, she leaned against the wall and let out a long sigh. "Miss him so much already," she mumbled, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. The elevator's soft hum filled the silence as it ascended, carrying Amanda toward her solitary refuge.

Reaching her apartment, Amanda tossed her keys onto the table and made a beeline for the refrigerator. She opened the door and grabbed a can of beer, its cold surface sending a comforting sensation through her fingers. Popping it open, she took a long sip, relishing the bitter taste that momentarily distracted her from her thoughts.

"Ugh, Amanda, don't be so silly," she muttered to herself, trying to shake off the melancholy that was settling over her. "It was just one day, and he has his own stuff to take care of."

Amanda walked over to her living room and collapsed onto the couch, taking another sip of her beer. She propped her feet up on the coffee table and stared at the TV, even though it wasn't turned on. She let out a heavy sigh, her mind drifting back to the fun moments she had shared with Rick throughout the day.

"He's probably busy with whatever he needed to take care of," Amanda said aloud, trying to convince herself more than anyone else. "And I've got plenty of things to keep myself occupied too."

But when she tried to think, she could not come up with a single thing. All she could think about was Rick.

Helpless she again leaned back against the couch, and closed her eyes for a moment, letting the memory of Rick's smile and his laughter play in her mind. She could almost hear his voice teasing her and his warm presence next to her. It was crazy how quickly he had managed to make her feel comfortable and happy.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, the doorbell rang, causing Amanda to jump slightly. She set her beer down on the coffee table and pushed herself up from the couch. She lazily walked towards the door and opened it, without even peeking through the peephole.

"Delivery for one Amanda Miller,"

"Rick?" Amanda whispered, her heart skipping a beat when she saw who was standing on the other side.

"Yes mam," Rick grinned when he saw the surprise on Amanda's face, "So will you pay with cash, or card?"

"And if you don't have the money, don't fret," Rick said, and his smile turned lecherous.

"We take other modes of payment as well."

* * * * *

[A/N: Don't forget to vote, comment and if you like, send me some gifts]

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