Master of Lust

Chapter 53 Quest with Megan

Chapter 53 Quest with Megan

53 Quest with Megan

Chapter - 53

Amanda was busy setting the breakfast table when she heard the bathroom door open. She turned her head just in time to catch sight of Rick emerging from the bathroom, his lean, muscular form glistening with droplets of water. He had wrapped a towel around his waist, but another towel was draped casually over his shoulders as he vigorously dried his hair.

Her cheeks flushed with warmth as she watched him saunter towards her, his bare feet padding softly against the floor. It was impossible not to appreciate the sculpted physique that glistened with moisture from his shower. Amanda was momentarily lost in the sight, a soft, dreamy expression on her face.

Just as she was about to place a plate on the table, her fingers betrayed her, and the plate slipped from her grasp. It plummeted to the tabletop with a loud crash, startling both Amanda and Rick. Thankfully, the plate hadn't fallen from a great height, and it remained intact. But what couldn't be avoided was the deep blush that now colored her cheeks.

Rick, always quick with a playful comment, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her. A knowing grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he raised an eyebrow and quipped, "Seen enough?"

"I-I...," she stammered, struggling to find her words. "I just got a little distracted, that's all."

Rick's grin widened, and he leaned in closer, his warm breath brushing against Amanda's ear as he whispered, "Distracted, huh? Well, I can't say I mind that."

"Stop it. Why do you have to be like this all the time?"

Rick chuckled softly, his fingers gently tilting her chin to meet his gaze. "It's okay, Amanda," he reassured her, his tone filled with warmth. "I can't blame you for admiring the view."

"I find it quite flattering, actually." Rick said softly, his voice a warm murmur that sent shivers down Amanda's spine.

Amanda bit her lip, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt for Rick, and the way he looked at her, with desire and affection in his eyes, made her knees go weak.

Rick leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "Besides, I think you're quite the sight in the morning, too."

Rick settled into his seat for breakfast, his earlier playful teasing now giving way to a more relaxed atmosphere. Amanda had prepared a delicious spread, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air.

As they began to eat, their conversation flowed easily, ranging from everyday topics to their plans for the day ahead. They even talked about politics. And surprisingly, Amanda wasn't a liberal as one might think.

But then, in the midst of their casual conversation, Rick's question took an unexpected turn.

"So, what do you think about immortals and such stuff?" Rick asked casually, taking a sip of his coffee as he raised an eyebrow.

Amanda paused, her fork halfway to her mouth. The question caught her off guard, and she furrowed her brow in thought. "Immortals?" she repeated, her tone laced with curiosity. "You mean like vampires and werewolves?"

Rick shrugged, a hint of intrigue in his eyes. "Yeah, something like that. Or even beings from some other mythologies, gods and goddesses. Do you believe any of that exists, or is it all just myth and fiction?"

"Why do you ask?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. "Is there a particular reason?"

Rick flashed a casual smile, as though trying to downplay his question. "Oh, you know, just idle curiosity," Rick replied, though Amanda sensed there was more to it than met the eye. "I've come across something interesting lately, and I was wondering what you thought."

"Well," Amanda began, taking a sip of her own coffee, "I think most of those stories are just that... stories. Legends, myths, and folklore that have been passed down through generations. While they can be entertaining and fascinating, I don't believe in the existence of immortals or supernatural beings."

"So they are just myth."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Rick had dropped Amanda off at the hospital, insisting she keep the car for the day, but Amanda had refused his offer, assuring him she'd be just fine. As he made his way to his college, exhaustion from their passionate morning left him feeling drained, and he couldn't help but rest his head on the table once he reached his classroom.

"Rick, wake up, man," Ray whispered urgently, nudging him again.

Ray, his friend, or maybe his only friend, wasn't one to let Rick snooze through class, and he nudged him persistently, trying to rouse him from his slumber. However, Rick remained in a state of blissful indifference, not caring about the lectures or the world outside his little bubble.

Meanwhile, across the room, Emily couldn't help but steal glances in Rick's direction, her mind filled with a myriad of questions and a hint of jealousy.

'He didn't return home last night,' Emily frowned as she looked at Rick. For the last few days, coming late has become a normal for Rick. But yesterday was the second time he did not come home at all. He spent the night out. But where?

She had noticed the change in Rick recently, his disinterest in their conversations, and his newfound enthusiasm for life. It was both intriguing and infuriating, and she couldn't help but wonder what had caused this transformation.

Just as the atmosphere in the classroom threatened to become entirely mundane, the door swung open, and a collective hush fell over the room. Megan, the embodiment of beauty and grace, walked in, her mere presence changing the dynamic of the room.

Her long, lustrous hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her stunning face, and her every step exuded an air of confidence that was nothing short of magnetic. All eyes were drawn to her as she moved with a fluid grace, her curves accentuated by her perfectly tailored attire.

The atmosphere shifted palpably, as if an electric charge had coursed through the room. Whispers and hushed conversations broke out, and it was as if the world had momentarily forgotten about everything else. And every head turned towards Megan. Well, almost every head.

Megan's gaze scanned the classroom, her blue eyes swept from student to student. When her eyes momentarily locked onto Rick.

With a visible disgust on her face, her gaze stayed on Rick for a moment before she looked away, addressing the class.

As Megan took her place at the front of the classroom, the students fell silent, their attention drawn to her every word. Her presence commanded respect, and her beauty seemed to illuminate the room as she began to speak.

"Alright, everyone," Megan began, her voice confident and poised. "We're approaching our final exams, and I hope you're all prepared because graduation is just around the corner."

"It's crucial that we remain attentive in class and give our best effort. Our future job placements will 10:08

depend on our performance, and we can't afford to slack off," Megan's words were laced with authority and a sense of purpose that demanded attention.

Her piercing gaze swept across the classroom, and it settled momentarily on Rick, who was still slouched in his seat with his head down. There was a subtle hint of disapproval in her gaze, a silent commentary on his lack of attentiveness.

"Some of you might think it's acceptable to be less than attentive," she said, her words carrying a subtle but unmistakable message, "But let me remind you that consequences exist for those who choose to ignore their responsibilities."

A tense silence hung in the air as Megan's words sank in. The gravity of her authority weighed heavily on the students, and the atmosphere in the classroom became palpably uncomfortable.

Megan didn't stop there. She continued to admonish those who weren't giving their full attention in class, her gaze once again fixing on Rick as she indirectly taunted him. Her words were delivered with a measured cadence that left no room for argument.

"Remember," she warned, her voice holding an edge of steel, "I have the power to influence your grades, and I'm not afraid to use it. It's in your best interest to take your studies seriously."

Her words sent a chill through the room, and the students exchanged nervous glances. After delivering her message, Megan turned her attention to Tyler, one of the nerds in the class who had always been diligent and attentive. She beckoned him to follow her, her intentions clear.

"Tyler," she said, "Your grades have been falling consistently. Follow me, we have to discuss the issue."

Tyler, clearly taken aback by Megan's summons, nodded nervously and rose from his seat to follow her out of the classroom. The other students exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what had just happened. How can Nerdy Tyler's grade be falling? That was just unimaginable.

Tyler had the best chance to make it big among the students in the class, so what could have distracted him so much that his grades fell?

Slowly and hesitatingly, Tyler packed his stuff and got up to follow Megan.

Rick, on the other hand, heard everything Megan said. But he heard it from his left ear and flushed it out from his right. He could hardly care about his graduation now.

But just as Megan and Tyler exited the classroom, the system chimed for the first time today. And this excited Rick. So much so that his head jolted up from the desk, scaring Ray, who was still lost looking in the direction Megan left.

"Dude... What's with you?" Ray complained, but Rick ignored him. He quickly opened the system to check what it was.


Quest: Follow Megan and unearth what she has been hiding

Time Duration: 1 Month

Rewards: Ero Points: 50,000; Cash: $200,000; 1 standard scratch card josei


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[A/N: Don't forget to vote, leave comments and send me some golden tickets]

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