Master of Lust

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Rachel Williams

Chapter 6: Rachel Williams

Chapter - 6

'What the hell? How dare you call me a loser?' Rick thought. Whosoever behind this shit, they shouldn't have called him that.

But before he could complain, the information on the screen changed.


Name: Amanda Miller

Age: 26 years

Carnal Calibrator: 15/100

Romance Radar: 00/10


'Wait, what's going on here? What the heck am I even looking at?' Rick furrowed his brow and waved his hand, trying to make sense of the weird pale blue screen in front of him.

But no matter how hard he tried, he was pointlessly waving his hand in the air. The screen was like, "Nuh-uh, You Can't touch me, bruhh!" (Did they hire John Cena?)

"Amanda Miller?" Rick mumbled to himself, but it was loud enough for Amanda, who was checking his vitals, to hear.

"Yup, that's me..." Amanda replied, "But hey... How did you know my full name?" Amanda looked at Rick confused. He was busted.

"Your full name?" Rick stammered.

"Yeah... Miller is the last name," Amanda nodded, "But how did you know that?"

"How... Did I know..." Rick murmured, "Didn't you say it?"

"Did I?" Amanda could not remember.

"Yes you did..."Rick hurriedly nodded.

"Maybe..." Amanda did not pay much attention and got back to her work. josei

'What the hell am I supposed to do?' Not only did he get a weird system, but there was no one to guide and tell him about the system. Rick was at a loss. But then he saw the '?' (Question mark) sign beside Carnal Calibrator and Romance Radar.

And since he could not touch the display, Rick concentrated on the '?' beside the Carnal Calibrator, and a pop-up opened in front of him.

Carnal Calibrator: It is the measurement of the 'Temptation' between the host and the target. As the temptation increases between the host and the target, so does the sexual tension. When the temptation reaches 100, the target is completely captivated by the host. After each successful session, the Carnal Calibrator readjusts itself.

**Temptation increases with each quest successfully completed or following the choices given by the system.

"Ahemm..." Rick had his jaws dropped, 'What is this op thing? I can get laid just by filling up a meter?' Rick's thoughts wandered. For a virgin like him, who was stuck in a treacherous trap of unrequited love, that was basically a godsend.

Rick then turned his attention towards the Romance Radar. Unlike the Carnal Calibrator, which had a value of 15 from the beginning, the Romance Radar was empty. So Rick did the same he did with Carnal Calibrator, and soon another pop-up opened.

Romance Radar: It is the measurement of the 'Love' between the host and the target. As the love increases between the host and the target, so do the chances of the target becoming the host's partner. When the love reaches 10, the target has completely fallen in love with the host.

**Love increases with each quest successfully completed or following the choices given by the system.

"Fuck!" Rick cursed, trying to wrap his head around it all, 'Am I in some crazy romance novel? Is someone punking me? This can't be real!'

To have a system that helps him get laid and find partners? That only happens in those wild stories he reads online. There's no way he could be this lucky to actually have something so freaking incredible and overpowered.

Just as Rick cursed, the doctor walked into the room. She had a stern expression on her face, and it was evident that she did not appreciate Rick's choice of words.

"Mr. Rick, watch your language, please. This is a hospital, not a sailor's bar," The doctor said frowning. But did Rick care? As if his stars had aligned, the doctor was another beauty and his jaws dropped.

The doctor looked like she just walked out of a fashion magazine, exuding confidence with a smile that could charm anyone's socks off. Her luscious, reddish hair cascaded gracefully around her shoulders, framing a face that was all brains and beauty. Those almond-shaped eyes, framed by long lashes, were charming and the small mole right below her left eye almost attracted Rick towards her. Her every move was like pure poetry, wrapped in that form-fitting white coat that accentuated all the right curves. A mix of professionalism and charm, she had this magnetic aura that left you totally spellbound.

Amanda who saw Rick act like a fool giggled and with the chart she was holding, she slowly closed his mouth, "The doctor is saying something. Reply to her," Amanda spoke, breaking Rick's trance.

"Ahh, sorry doc. It's just that... well, you know, it's kinda overwhelming to know I was struck by the lightning. I still can't believe it," Rick sheepishly smiled and said.

"Yes, I'm aware of the lightning strike. But that's no excuse for sailor-level swearing," The doctor said rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, doc... I'll keep that in mind. It will be PG from now on."

"You better..."

Just as the doctor said that the pale blue display popped up again.


Name: Rachel Williams

Age: 34 years

Carnal Calibrator: 00/100

Romance Radar: 00/10


Rick looked at the information in front of him and then towards the doctor who was going through his charts. And Rick could not help but smile wryly. Looks like his first impression of the doctor was indeed not good. She wasn't even the slightest bit interested in him. Well, as per this screen in front of him with dubious origins that was the case.

"Good. Now, let's get back to business. How are you feeling?" Rachel, Rick's doctor looked up from the charts and asked Rick.

"Well, besides the fact that I thought I was meeting the messenger of death earlier, I'm feeling okay," Rick said and smirked looking at Amanda.

Raising her eyebrows, Rachel looked at Rick, "The messenger of death?"

Rick nervously chuckled, "Yeah, long story. Turns out she was just a regular beautiful nurse. Thank goodness!"

Rachel finally got some idea when she saw Rick and Amanda stealing meaningful glances at one another, "Well, I'm glad I could clear that up for you. But let's focus on the lightning strike, shall we?"

"Absolutely... Whatever the doctor says, goes," Rick sat up straight.

"No smooth talking Mr Rick,"

"I wouldn't dare,"

"And No flirting either... Not even with the nurses,"

"You should have thought so before hiring beautiful nurses..."


"And beautiful doctors..."


"Like yourself..."

"Alright it's decided... I am changing your doctor... Dr Joe!"



Here are the choices for the readers. Whichever gets more comments is what we will do:

1. Should the story be fast paced.

2. Nah... Let be on the slower side of development.

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