Master Of Myths

Chapter 13 - Halfling

Chapter 13 - Halfling

Within the alley, loud moans could be heard attracting the bats, but when they came to check they found nothing, thanks to YuJu's Title, the Unseen, and his innate talent toward stealth

Finely taking his teeth out he started to get up but found Mia clung to him like a koala, pushing her body onto his without letting go

He shrugged and decided to wait for her to wake up from her trance, while he did he opened his Status and checked the notifications


-You Are Eligible to obtain the Blood Vessel Class

-Blood Assimilated, Secondary Class automatically changed into Blood Vessel

-Skill "Limiter" Acquiredjosei

-Skill "Evolution" Acquired

-Skill "Blood Purification" Acquired

-Secondary Class Blood Vessel Merged into Master Class

-Skill "Limiter" Changed into "Master Limiter"

-Skill "Evolution" Changed into "Master Evolution"

-Skill "Blood Purification" Changed into "Master Blood Purification"


He smiled at the first few notifications, it was what he had expected and much more

That is until he noticed there were more notifications


-You have signed a Contract Of Blood with Mia

-Mia's Race changed into: Half-Vampire

-Mia's Class Evolved into: Servent Of The Night

-You Have Gained Title: Kin Of Blood

-You are the first to gain a Secondary Class in the Human race: All Stats Boosted by 4

-Soul-Slave Ellis was graced, All Stats Boost by 4

-Blood-Slave Mia was graced, All Stats Boost by 4



It was quite apparent that YuJu's was dumbfounded, he thought he had seen what man could never hope to see and heard what no one would be willing to believe on his journey but even so, he was quite surprised, to the point it took him a while to just organise his thoughts

'Blood slaves? Impossible, they should be exclusive to True Vampires, not to mention the fact that I had never heard of a half race'

If one hadn't been through the apocalypse and learned the ins and outs one could just assume that a half-vampire is just a product of a human and a vampire

But such a thing didn't exist, when a human used the blood of beasts to turn into another race they either turn into it, "Fail" and acquire the Blood Vessel Class, or fail and die

Of course, when one dug deeper one would know that the Blood Vessel Class was not actually a failure since to get it one must actively resist the process of race change which meant he did not fail but resisted out his own will which was a hard task even for strong humans especially since it can only be gained as a second class, that's why only three humans ever gained the Blood Vessel Class

Blood Vessel was the second Human-Exclusive Class, one of the reasons YuJu had chosen it, the second being that in the past one of the three humans to get the class was a Master Class holder, and YuJu had seen with his own eyes what that man could achieve with just those two classes alone

On the other hand, Blood-Slaves were exclusive to the True Vampire Race, one of the few races that humans could never convert to as they would always end up getting a lower level of purity and remain as normal vampires


Mia's voice ended his scattered thought as he turned to look at her


When she opened her eyes the first thing she did was stick her body closer, looking at him with armourers eyes whilst calling his name dearly

Her face inched closer to his, as her breath got heavier

"Mind taking your nails out my flesh? It's getting quite itchy"

"Oh! Ah! sorry Master!"

Mia removed her offending hands and backed away in apology

YuJu took this moment to look at Mia who he hadn't paid too much attention earlier

She had dark hair tied into a long ponytail and tanned skin that unexpectedly went well with her pale vampire trait

Her eyes were light red, lighter than normal vampires and her red-lipped mouth housed four sharp fangs, sharper than any of the present bats

Her body looked plain without any noticeable parts but from the feeling YuJu had gotten when she stuck to him he knew that she had a very curvy body hidden under her clothes, she needed only change them and would look dangerously enticing

Seeing him sizing her up Mia blushed, knowing she didn't excel in any area


"Yes, Master!"

"For now use your stealth skill and stay out of sight, don't let Ellis see you either, we will have a long conversation later when I call for you"

"As you wish"

She bowed before disappearing into the dark alley

YuJu wanted to check her status but figured he should talk with Ellis first since she had already finished


After quite a while Ellis finely hacked the last bat, her hands heavy from over-exhaustion, and mind overloaded by extreme focus

She wanted to drop down and rest but she heard a hoarse voice from the street, she couldn't make out the words at first but when the voice repeated itself she understood it was calling out for help, so she looked down at the street and tried to identify where the voice was coming from


Ellis hastily swivelled her head and noted the voice coming from John, or whatever husk of skin he became

Jumping down she approached him and looked at body full of bites, his skin was shrivelled from the lack of blood and his eyes were caved in

He tried to lift his up to look at her but couldn't support, he let out a dry laugh at his own condition



Ellis couldn't understand his apology, the man had just saved her and was at death's door yet he was apologizing

"If we...wer..ent gree..dy we would... be alive"

His words were laced with regret as tears started to pour out his eyes

"Ha..rry...convinced aggro the.. cats so we convince you to... leave the kid and...join us"

Suddenly it dawned at Ellis what John was trying to say, what he was apologising for, and what she had been trying to ignore from the moment they came when she fought the cats

"We... were punished.... it is what we deserved...but the peo...ple at the the..."

His eye lost their light, still wide open with regret and plea etched in them, Ellis could only gaze at him in silence, unsure of what she should be feeling

"Good job, you practically hogged all the kills"

At this moment YuJu strode out the alley with a happy smile, only to be met with Ellis's dull eyes

"Where did you go?"

"Oh I went to call for reinforcements of course"

Ellis looked behind YuJu and then back at him

"Where are they?"

YuJu pointed at the bats and then at the hounds and rats

"Why that would be my little furry friends"


YuJu turned to the now furious Ellis, wiping his smile as he did, what replaced it was a cold uncaring look

"Is there a problem?"

"Problem? You killed everyone! How can you act like nothing happened!!"

"Shifting the blame are we? You are the one who killed them, Ellis"

Ellis's eyes went wide in surprise at his words

"Your indecisiveness in rejecting their offer, and your denial of their bad intentions got you to this point"

"But that doesn't mean you can kill them!"


His cold gaze silenced her

"Know your place, I had given in to your demands more the once, that's well above what I must do, but you haven't honoured any of your promises"

Ellis seemed like she wanted to argue but his gaze made her swallow her words

"It is time you stop messing around and attend to your duty, as for what happened today it should be a reminder to you, a reminder of which side you are on and what you're supposed to do"

Many emotions were portrayed through Ellis's eyes, every time her mouth opened and closed, but in the end, she just closed it and hung her head in silence

She knew his words were correct as she had doubts when the team arrived at the exact time she was attacked, and even before that when the guard tried to stop YuJu, his attitude hadn't escaped her attention but every time she chose to let it slid and deny that they were planning against them, or rather against him, her master, whose side she should be on

YuJu didn't pursue the matter further, as long as she understood what her position is he wouldn't try to rub it in

"This battle took quite some time so we will have to speed up if we want to get there in time, still I will give you twenty minutes of rest since you sorely need it"

Ellis nodded and headed toward one of the houses nearby, probably to wash the blood away and lay down, while YuJu waited for her to leaves before heading into one of the nearby buildings as well, to meet his new slave that is


When he entered through the door Mia bowed to him, he nodded to her, that's what a proper slave should do he thought

"Mia, do you know what sort of bond we share as of now"

"Master, I can indeed feel it, I need not the system to tell me what I am to you, for I feel it in my blood, the feeling of belonging, the power you hold over me, you are my master who I shall serve eternally"

'I hadn't believed it when they said one's manner of speech and personality change when they turn into another race but she really did change'

He thought

"Okay, then let me explain to you what I am doing and my plans for the future"

He sat on one of the many seats in the house while Mia stood to his left, slightly bowing

"First of all, I have the Master class, it allows me to have Soul Slaves, much like you but they are connected to me on a much deeper level"

Who could see a jealous look on her face when he mentioned that the stronger connection

"Ellis, who you had met is a Soul Slave of mine, as well as Anput, a hound you had not met before"

"If you don't mind me interrupting Master but didn't Ellis seem to be disobedient and wishful?"

He smiled ruefully at her words

"Soul Slaves do not understand the connection like you do thus she is going through a...rebellious stage, I am sure she will come around, eventually"

Mia nodded, sure that Ellis would understand someday

"Me, Ellis and Anput are going to leave the human world for a few months, we shall use the buff time before we exit toward another land outside of earth"

"?? Master, your leaving?"

She didn't question about the other worlds but chose to question the fact that he's leaving, without any mention of her

"Indeed, I would take you with me but you aren't suited for the place I am going to, instead I would rather you stay here, and watch Sofia for me, I want you to make sure she doesn't betray me, but do not tell her that you are my slave, pretend you had turned into a vampire fully and need to stay hidden as you help her, that way no one but her knows about you"

"Your wishes are my command"

She bowed even though reluctance showed on her face, she wanted to follow him and not separate just when they had met, but his orders took priority

"And if you meet and strong vampires, though slim is the chance, do mention that you are a True vampires slave, even though I am not one, it should keep them at bay"

He stood up and pointed his hand toward her, as he did a bird made of blood congealed in his hand, it flapped its wings a bit before flying toward Mia and seeping inside her through the bite mark on her neck

YuJu had used the skill he acquired from the Kin Of Blood Title, called Blood Message, allowing him to convey instructions to Mia which were mostly information about how levels and titles work and which class she should choose next

Then he started to walk toward the door but turned to give her one last look over

"You would look better if you exposed your belly"

"I will make sure to please your eyes next time Master"

Mia responded to his comment, knowing full well he wasn't going to do anything to her now, only she hoped he would when he returned, by then she vowed to wear whatever appealing cloths the human world had to offer

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