Master Of Myths

Chapter 176 - Schemes Exposed

Chapter 176 - Schemes Exposed

Gloomy was the mood of the room, even the few uncaring leaders kept silent after seeing the tear traces on Sofia's cheeks, knowing better than to speak out at a time like this

"First off, I apologize for shrugging off your concerns and not taking them seriously at all"

She began, sending an apologetic look toward Sid who shrank back, not wanting to be in the center of attention right now

"Secondly, I would like to ask the leader of the Waxy guild about their hidden team, bear in mind I am not interrogating you, or blaming you for the matter, but your reaction was so quick and organized it looked like you were more than just being precautious"

Everyone turned to look at the scar filled woman, their eyes also demanding an explanation

"I'm just surprised you weren't prepared, knowing that the vampires existed and all"

The quick rebuttal caused all eyes to switch back to Sofia, skeptical all of a sudden

"I knew of one vampire's exitance, with no knowledge of the rest, furthermore we specifically cleared the land and made sure that monster was nowhere near, which only brings me back to my question, how did you know I knew of it"

Too tired to look back at the Waxy guild leader, the leaders adopted a listening stance, apparently this back and forth interrogation would take a while

"Why isn't your friend speaking out instead, I believe he was brought here for that very reason"

Or so they thought until the same voice trickled into their ears, its origin once more unknown

"Why don't you come out and talk to us face to face then!"

Faris suddenly spoke up, loud was his voice and berating his tone

"Instead of hiding your identity and making us second guess our alliance why not come forward from the beginning?!"

"Hehe, so silly, if anyone has the right to second guess anything it would be us, after all without our help the mist would have long engulfed this land"

Her words were true, so much so Faris could not press on with his demand

"Care to explain who you are and what you know?"

Sofia asked, earning a sigh from Faris who somewhat reluctantly started to explain the circumstances sounding their hidden agenda

What everyone thought was a complicated puzzle turned out to be very simple, apparently Faris and his group encountered those very same vampires during one of their scoutings, locating their den and trying to enter before getting chased back, from then on they figured something to be off with how they have been played with but not killed, leading to them conducting investigations in the nearby areas

Their doubts fell into place soon after, with their hidden search revealing a lot of missing cases, most of which occurring in the Somia guild at that, and to add to that their friend who was left at enemy territory actually came back without a scratch, confirming the lack of interest their enemy had in killing them

"I don't understand, its sounds to me like your saying they arent actually against us"

The demon masked man commented on the story, finding the vampires not as aggressive as they made themselves look

"They aren't, because they don't want to kill us, they want to experiment on us"

"Sounds far fetched much no?"

"I was also somewhat uncertain of my deduction, until a rumor surfaced not long ago"

Faris glanced at Sofia, who found all this so unbelievable, so many went missing in her settlement without her knowledge? How come there were no such reports at all?

"Rumor has it that people have contacted a disease, one that would turn your eyes red and your skin gains a progressively worsening rash, your fingers would bleed and your breath would turn scorching, right before the victims disappears into thin air, and all such cases have been found in none other than….the Somia guild"

They also turned to Sofia, finding her eyes widening in realization, one didn't need her words to confirm the validity of his claims

"So someone is experimenting on the human race? Turning them into vampires while trying not to get them exterminated"

"Precisely so, someone who is capable of controlling them and hiding spies in the Somia guild, always lurking in the shadows, waiting for our forces to weaken and take us all under their fold"

There was an unbearable silence in the room, as every leader got the hidden message in his words, understanding who he pointed his accusation toward

"Splendid deduction, the human race really has bright minds"

A voice, unlike that woman's, echoed in the room, black smoke filtering in from the corners without notice

Everyone stood up in alarm, unsheathing their weapons and charing their energy, but the smoke seemed unaffected, even by Sofia's light

The smoke converged into a shadowy figure, occupying one of the empty seats, gazing at them with its faceless head

"Greetings everyone, it's a pleasure to meet the leaders of this fabulous race all at once"

"Who are you"

Demanded Sofia, ready to strike with whatever energy she managed to recover

"I am Ephai, a traveling trader"josei

They did a double take, a trader he said?

"Oh, how splendid, no weapon was thrown my way for the first time"

"Beleive me I'm rearing to do so, but I'm tired from fighting"

Answered the demon wolf masked man

"Ahaha, indeed, I saw your fight, quite the sorry sight that was"

The shadow chuckled, with none sharing his amusement

"What are you here for"

Faris asked, taking the lead since he was the one who garnered most attention front his being

"Well what else could a trader be here for? Naturally to show my wares!"

With a wave of his hand numerous weapons, armor, and items of varying uses appeared out of thin air, filling up the entire room in a matter of seconds

"These are all top quality items that you would find extremely useful, I suggest presenting them to any aura holders first before distributing them among yourselves"

Confusion was apparent on everyone's face, not that it was the first time today, revelations were coming one after the other after all

"And what do you seek in turn?"

"For now, nothing, consider it an investment in your splendid race"

"Couldn't you be more suspicious?"

Ephai chuckled at the comment, finding their ignorance to be of great entertainment

"If only you knew how valuable you humans are, in all my years of travel I found none as unique as yourselves, so full of surprises and yet so ignorant of the gifts you hold"

He stared at them, as if wanting to see what secrets each held

"In this ever expanding world you just might be the most blessed, and you would soon find why as you explore the region's surroundings you, but it is my hope that you would keep this splendor to yourselves, for the brighter you shine the more eager others are to nip you in the bud"

"Just what are you on about"

Having had enough of his vague premonitions they started to itch for a battle

"You will realize it in due time, for now, I bear you gifts and bid you farewell"

The smoke making up his body started to dissipate into the air, words once more echoing in the room

"We will meet once more, leaders of the human race"

And that was the last they heard of him before being left to their own devices…..

A while later, in the vampire den, YuJu and Mia met with the others after the event packed meeting

"Strengthen your defenses, station the thralls around the place, I doubt not an attempt at attacking us"

"I don't think we will stop them with just thralls Master"

"I'll figure something out, they wouldn't attack right away and I need to fetch a few allies for the next big wave, dealing with wraiths is my priority"

"As Master wishes"

YuJu gave the bowing Mia a subtle nod before going his way, leaving her alone with the others

Even though they were cruise as to what the two were talking about no one asked, the smile on Mia's face was far too scary to do so, any who knew her would realize the woman was seething with rage on the inside

How could she not? That man Faris not only exposed their secret project, he even planted seeds of doubt, everyone, including Sofia, was onto her cover, who else did he hint toward otherwise

"Good, embarrassing me in front of my Master like this, I will remember this debt"

Holding a grudge Mia muttered, a dangerous glint in her eyes, one promising death as soon as the opportunity arose

For now however she could only lay low, bidding her time until this crisis blew over, if she killed him so soon then everyone would be openly hostile with her, even Sofia, and that would put everything they were built at stake

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