Master Of Myths

Chapter 183 - 'Shocking' Discovery

Chapter 183 - 'Shocking' Discovery

The next day saw the guilds finally celebrating their victory after a day of silent mourning for their fallenjosei

Most of them, bar a few weird guilds, held the party together, given their relationship as brothers and sisters of war they all got along, merely eating and drinking till they spilled their hearts out

"Ain't you proud to work with me, one of the elite few who managed to get a Title!"

"More like embarrassed, working with mister. Overstuffed will ruin my reputation"

"Haha, the stat increase isn't worth it too since you need to get so fat your mother really wouldn't recognize you!"

Among the guild members, Faris's group was the rowdiest followed by Sid's group who were going around the party venue, joking and congratulating everyone they could warm up to

"I heard you guys got five levels ups just yesterday"

"You here to mock us or something?"

"Not at all, while most got a little more and some even got over ten levels it still doesn't compare to getting five as front liners who can't cover large areas with their attacks"

"Well, I guess..."

"I bet they will have you take lead next battle"

"Haha, you really think so?"

"For sure, for sure!"

With sugar coated words the members managed to build good relations with most of the other guilds present, taking advantage of everyone's jovial mood

"May I have everyone's attention, we have an announcement to make"

Two people got up holding hands

"We had decided to get married if we both got through the hardship, and now that we're alive and well, it's time we deliver on our promise"

Loudly proclaimed the man as he boldly wrapped his hands around his bride to be and pulled her in for a peck

Cheers and whistles were thrown their way as the mood turned merrier than before

"Settle down people, listen up"

All the leaders of the guilds came together, even the ones from the none present guilds were with them, along with someone new whom few could recognize

The guild members were still riled up from the earlier announcement however and couldn't help but comment unnecessarily

"Another marriage I bet!"

"Who's the lucky couple"

"Waxy leader and her new hunk!"

An axe thrown the last speaker's way shut up the crowed real quick, keeping their silence after witnessing the scarred woman miss the guy's head by a hair

Since they got the undivided attention they needed the guild leader proceeded to make their own announcement

"After the last battle many of you have gained quite the few levels, some showing surprising performance and some defying expectations completely"

They praised

"This battle has yielded more than that however, for we have made a discovery that may as well change the future of our race"

The atmosphere suddenly took a somber turn

"I'll let the Scroungers Guild leader explain"

Sid stepped up, due to this discovery being partially his

"I believe everyone here has gained their second class already"

He was met with a unanimous nod, how could they be elites otherwise

"Then it should be common knowledge to you that we have the first class available from level one, while the second we gain access to at level twenty five"

Once more Sid saw them all agree, then he took a breath, continuing with a deeper more intriguing tone

"What everyone doesn't know however is that we, humans, gain another class at level one hundred"

The venue instantly fell to chaos, gasps, shouts, and questions were thrown his way, but he only raised a hand to keep everyone quiet

"I am sure many of you are filled with doubts, we have here three people however who have reached that level, along with the absent Somia Guild's leader"

On cue, the new face and two leaders, one being the loosely middle aged man from the first meeting, with the second being a cloaked person from head to toe so that even their gender couldn't be identified, stepped forth

"All of you are well acquainted with Mr. Gabe, from Twisted Sky, and Nameless from, well, Nameless, as for this person, few of you should be familiar with him since he only recently made his debut during yesterday's battle as the archer who contributed third of what the entire support division accomplished, with the help of the energy explosives of course"

The awkwardness of talking about the cloaked person was overshadowed by the man who surprised many with his tremendous capability, attracting them even more after he started speaking humbly under everyone's praising gaze

"It is only because of my convenient class advancement for the archer class, otherwise I might struggle to keep up with the rest of my peers"

Before everyone got too absorbed with the man Sid quickly continued

"Mr, Gabe has a wind and fire based class as many of you know, now however he has added to his arsenal a new light based class"

Motioning with his eyes he got Gabe to shine an angelic hallo from his body, stunning the audience into utter silence

From there Sid had the cloaked person show off their new demonic entity summon skill and the humble archer his dark energy shots

"With that we have proved to you the exitance of the third class, now I am sure many of you have another more important question in mind"

Sid grinned subtly, this was the part where he contributed the most with his information gathering

"I have indeed said that we, humans, have a third class, that is because we did extensive research on other creatures, including some sentient races some of us met, and came to the conclusion that humans…."

He let their exitment rile up, only speaking when it was about to boil over

"Are the only ones who can gain a third class"


"Impossible doesn't that mean we…"

"What the hell is going on, I can't believe this is real, someone pu-" Bam! "I didn't even say it yet!"

"Calm down everyone, now that we have discovered the possibility of a third class everyone must report back to their guild to plan for their future path"

He didn't get to finish his sentence and they were already scrambling back toward their guild, each wanting to get there before the others crowded the place

Watching them lose themselves in excitement Sid nodded in satisfaction, it was his job to make sure everyone was motivated enough to fight hard in the next battle, otherwise, they would have made the announcement without the need to prove their words using the guild leaders as an example

'It would have been better if miss Sofia was here too'

His eyes darted toward the far off Somia guild, she was the only one missing, and the most important person as well, her position among the people wasn't just a guild leader, she was the linchpin holding everything in place, if she'd shown off her capability then they would be all the more willing to face the odds

'I wonder what new class she took'

Her prowess was so deadly already, with a third class he was more than positive the valiant woman would soar further than any other, well, bar that masked man who was leagues apart from everyone


'What's he looking here for?'

YuJu felt a gaze linger at the floor he was in, following it to see it was Sid who was looking at the building from a distance

'Well, maybe he is just curious'

It was normal, after all Sofia's third class was not yet revealed to anyone but him and Mia, given that they were the one's who suggested it to her to begin with

"How is she faring"

"So-so, acquiring the class qualification was circumvented with the title and feather she holds, her body remained too weak to accept its power making things quite painful for her"


Peering through the one way window which appeared as a painting from the other side he could barely make out Sofia's figure bathing in light, a bigger figure seemingly descending upon her from the sky

"If she manages to go through this then her power would truly become a scary force to reckon with"

"And if she doesn't?"

Mia was curious if the woman they needed so very much would be put at risk for the sake of power

"Well, she would receive a lesser blessing is all, otherwise I wouldn't let her acquire this class so early on"

"I see"

Disappointment was barely visible in her words, a little annoyed that she couldn't get rid of babysitting that woman and her annoyingly huge bosom

While she thought in displeasure YuJu was actually looking forward to the result, waiting for her to defy expectations and come forth with a celestial blessing, or perhaps even go beyond the limit and acquire the true form of this class

'The possibility of that is so slim, it's slimmer than one acquiring the blood vessel instead of transforming, but…'

What if, there was always that minuscule possibility

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