Master Of Myths

Chapter 205 - Doubts Settled

Chapter 205 - Doubts Settled

"It all sounds so unbelievable"

In the Somia guild's meeting hall someone spoke everyone's mind out after hearing what went down while they were busy reppeling the last wave

"I don't believe everything they said"

Sid commented earning everyone's attention, his standing among the other guild leaders was rather high despite being the weakest, all due to his cunning mind

"But I still think some parts were true, the most notable being their reasoning for attacking us"

"You believed that part? It sounded ridiculous to me"

The demon wolf masked leader questioned

"Well if you think about it then you would realize the first wave was a scouting one, otherwise why would it be weaker on so many levels compared to the other waves, and if the reports viewed the enemy as a weak race then I would attack with full force while unknowingly underestimating them, meanwhile if it was a semi strong one then I would tire them out given I have them surrounded already, perhaps they would even let us starve out instead of directly attacking, there are so many ways to win a war without fighting"

Logical and well said, Sid's analysis left no room for questions

"But the vampires' attitude after that is what puzzles me, why must they hide and keep their intentions to themselves when they could have come forth in our time of need"

The question that puzzled him brought the hall to silence as everyone churned their minds to think of a reason

"I think I have an idea on why they did that"

"Go ahead Mr.Gabe"

Clearing his throat Gabe explained his assumptions

"Firstly we must recall that the vampire den had been set on fire, reports and eyewitnesses said two powerful beings inside fought a great battle, previously we didn't know who else might try to fight them but now, knowing they and werewolves had bad blood, we can conclude that it was those two factions fighting"josei

It was a self serving explanation but the only logical one so far

"So perhaps the reason they did not expose themselves was to ambush the werewolves"

"That doesn't explain why they didn't share anything with us"

"Maybe-" "They did"

A hushed voice came from the shadows putting everyone on their guard, until the speaker emerged that is


Her wraith/angel like figure scared them witless, no wonder she was absent, had the woman turned to the dark side?

"I know my appearance may seem like one of them but I am not a wraith, I am a War Shadow now"


Vampires, werewolves and now war shadows, it seemed new races were poping out like weeds nowadays

"It is the price I had to pay to gain enough power to stop the invasion...and kill the enemy leader"

A shocking statement, even for the top brass of humanity, no especially for them since they could guess more than others how strong an enemy of such a massive army should be

"Can you tell us how you changed your race?"

Gabe asked but Sofia shook her head in refusal

"If I do then half of humanity would choose to change their race, it is an easy feat but a costly one"

"....Alright, then explain to us what your earlier words meant"

"They are simply what you think, the vampires approached the human race at the begining, a time where I was the only leader, together we built a front and made a home for both races, they lent us power when we needed it and we allowed them to recruit our people, those willing that is"

"Then why didn't you explain to us your relationship"

"The same reason why I still can't share everything with you, becuase among us there are traitors"

A somber silence overtook the room, everyone inside looking at her and each other with narrowed gazes

"A traitor you say, but have you any evidence"

"You already know it, still, I shall explain anyway, from where had the werewolves emerged? Why did the plagued begining accompany the arrival of the guilds, and howw come they were already in the settlement? The only explanation is that they were sheltered by one of the top guilds"

The air became heavy, weighed down by all the energy emitting from these strong humans, at this point there was no need to question the vampire's intentions, they couldn't have possibly planted the werewolves just to get rid of them and look good, instead of all this trouble they could have openly shown friendliness, that's why the fact that vampires were a hidden ally all along was cemented in their minds, as well as the presence of an ill bearing traitor

"Let's vote to negotiating peace with the vampires then, who agrees to forge an alliance raise your hand"

All hands were raised at once, after all any who didn't might be suspected of colliding with the werewolves, thus there was zero hesitation

"Then it's settled, we will have to bother you miss Sofia to infrom the vampires of our intent of meeting them"

"No problem"

"Meanwhile I think we all need a break, countermeasures for the straggling wraiths is to be made tomorrow"

Everyone agreed, the mist might have dispersed but there were still scores of wraiths dotting the surrounding land, if they let them be then problems would sooner or later emerge


Like the humans YuJu and his group were having a little meeting of their own, except everyone was silent, kneeling before him as he tapped away at his armrest, mind filled with thoughts

'Sofia improved further upon being summoned as a war shadow, that only proves that Anput's skill is vastly diffrent from normal, not only does she retain the dead's full capability with chances of improving it she also keeps their soul instead of calling forth a soulless puppet with lingering memories'

Speaking of the hound she was also kneeling, her tail wagging about in happiness of her newest shadow, as well as the improvement of the second one she ever called

'That reminds me, the bones of Kamiwhatever were viable to synthesize, it seems my guess was on the money, components do not only refer to minerals, anything seems to fall into that category'

For a long time he was under the illusion that only rocks and the sort could be synthesized due to the class, Syenergist, that birthed the skill working only on said items

'Once more I realize how deluding the system's description could be'

There was a downside though, or at least it could be one, for his skeletal hand now carried wisps of dark mist rising every now and then, obviously whatever he synsythized on great amounts would leave a trace on him

'Or it could be that I am doing it wrong and must do it in small portions, either way I am going to find my answer in the coming months'

Feeling like he sorted through his thoughts sufficiently he fixed his eyes on a certain person trying to shrink their presence as much as they could



"How goes your plan in reincoiling with humans"

"So far I may have convinced a small part of then with my explanation, things should work out if miss Sofia does her part well too"

"They should indeed, else it is your blood that will be spilt"

Reminding her that her very life hanged on the line he turned his attention to Mia

"Any news of the werewolve's leader"

"No Master, there are no signs of anyone of the sort, not even normal werewolves remain"

"Keep searching"


"Finally Ika, report the status of the Misty's remnants"

"Yes! All deadly threats taken care of my Lord, the stragglers are left for the humans to get rid of in order to boost their levels sufficiently"

"Good, that is all, your dismissed"

That was the end of the short meeting, if it could even be called that

Stepping out the meeting hall the doors closed behind them leaving everyone to go about their own business


At least that was the usual, this time however Ellis took the opertunity to speak to Mia, something she never did on her own accord

"Do you believe something has taken over Master"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question"


"Haah, I am astounded by your ignorance of the bond you share"

Despite her mean remark Mia continued with an answer

"Master has changed, whether it is good or bad is beyond me, and the struggle that would follow is none of our concern, it is Master's business alone"

She paused, looking back at the closed doors

"...For what it is worth I like this change, it makes Master feel more....human"

Having said her peice Mia turned heels and left, not at all interested in entertaining Ellis any longer

"I as well feel the same"

Ellis mumered under her breath, feeling relieved that the once machine like Master of hers showed actual emotions, regardless of their origin

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