Master Of Myths

Chapter 242 - The Blinds Of Power Obscure Reality

Chapter 242 - The Blinds Of Power Obscure Reality


Greeted the giant clad in white fur, so loudly Ellis felt the snow under her feet shift, then the sound of an avalanche from her back

Thankfully she didn't get dragged into it, otherwise she would definitely hold it against the goofy guy for having her climb all the way back up

"Greetings Yeti of Frozen Sanctuary, my name is Ellis and I am here as an emissary from my race"

She spoke while looking up to the ten meter tall yeti, in their own language nonetheless, one that sounded like a gorilla groaning in pain

"Oh! You speak! I mean speak our language, of course you speak your own, well if you had a language of your own, or maybe we speak the same tongue? Oh my Icicle that would be awesome!!"

After blabbering to himself the yet roared in excitement causing yet another avalanche, this time almost making Ellis slip from the intensity of the shifting snow

"Oh, sorry sorry, I'll keep it down"

Realizing what he'd done the yeti hunched over and beckoned for her to come in, then tiptoed inside so his new friend wouldn't be washed down the mountain

In this so called Sanctuary there were many houses, so large they would be a few floors high back on earth, each no doubt housed another yeti, yet none could be seen other than the one guiding her toward the largest building at the center of the place

"We are going to see the chief, he is a very nice man, always tells us cool stories about the world under, he's my grandpa too! Though he can be very rough sometimes, last week he even smacked my head for messing up aunt Yiyi's garden! Oh but don't worry, I don't think he will smack you, you're our guest after all"


The yeti, who had yet to introduce himself, spoke so much yet gave her nothing really important making Ellis believe him to be a blabbermouth

After the short walk that Ellis spent jogging to keep up with the big feet the two arrived before the largest building, having a single door that the guy pushed open without pausing

"I brought our guest! Grandpa you won't believe-Owa!"

A small ball of fur smashed into the blabbering yeti's face causing him to pause the incessant talk, the ball bounced back and harumphed

"Hmph! Have I taught you no manners Yit?! Causing an avalanche upon greeting your guest, not once but twice! Might as well shoo them at the door why don't you!!?"

Lectured the two meter ball of fur, only then did Ellis note the presence of two off white eyebrows on its round body, denoting the existence of eyes somewhere under all that fur

"So sorry for my grandson's irresponsible behavior, do come in"

The ball, who Ellis could only assume to be the chief, ushered her before shuffling back to a big pillow, his feet so small they couldn't be seen, only the pitter patter of their steps heard

"Could I delight you with some mountain dew?"

"I'm not thirsty thank you"

"Oh but it's a type of food, not a drink"

The chief motioned Yit to bring forth a stool for her to use as a table, on it was placed a drop shaped dumpling with steam rising up

"Hand made by our best cooks, it won't disappoint you for sure"

Ellis nodded and didn't even hesitate to pick it up, almost dropping it the next instant due to the chilling cold touch

After clumsily throwing it between her hands she just shoved the dumpling into her mouth only to scrunch her face up at the shivering cold tastejosei

Immediately after, Yit threw a slew of questions at her, asking her how it tasted and describing those who made it and almost everything about them down to their favorite color, only by the time he was finished did her tongue start working again


"Haha, I bet you thought it's hot? Many make the same mistake for some reason"

Well if it wasn't for her mistaking the cold air for steam she would have known it to be cold, but she gave no excuse, merely shifting the conversation toward the reason for her visit

"Thank you for your hospitality and food, I am glad to know the race my Master chose to ally with is so friendly"

"Ally? Are you here to befriend us?"

"Why yes I am, let me officially introduce myself"

She stood and took a deep breath before speaking the lines she practiced

"I am a representative of the human race, Ellis, here to invite the yeti race of Frozen Sanctuary into the newly made Vanguard Alliance, it is our hope that your respectable group would join our cause to protect all the participating races and the lands each of us reside on"

She paused, waiting for the chief to ask any questions

"I see, that's so nice of you, it has been so long since someone from the outside bothered visiting, with friendly intentions nonetheless"

The chief nodded, she could tell by the eyebrows moving up and down

"But I am afraid I'll have to refuse your kind offer, we are pretty cold up here, no need to bother with the heated wars of the underworld"

Ellis took his objection with blinking eyes, mostly to translate what he said but also because the way of using some particular words was unfamiliar

"Umm, the underworld?"

"Yes, the land of rifts and demons, is that not where you come from?"

"No, my world is full of those of my race, or at least it was, we plan on taking our land back and rebuilding it with the help of the alliance"

"Does it not belong to the demons no more?"

"We are a newly joined world so I don't know what demons you speak of"


"Miss! Tell me about the world beyond the snow! Please I am dying to know more about it!"

"This is not the time for stories Yit"

"It is okay I do not mind"

Ellis assured the chief and looked toward the blabbermouth, almost thankful for his interruption since it gave her the opportunity to explain what was going on down below, after all, it seemed to her that the dwellers of this sanctuary did not know much of the Infidome

"Under the Impassable Hills, your home that is, is an infertile land, most of its residents are rodents who survive underground, beyond it is the territory of foul beasts, or at least it was until I clear the path so it would be easy to venture from our homeland that lays just beyond the beast territory to yours, though now that I climbed the hills….I don't think you will have many visitors, at least not ones that would have trouble with a few beasts"

"What's your home like? Do you also live underground? Oh! What sort of beasts di-Owha!"

The chief smashed into Yit again causing the young yeti to stumble back while rubbing his face in silence

"Excuse my curious grandson, so miss Ellis, there are no rifts at all? No demons to speak of?"


"Then why should we form an alliance"

"Excuse me?"

"Of all the creatures that managed to impress me with their might the demons stood out the most, if they are gone then the land is free of danger, what could possibly go wrong?"



"Mister Yityi, perhaps you know not how the Infidome works, all the time new worlds join ours and as such there is no shortage of new powerful races that can threaten our livelihood, not to mention the already existent races that are much more powerful than any of us alone, only with combined strength could we stand tall and live unafraid"

The way she said it made even Yit feel heated, like they were already part of the same group, but before he could open his mouth Yityi spoke back with a light tone

"I do not know what Infidome or worlds you're talking about but I do believe they would not pose much of a threat to us, I have been protecting this sanctuary for millenniums and I shall keep doing so for millenniums to come, an alliance would only require us to leave our safe homes and join your own silly wars"

The words were spoken with true confidence, especially backed by thousands of years of experience, to this Yit could only feel dismayed, yet he knew his grandfather was right, this place was the only safe place they could live

".....I am sorry but that is not true"


Both Yeti's looked at Ellis questioningly, confused as to what part of Yityi's words were untrue

"I do believe you are strong, that is undeniable, even as you just sit there I can feel your power, so mighty that it could squash me within moments, a height that might take me ages to reach, but your claims remain untrue"

Ellis looked stubborn as she said that

"Personal strength does not amount to protection, no matter how powerful and mighty you may be, unless you can hide the ones you care about in a pocket dimension you will remain incapable of totally protecting them"

Her eyes glanced down, onto her own hands

"Beleive me I tried, I believe my Master tried as well, but it cannot be done alone, that is why Master sought us out, his loyal servants, then set to make an alliance, all so that we could protect each other"

Her eyes looked back up to the ancient ball of fur, knowing just how much older he was than her yet also realizing that some people could be blinded to the small things when they were looking from high up

"That is why mister Yityi you and your people need us and our soon to be friends to watch your back, you may be around for millenniums, but you will not be here forever"

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