Master Of Myths

Chapter 78 - Bloodline Strengthening

Chapter 78 - Bloodline Strengthening

"Haaah haah haah"

The colour from YuJu's face was draining with his blood, having already done a few ten purifications he felt a sore lack of fluids in his body, enough to perhaps cause him anemia


He spoke to the snake woman who had at some point crept right next to them, close enough that he could feel her breath tickling his skin as she observed his body with major interest


"Time for you to help with the experiment"

"What should I do?"

Her voice was higher pitched showing how much she looked forward to this

"Inject a minuscule amount of your poison into her"

He explained simply, this made her look back between him and Ellis in confusion

"That's it?"

"That is all... it's the price for watching the show"

He added making her swallow the words she was about to say, she thought she could get an explanation in return for her contribution but it didn't seem like he was on board with her idea

She hissed a sigh out in dejection, trying to act pitiful so he would give her some room to ask but he clearly wasn't in the giving mood right now

'Should I offer my blood then for information?'

She paused in thought, as much as it was taboo for their blood dependent group to give out their own she thought it was a worthy investment, only she didn't know what he could, or would do with the blood, so far his actions proved that he was more than capable of subjugating beings of her calibre but she still feared giving him her blood lest he uses it to harm her with one of his mysterious ways

'I don't have enough information'

With nothing but what she saw to go on she decided it was better to be careful than greedy, thus she bent down and plunged her teeth into the woman's leg injecting a very small amount of poison into it then backed away and returned to her observing manner

Seeing her complete her part if the deal after a slight pause he nodded in satisfaction and dropped his blood into the still open hole on Ellis's leg, he knew he needed to finish this purification fast with how hungrily the redhead was looking at him, the poison in from Belinda was more of an aphrodisiac, one capable of making ones mind lost in lust


The second he got his bearings after sinking into the drop he saw a massive battle between the poison and everything else in her veins, be it his chains, her blood, the random floating poison, or the white blobs of Biomass, everything was fighting for supremacy in a savage manner but it was clear the new poison was the tyrant in this battle royal

'This could get bad real quick'

The poison wouldn't harm her, but she wouldn't be capable of controlling herself much longer, he already noticed the looks she was giving him before she fell under the effects of the poison so this would be bordering the edge of her self control

'I'll extract as much as I could, even if it's little, while more Biomass devours the new poison, I'll risk it when that happens'

Settling on a few of the white blobs tangled with both chains and Belinda's poison, he incased some of the chains along with the Biomass that did devour the poison but not the poison itself, he gained nothing from extracting it

'It's amazing how the Biomass can turn poison into a semi bloodline just by devouring it, even my Master Blood Purification skill wouldn't be able to do that'

It was an amazing feat only known to Biomasses, this unique creature could turn organic materials into a part of itself, and since it was basically a walking blob of white blood he could make use of that to gain whatever he needed from those organic materials that he couldn't extract himself

'Its dangerous but the reward outweighs the danger'

While he was thinking the blood extraction was already over so he spread the mist across the chains fighting the new poison hoping they would benefit quickly if it and hold the effects at bay a little longer

Done with the purification he returned to his body and checked Ellis's condition

The redhead was squirming slightly while gazing at him with somewhat glazed eyes, biting her supple lips as her chest heaved up and down with hot breaths doing everything in her will to resist the primal urge taking over her

"Do I-"

Belinda spoke but a glare from YuJu had her shut up in a heartbeat, anything she does would only make the fighting girl lose her mind even quicker thus she needed to zip it and stay still until he was done with his work

Without wasting any more time he started the next purification once again and hastily searched for the largest affected Buomass he could find

It took only moments for him to find one half his size battling away at the poison and chains, he even saw Zarselos tribe's poison fighting along them and getting fed on by the blob

'I should risk it'

It was oversized for his capability but he needed to push himself further, after all, Ellis was fighting with everything she had and she didn't have half his strengthened mindset, he could at least try to go beyond his physical capability

Spreading himself thin he started to roam around the blob, waiting for the moment it disengaged from the poisons so he could swoop in and take it away

This moment came much later though, after the blob fed on the entire poison of the Zarselos and a hefty amount of the other poison, only then did it get tangled with more chains and moved away from the three-way battle into a one on one with its impossible foe

Hastily wrapping himself around it and a good chunk of the blood chains to keep it occupied he started to extract it without trying to fully confine it first

The painful sensation of being eaten from the inside came once again along with the many types of weird stinging sensation that the Biomass gained from different poisons and bloodlines, it was as painful as having acid burn your stomach from within before having it regenerate and burn again

'I can't hold on'

That wasn't because of the pain though, he couldn't hold on physically as the devouring rate was much faster than his extraction

'I need to do something'

Unwilling to give up from the get-go he experimented many ways to extract the blob in a faster way, sadly they all turned unfruitful the way he was extracting was already his fastest

'What if I take out its attack method instead?'

Rather the going defence, or offence against offence, he wanted to try and disarm the blob instead

Now instead of extracting from the blob randomly, he tried to take out the parts that were attacking him just as they struck, it was a successful attempt but he found himself unable to do that to every attacking part, he was still a little away from achieving balance much less victory

'Let's try something else, maybe try to make use of the blood chains more'

With a determined mind he tried out many different things, all of which were good plans, sadly his attempts were left with nothing to show for

'...I guess I'll extract what I can and be done with it'

His own size was already reduced by a third of what he was before making his spread body so thin one could barely see a white thing struggling inside if it so he stopped experimenting and started to extract normally once again

While his bloated body floated in the vein, extracting the blob, he bumped into some of his chains once again which was normal since he wasn't just floating in an empty space

Unlike normally these chains wrapped around him and squeezed, they squeezed so hard they went through him and chained the blob inside instead


Confused by the sudden event he watched on and saw the blob fighting the chains as it always did, and he extracted it through the chains without stopping

'This works?'

He felt a little dumb not to have thought of that earlier, he was already the chains on the inside what stopped him from using it on the outside? Perhaps he needed a fresh view on things so he wouldn't have his mind stuck on the same cycle like this again

'There are so many secrets to this process'

Just a few purifications and he discovered so many new ways by coincidence, this made him believe that there was so much he didn't know yet and needed to explore

With the problem at hand taken care of he completed the extraction and went back to his body, wasting no time to sink back in

Wanting to achieve the same result as last time he thought about what was different from the usual times he bumped onto the chains, the only thing he found different was how thin he was that time, perhaps only when the chains could sense the enemy inside him would they help

Trying it instantly he found that to be very true, an easy guess on his side

'That means I can extract blobs that are my exact size'

This saved him so much time and energy, to the point he wasn't at all worried about asking that cunning snake for supplement any more, it was the thing weighing on his mind the most for he was afraid she would get suspicious when he needed a very low-level supplement to regain energy,as for a high level one? He didn't want to bloat up and explode

'Let's get this done, it took more time than I thought it would'

Plunging himself onto a repetitive process of purification he quickly exhausted himself, he didn't stop at all or take a break until Ellis's eyes stopped looking at him hungrily and switched to guilt and worry for his state

"Are you...going to he okay Master"

Ellis asked once she saw him stop dripping blood from his pale hand into her body, the lust she had was already gone and even the painful battle inside her body seemed to slow down to a halt, this told her he already succeeded in his experiment, though at the cost of his health

"Yes, now stand, I need to finish it"

Without questioning what he was going to do she stood up and watched him take one step closer to her, grabbing her by the waist and hugging her to himself while he dug his fangs into her dainty neck

Feeling teeth inside her gave rise to another affectionate feeling she had to ignore, thankfully it was after the ordeal from earlier, she couldn't endure both at the same time

There wasn't any motion of blood being sucked from her body for quite a few seconds making her confused, when she was at the peak of her confusion she felt the chains in her body retreat into her neck, flowing the open hole on which his teeth were at


Clearing her suddenly dry throat she felt dehydrated within seconds, but the feeling was washed away with an even stronger one


Every nook the chains left there lingered a numbing feeling, one that soon turned sore and painful, and from that it became ticklish before at last disappearing, the process was quick but very, very jolting

"Oh my"

Belinda commented from the side at the astonishing scene, she could see that Ellis's body was changing at a noticeable speed, her hips were getting slimmer, her chest was gaining volume, her legs grew taller, and that was just the start of it

"This is?....!"

At first, it was confusion, then disbelief, but in a moment she felt shocked more than anything, watching as Ellis grew scales on her thighs and hands, as well as the base if her chest and neck, her eyes turning from two globes of shinning purple into two slits, and perhaps most surprisingly the scent that she gave off, a scent she couldn't be more familiar with, this was her own mist created by the skill she had

"I only used some of my poison on her how could he, this can't be, can he..."

Unable to tell heads from tails Belinda's mind sank into chaos, assumptions she couldn't even understand being thrown left and right in her mind, but one thing she did know, this man was a boon for people of her type

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