Master Of Myths

Chapter 88 - Training

Chapter 88 - Training

"Master! They're about to catch up!"

"Don't worry, don't worry about it"

"Please Master do something"

"Lead them on just a little more"


"Fine, slow them down Anput"

Finally heading Ellis's cries for help YuJu commanded the hound to start swirling the sand, restricting the chasing rabbit beasts in their place


With vengeance in her mind Ellis pulled out her new twin swords and jumped back at the red eyed crazed beasts, her aura-supported weapon easily cut their skin and inflict them with the poison it never seemed to run out of


The weird rabbits made a screeching sound as they tried to embrace the dodging swordswoman, even after getting wounded the clear hunger never left their eyes, hunger not for food but another great desire

Noting this Ellis became even more annoyed as she slashed at them with greater anger, these furry creatures were no longer cute in her eyes and she wasn't hesitant about letting them slowly die from the poison after the horrible chase she went through

"Hah hah haah"

It took about ten minutes for her to slash every rabbit in the pack, the rest was in Anput's hands

"Who knew your scent would be so useful, your becoming more of a bait than Anput"

He joked approaching her but she wasn't in a mood to laugh along, who would be after getting chased around by horny rabbits all day long

"There is something I've been wanting to ask Master"


"All this running around and pushups I'm doing, isn't it the training you said would take too much time to produce effects?"

"Yes and no, it is the same method but we've added a factor that changes everything"

"What would that be"

"The stat I've been increasing for you all this time"


"Indeed, remember when u talked about the methods of using one stat to increase others? This is the method"

"Sorry Master, I can't quite follow"


He checked on the rabbits a saw them struggling in the sand as their bodies started to slowly numb and die out under the lethal poison's effect, still it would take a bit of time so he might as well explain to her in the meantime

"Let me ask you this, what is Agility"

"Agility? It is speed I believe"

"Ok then what is speed"

"Well speed is the amount of distance you can cover in a certain amount of time"

"That's in physics, I'm asking you what speed is for the human body"

"Umm.. reflexes?"

"Precisely, but what is a reflex exactly"

"Well, reflexes are... speed at which we react, honestly I don't have another explanation Master"josei

"Then let me put it in a different way"

He decided to take the approach of an example rather than a plain question

"A train can move from point A to B using it's normal 'speed' in an hour, but said train isn't moving at the actual max speed it could generate, it could in fact move from point A to B in only two-thirds of an hour at the risk of derailing and producing an accident, so which one is the best reference for the train's 'agility' stat"

".... The max speed it could go on?"


"Your slow for someone with over one hundred points into intelligence, no, the answer is the speed it could go at without getting into an accident"

"But then it wouldn't be referencing its actual capability, I don't see how that's correct"

The redhead protested in complain while rubbing her sore butt feeling she was smart enough

"Everyone can push themselves beyond their actual capability, you could smash a wall even without stats at the cost of injuring your hand but is that an indicator of strength? Clearly not, if that was the case then determining strength would be impossible since the human body can go much beyond its normal limits when needed"

He took a breath and chose to stop questioning her since it didn't look like she was going to get it, he provided a full explanation instead

"Vitality is the threshold at which your body starts to be harmed when getting hit, Strength is the amount of power you can utilize without going over the vitality threshold, intelligence is the speed at which your thoughts can function, and finally agility is the mix of strength and intelligence with it being the amount of power you can put into your action and still be able to control said power, and since that strength is governed by vitality it makes agility a mix of all three stats"

A look of understanding finally dawned on her face, she tried to sum up the meaning of this

"So by raising agility I can force the other stats to catch up too, I'm already utilizing greater strength than what my body is able to handle and my mind is reacting at greater speed than it should, this state though is not a forced momentary one but a lasting effect caused by the stat which helps me quickly train everything at once"


"But then why did I have to raise my intelligence Master?"

He was already excepting this question since almost everyone who learned of this at first thought that using stat points in anything other than agility was a waste, even insight as most didn't know what that thing even did

"Because while you can raise stats using agility it doesn't mean that one hundred points into it will cause the others to reach a hundred as well, generally they would catch up to half the amount or more depending on the training you do, furthermore while you can use agility to raise other stats, which is actually the hard way, you can actually raise your vitality to increase your strength and from there increase your agility or put points into intelligence and slowly raise your agility, it all works really and while some stats are better than other it's still better to choose one that is most helpful to you, in your case it's raising intelligence and working on your agility since that saves most time as your body is already stronger than normal after the purification I did"

"What method ar-Hii" Smack!

He gave her behind a slap so hard she was sent flying toward the next pack of approaching beasts brought here by her scent

"Get back to grinding levels"

The redhead wasn't only curious but also clearly trying to stall for time by asking so many questions, she didn't want to lead the beasts into Anput's trap and have to slash at them once again for the umpteenth time but what other choice did she really have

Seeing her take her frustration out on the crazed beasts once again he sighed

"A few more levels and we will have to start real massacres....Haah, that's just the way this world is, morals will always be put aside if one wanted to get to the top"

After his interaction with the upright Ellis he couldn't help but feel a little human again, if but for a little while, but reality did not leave room for righteousness, it was kill or be killed

"Soon she'll get used to it, one way or another we all found our own way to accept it, I just hope it isn't a path where she ends up deceiving herself"

All he could do was passively guide while she figured her own ideals

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