Master Of None

Chapter 1688 1688. Frost And Mud

Chapter 1688 1688. Frost And Mud


"Stone skin? Steel skin? Diamond skin? Why let it go that far? Never let it touch your skin at all. Use the water to create a better armor. Cover yourself and don't let a single thing though. My elder's children have all learned to make themselves ice armors. Just learn that." Current was clear that he thought strengthening the skin was not as important as making a tough armor. Especially one that could be replenished by water.

The water in the air could even be taken and used to make the armor stronger. Need a shield? Make it from water. Need a new chest piece? Make it from water. Broken gauntlet? Repair them with the water around you and freeze it in to a solid and unbreakable ice. It was an endless armor in the eyes of the water affinity dragons.

Even the pieces of armor that were broken could be taken right back. If the dragon was good at using the water elemental mana, every single piece of it would melt and return to them. In the case of Current, this would take less than a few seconds. That meant that Su might be able to have an armor that would be never ending.

"I will do both. I will not have a single spot missed. If your armor breaks, you have to be able to resist with your body. If I can repair your armor, then it won't let my skin get pierced. You two should work together!" The sudden reprimand from Su shocked Current and Terron. They hadn't realized she had snapped out of her sitting position.

Su had resisted the elemental chaos that had been around her. She had done so with great pain and even had some blood dripping from her nose and ears. It went to show the depth that the mana had gone. Yet, when Walker went to heal her, he found that she was barely injured at all. It was just her body repairing itself and changing under extreme conditions. Another boon of having dragon blood within her.

The results of her change in resistance would not show themselves yet. She still had to adjust over time. It wasn't like she was a moldable ball of clay. Su was a living and breathing person. Just because the dragon blood had started to affect her even more lately, it was not going to be an instant change. There was just a higher amount of dragon influence on her which in turn made her start to feel the changes happening naturally even more. Even at an accelerated rate.

"What do you mean both? Can you truly boast that? You can not easily just do both. The mana required… no, have you touched natural mana yet?" Current was going to reprimand Su. he thought that she was getting too arrogant. That was until he brought one thing in to consideration, natural mana.

Walker could manipulate and fuse the elemental manas easily. It was just how he was going to be changing as he learned. That was the path he was walking. The path of a nature dragon. Was Su the same? Of course she was! She was a draconic guardian of a true dragon champion. She should have an affinity of all elemental manas too!

"I have not created it, but I have been around it enough to know that there is true power in the manas brought together. If I make my skin as hard as diamonds and a secondary armor of replenishing ice…" Su trailed off. Her imagination started to run a little while. "Then add the light shield that heals my body and protects me, I can do so much more. I can even coat my shields in earth too. I need to learn wind, darkness, and flame defensive skills too."

"You want an elemental defense. To block every single thing that comes at you." Terron spoke without emotion. Then he looked at walker and Current that had questioning looks already on their faces. "That is what a real guardian should aim for! Perfect defenses. The perfect guardian for what they defend. I will not let you strive for anything less, you will be powerful. If you are not, I have failed as a dragon to instill true strength within your soul!"

This was Terron's promise. A true promise from the core of his being. The earth dragons were the most defensive. Attacks were nothing to them. They could battle on for ages without a scratch. So what if they didn't like flying that much? So what if they lived in caves? They were beasts of their own nature.

"Well said. Watch me and tell me what you see!" Current didn't hold back. The dense water mana he had started to draw water from all around. It began to form sharp and pointed shards that came together. They melded in to a knight like armor covering the skin and seemed to shift with Current's body.

Every movement had a slight cracking of ice as the ice broke and reformed around the joints in his body. Even his wings were covered in layers of ice. "I would normally use flowing water as my armor. I do not like the solid ice that covers my body like this. However, I will give you the exception. Today you see me in an armor perfected by some of my dragonkin and ice dragons. This is the ice shard armor. It can move and change with you better than any other but still be repaired easily. You just need to control the mana you use."

"Why are you focusing on him!? Stay focused on the earth and defend yourself!" Tarron whipped out with his tail toward Su. she had not missed the attack coming though. She was in a heightened state after being bombarded by manas. It was like she had been given a shot of adrenalin.

Walker casually manipulated some of the earth and water mana around Su. he could see that she was hyper focused on what was going on. He had to support her. The more she could grasp the skills she saw, the faster she would be learning them right then and there.

Since Su had seen Walker manipulate the water and create ice many time, she was able to envision the process of creating the ice sharps armor over her metal armor. That was an easy vision to make, especially when she thought of the flowing frost whip which was like a slushy water and ice whip. It could move but also be solid in seconds.

The attack from Terron landed on her body but carried a dense earth mana left behind. This was Terron guiding her to cover her skin in the mana that he had been given by walker. It was also a much closer controlled style of teaching. He could ensure that Su focused on specific parts of her body before fully covering her entire body in the skill she developed.

The water and earth mana would normally clash. The water would wash away earth when it came to rivers and rain. But they could come together as part of a swamp, forest, and even in the plains. There were many places where the water and earth mana melded together to create life. How could Su miss this simple thought?

With this in mind, Su threw aside the thought of two separate skills. She was going against the direct teaching and following a little of Walker's path. Nothing abnormal for their group though. They did the unusual every angle day. This was just another day.

The earth and water manas seemed to welcome the changes. Su already had a firm grasp of earth with her spirit marks and slumbering partner. The water was also easy to grasp with such a  dense source and guidance from Current. It was also being directed to her by Walker.

What none of them expected was for the small bits of dirt and mud in the room to be pulled toward Su. every ship had them. Even the newest. Mud from dust and building would be trapped in the cracks. It was a ship. How could it be so perfect not to have some mud and dirt?

This mud moved and condensed on to Su while they watched. Her grasp on the water and earth became much more powerful as she became more determined. Su had grasped a small part of what she wanted, she was not letting it go.

When the small amount of mud attached to her arm over her armor, it was covered in shiny frost. The shards of ice and the malleability of mud would defend her, stop blades, and resist cuts. It could also be replenished by the water elemental mana and water in general. It wasn't the perfect skill yet, but it was the start. "This is going to be my frost heave armor. Freezing the very earth." Su gave the skill a name, Walker wasn't sure if she had just invented it or not, but it was perfect. The small portion she had just covered her arm with was enough to prove she had thought this through and it would work once refined.



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