Master Of None

Chapter 1697 1697. Another Mana To Think About

Chapter 1697 1697. Another Mana To Think About

The process of mapping a way through the coral was slow. It appeared that the tide was also in their favor since it had risen. What was more surprising was the addition of life after the ghost ship captain didn't reside in the waters anymore. A lot of the darkness and death manas had faded away in the direct area.

This made Walker stretch out his senses to see what was really going on. He believed that the death mana would always be around here. There was no way that it would go away unless it was exposed to light for a long time. This was because of how many ship wrecks and battles had been fought here. It had already been years after battles and the undead ghost ship captain had already remained.

Another surprise was that there were many pieces of old ships, armors, and even some weapons found. The ships that had crashed here were useful as learning resources for the development of the races that could be on the Sigil continent.

The weapons and armors also went right to the forges where the dwarves were hard at work making their analysis. They had already mentioned that the quality was increasing in the shops that seemed newer. However, one thing was clear, there were not any ships that had recently crashed.

This could have been due to a few reasons. People had stopped trying to get to Sigil from other continents because of the growth of this massive coral reef that was slowing them all down immensely. Or, it was that the people on Sigil had become too caught up on their own differences within their lands and that had stopped them from sending people out to explore.

Either way, this was a strange happening. It would need to be investigated just like many things. The good part out of all things though, was that they had learned some new things already while not even getting a foot on the continent. There was also the added bonus that Alma had not had to use her skills much as they led the first ship through the coral reef. The rate they were going meant that it might take two days, but that was fine. Meanwhile, they would all be preparing.

That was also the reason that Walker found himself reaching out his senses while the first ship made its way through the natural maze formed by the coral and the rocks. The reason he had tried to focus wasn't just to pay attention to how things were changing. It was because he wanted to grasp a little of why the darkness and death mana had stayed here and what they were.

Walker had officially decided to just call the death energies that seemed so close to the undead and the darkness mana death mana instead of death energy. The simple reason being because of the ancient library's books. The section outside of the normal flow of nature. In that section had been spatial knowledge, life, death, and many other things. It just made sense that there would be mana that wasn't necessarily part of the normal flow of nature.

It was odd for him to think that death and life might not be part of the normal flow of nature. This could be seen as saying that death and life were not how things should be when it came to the changing of elemental manas. But that wasn't truly what Walker was thinking. His mind was slightly different.

The idea of life and death were large. They were things that could exist without the life that Walker knew. The perfect example were the elemental spirits that clearly had a mind and life of their own. They were not made of flesh and blood like other races but they still lived. Death could easily still exist to them. When they fused with others or they faded instead of going dormant could be seen as a death to them. But sometimes it could be considered as life too.

The decaying aspect of darkness mana seemed to be what Walker considered the connecting factor to the death mana. These aspects were connected because decay was a source and also a symptom of death. Darkness caused this because living things needed light to some degree to function. It was a part of natural mana, therefore, part of how the world worked. Without it, then the being would not be balanced and start to decay.

The decaying part might also be why the darkness dragons that dared to dwell on death mana were going mad. They could have a slight rot in their minds that caused this to happen. Midnight had missed that because she had been affected by an item given by the immortal king. Yes it had nearly trapped her mind, but it could have been a massive drawback such as driving her mad. It didn't though, it was a purer example that led to her gaining the skeletal armor skill she had in action almost all the time now for safety when she was out in the world.

These thoughts brought Walker to the larger question about the undead king. He was a powerful trapped undead that sent his undead out and about as his eyes. But he was capable of leaving and using undead in far off places every so often. It was limited as of the last time the undead king appeared, however, it was a potential.josei

If Walker were to begin learning about death, life, and spatial skills then he may have another encounter with the undead king. There was one thing that Walker was sure of though, that the undead king would show himself again. He had not forgotten that the so called demon king was once a slave that the undead king's people had trapped and harmed. That alone would be enough for the undead king to appear. To see the end of a problem he caused. And potentially, to free himself.

The second that walker came to that conclusion he made a large frown. If the demon king that had harmed his own people and many others was defeated, then what would happen to the undead king? The demon king had been one reason the immortal king was trapped. He was stuck there because of his own failures and what the demon king had done. If the ties loosened, the undead could become a worse issue.

Furthermore, what about the undead here on Sigil continent? There were already powerful undead like the ghost ship captain. He had existed because of the war here. What about the other battlefields? Would there be more undead that lead armies or platoons of undead soldiers? What about other powerful undead that could control many as their hands and eyes like the immortal king? What about undead mages? The potential for terrifying undead was there and it was enough to make Walker shiver.

The shiver also came from a sudden flush of cool breeze. Walker opened his eyes and looked but didn't see that anyone else had felt the breeze. It had only been him. It made Walker realize that it wasn't physically that he had felt this, but in his soul. He had managed to reach in to the depths of the waters and natural coral maze to the darkness mana that had receded in to the cracks and crevices during the day. That was where he had finally sensed real death mana without the hold of any other being on it.

The sense was larger than he could understand. The seemingly small amount of death mana within the darkness was minuscule if compared, but it was powerful. It held mysteries that Walker could not understand. It was also hard to discern without Walker's complete hyper focus on it or else he would lose it again.

The only issue with all of this was that he had no knowledge of what he was trying to grasp. An understanding of death mana? A new bit of knowledge of how and why undead form? Of how he could avoid death? How he could use death? Walker was just trying to understand any little piece that could help him in the present or the future. Potentially even to fight the undead when he had to face the immortal king again.

"Walker, I need help up here! There are Large rocks that might scrape the ship!"  lsa broke Walker's concentration bringing him back to reality. He had a job to do and could not fool around with a new mana that was outside the natural mana flow he already was barely understanding at the time.

"I will be right there. Let me gather some mana before we move forward again!" Walker quickly got back to his job helping Alma when she was needed to protect the ship.


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