Master Of None

Chapter 1734 1734. Where To Go First

Chapter 1734 1734. Where To Go First

"Is this is the area where the strange magic pulse was felt?" Walker was looking at a detailed map of the border where the magic had been noticed by two empires.

"That is accurate. The higher cliffs by that area is why we do not send many to create villages there. If we were to do that then they would need constant guards chrome the crag lizards, night stalkers, and even the bald headed vultures. They may appear to be a bird type monster that would feed on the already dead, but they prefer to hunt for fun. A cruel monster."

"You say that the cliffs are worse but the deep ravine with a river houses even worse. There are multiple species of monsters there that we know to hunt anything and everything. The skeletal fish is a dangerous river monster with bones that grow outside the body. Or you would need to face the cave crawlers that come from the many caves in the cliff. They are dark type scaled monsters that resemble wolves. Very similar but very odd monsters that can see in the dark of the ravine and caves."

The two archangels seemed to have done their research before bringing this to Walker. He could tell that the monsters being presented to him were not the most friendly in any sort of the sense. Additionally, the terrain where the magic had been sensed was very hard to traverse making it a wonder why it had been explored so well that a report could be given at all. However, Walker remembered that the angels could fly and there was a chance that they had taken a survey that way.

"So we can assume that the three teleported there using their rune circle. In their escape they would have appeared in dangerous places where it was hard to travel. They could either still be there or they could be elsewhere. What I need to wonder about is what they may have found there. The caves are my worry." Walker had explained a lot so far that the two archangels seemed to understand where he was going.

"You have a theory about the caves housing some ruins or other ancient home of angels." The Fel empire archangel was sure this was where Walker was going.

"Yes, I was sure that there might be more to it since the angels that left our continent must have used a similar teleportation back then. But I hope they used one that did not cost so much to use." Walker did worry that the angels had done worse experiments with mana and magic in the past than he could even understand.

"And from that you believe that your criminals and they may have come to the same location to begin with?" The Rize archangel wondered what the reason behind that could be.

"It might be that the magic was only able to be used in one way to go one place. But if the runes had been carved in two places, then someone had come there to make sure it was possible. Or, what I wonder about is if there are ruins there in those caves or cliffs. I already know of a human city that made cliff homes because it was the only option. That city in my continent is a famous port city with a very large cathedral."

They all thought about this for a moment before they were certain that they needed to investigate this even more. The entire area would require many soldiers to check. that would have a hard time being explored along with keeping the monsters at bay while creating a camp to properly explore the area. That wasn't even counting what might be found in caves or along the ravine's river.

"We can begin the process for now but we should make advances on the other issues for now. We are limited in the battle against wyverns and against indeed. Both our empires need to make moves. I understand we are more limited due to the fact that we need to gather a much larger amount of information." The Fel empire archangel was sure that the wyverns could be dealt with first. He also knew that the Rize empire would not dare make a move if their issue was solved first because it would risk too much.

Everything that genesis had offered had been attractive. If the Rize empire decided to wage war as soon as they were helped, they would push Genesis away completely losing the path to their ancient history. It would also guarantee that genesis would join the Fel empire and potentially overtake the Rize empire in a much shorter time.

"I am fine with that. We have nests marked out that we believe are the main homes of powerful wyverns. Naturally, we have the scouting teams checking the information for current accuracy but they should be able to move more easily through the mountains. There are hidden trails and paths we have created to watch the wyverns since the mountains rarely change. Earthquakes are not frequent here." This was a surprise. Most large mountain ranges suffered from earthquakes. Especially since this one was much larger than anything near Genesis.

"We are more concerned with what may have been left behind by the ancient dragons. What may have been the start of the wyverns changes? Could they have unique skills that resonate with dragon blood?" The Rize archangel looked at Walker and the royal dragons beside him. But none of them moved to speak.

"It is unlikely. They have a strong distaste for dragons. That is just part of their instincts since we do not live with others of our kind unless we share an affinity." Ventus finally spoke up and ensured that there would be wyvern unique skills instead of those that a dragon would have.

"That doesn't mean that they can't breathe fire or anything like that. I am sure that they have multiple affinities. I just assume they have more specified affinities forcing them to use them specifically or just in a physical sense. Especially since they remain on the same mountain range." Walker was trying to come with theories, however, Ignus was the next one to speak.

"The mountains have volcanoes that are both active and dormant. I already looked at detailed maps. I expect them to have strong earth and fire affinities. They may even have a fusion of the two depending on their nest. Metal dragons are rare but they do exist. That is why we should worry about them. There may be metallic wyverns." This was very informational since even Walker had not seen a metal dragon. But he had the idea that they could exist because of the different affinities he had seen so far.

"We have seen some wyverns that appear to be extremely physically resistant along with magically resistant. They are not to be attacked normally unless a higher ranking angel mage is around for long range attack. If that is the affinity, then it would explain things greatly. We lack the bodies with proper study to find elemental fusion affinities. These dual affinities are rare even within the angels.

"So you are saying you have rare wyverns that need research." The spark in the Fel archangel's eyes made them all freeze. "I have mages that would spend their life researching such things. If you are willing to amend a few portions of the current agreements between us, we can do the research for you."

Even though the Rize archangel did not want to do this since the information could be very valuable, he understood the line where Roize and Fel sat. The Fel empire was extraordinary when it came to researching things. It was something they were well above compared to many. Even though the Rize knew elemental mana better, the Fel empire was able to understand why and how things worked better. It was just their natural result of growing curious minds.

"We will speak about that in private. As long as Genesis is willing to moderate the actual research, we could be willing." This involved Genesis as the middleman again. But that was a good thing. It meant that both empires were starting to trust them as a third party that had already set themselves to neutral. As long as they maintained this, then they would be the go to people for both empires and it would bring their fame even higher.

"Genesis will gladly assist with this. Now we can begin our plans to march in to the wyverns' nests. If we bring a large force we can stall them while the dragons and I enter their nest to speak with the queen. It will be tough but the results would be better if we were all united. So I hope to bring some Fel empire mages as well. That way we will have a back up plan for anything that goes poorly." This was Walker's last test of trust for them.


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