Master Of None

Chapter 1768 1768. Well Beyond

Chapter 1768 1768. Well Beyond


Healing was an art. To say it was as simple as using skills was an insult to many healers. Walker had been lucky that he gained skills but he was far from able to use skills that could take someone so close to death that it would seem impossible to save them.

Walker had managed to save people before. He had done many amazing things. That didn't mean that he was able to come right to a monster like the wyvern queen and bring her from the depths of death. She was right in the hands of the end of her life. How could anyone think they could undo the incredible damage that the acid lord slime had done to her body?

"I will not be sitting here without anything. This wyvern queen is now under my territory. I claim the earth ruins of the ancestral earth dragon as my own!" Terron roared out before he started to manipulate the earth around the wyvern queen.

The life mage and crystal healer were stricken with fear since they thought they would be losing the clear line of flight to heal the wyvern queen. However, they were shocked to see that the earth was forming shapes of scales. Terron was using an incredible amount of mana to form stone scales to cover the open wounds all over the wyvern queen's back. He was also taking the natural mana that Walker was radiating and using it to boost his skills.

The sudden connection that Walker felt between himself and Terron was nothing like he had earlier when they defeated the acid slime lord together. Now it was emotional. It was full of desire to protect and defend. The very thing that earth dragons held above every other dragon. Impenetrable defenses using the earth mana that would normally be slower than other manas.

"Fleur, I need your help!" Walker called on Fleur who was still rating within his spirit mark. He rarely called on her but the sudden bond he felt between him and Terron while also adding natural mana to the healing skills of the life mage, Alice, and the crystal healer was more than he could control alone.

When Fleur appeared, the natural mana spiked. She was immediately using the natural mana she had gathered here. Whether it was just because Walker asked or if she had sensed something important, didn't matter.

What stunned the others was that Su had also started to act. She had called her partner out from rest as well. The sudden appearance of two elemental spirits, one grand earth elemental spirit, and one nature spirit was enough to make the angels understand that they were far from their league. This sight was one that he might never see again in their lives.

The moment the earth mana and the earth manipulated by it was made more solid to become a scaled covering for the wyvern queen was the moment that the natural mana surged yet again. The life mage and the crystal healer became boosted by the skills that Alice used in her song. A song of healing that made focused light snow fall on to the wounded.

Not only did these skills boost healing, but the life mage took full control and began chanting. He was not just some low life mage, he was an older angel that had studied in the Fel empire for years to become the best of the best. That was why he had been sent. To gather information, knowledge to change the empire. But he had also been sent so that he could show Genesis and Rize empire how the Fel empire worked.

" the seed of life rests within all. Burn bright the flame that drives a soul to strive for life. Feel the passion and the sadness of those harmed in the glorious world we are born. The cycle of life and death does not end suddenly, it is a flowing stream that overcomes. Grow your life! Spark of Regeneration!"

The mana suddenly disappeared from around everyone and fell in a small spark of white and green light on to the wyvern queen. This mastery skill had been used and the life mage collapsed before it was even finished.

In a glow of light that pulled every bit of mana around them fell on the wyvern queen, Remey and Ignus threw the condensed healing and nutrients potions they had over top of the wyvern queen. This was the catalyst that finalized the mastery skill. The perfect timing that brought the best of the best together to allow healing.

Whether the wyvern queen would survive would be up to her, but for those watching, they knew that this skill was a combination of natural mana, healing, and potions. Efforts of their empires and Genesis.

The wyvern queen immediately lost the harsh breathing that clearly resulted in pain. What she had now was the calm and restful slumber that she should have when safe. The wyverns watching also felt that their queen had been saved. They slightly lift their heads to see the beings that had done so. The imminent order to return still clear in their minds and hearts. They were servants to the queen and held her high above others. They had just been allowed to run rampant until now.

"That can't be all, the quotes is not complete yet!" Walker pushed toward the wyvern queen feeling his own sudden loss of mana. The life mage had not only used all of his mana but all of everyone around hims' mana. The mastery skill that cost everyone around him a price to heal someone using the nutrients and everything available. It was a high cost and explained why some of the soldiers had collapsed. Even Gil was on his knees forcing himself to remain away. It was also clear that the royal dragon had suffered a bit here. Enough to force them to exert extra effort to maintain their tough faces.

Walker was using the all around appraisal constantly to see what was left that had stopped the quotes from being completed. He soon found after the seventh all around appraisal one line that said it all.

'The acid has damaged the spine of the wyvern queen causing potentially irreparable injuries. If left alone, the wyvern queen will perish in three hours regardless of current healing.'

This single sentence added on was heartbreaking. A master skill had just been used and yet that was not enough. The number of potions that Remey had condensed had not succeeded as well. Two amazing and powerful measures had just bought them three hours?

"The bones in her sine are damaged! Any life mages awake need to get here now. We need to fix her bones!" Walker was not done. He managed to grab the life mages only to see that none had any knowledge of a skill that specifically focused on bones to heal them.

"Walker." Alice softly spoke. She was low on mana herself and had just drank a mana potion to help her. She was clearly worn out and her voice was slightly raspy from rushed singing that changed meaning and ability as they battled or healed.

"You are not in the shape to do-" a single shake of Alice's head shut Walker up. She was already moving toward the wyvern queen and started to hum a soft tune.

Echoes around the now silent tunnel proved that a somber and heartfelt melody was being sung. The wyverns around screeched out softly as they felt the depth of these sounds. The silence becoming a chorus of heartbroken vows. The dramatic change appeared to be the direct influence of Horizon appearing around Alice. The normal high energy and bright personality had changed to a scary and intimidating elemental spirit. One that clearly lived more than many others.

As hands made of light appeared denser than most skills Alice used with her sings appeared, everyone stopped breathing yet again. The light hands reached and melted in to the wyvern queen's body causing the remaining life mages to approach and commit the remainder of their manas to Alice. The fusion of manas seemed small but was larger than many could understand in the moment. Alice had successfully melded manas that were not of her affinity using the healing abilities of her songs.

"An angel in your human form. She is descended from angel blood." Seran mumbled this as he tried to stand. His eyes glistened with extreme awe.

"She does have some angel blood. It must be left from the angels that were left on our continent when your people left. But that's in the past. No angels remain. Just the best healer of her generation." Walker approached as he saw Alice fall and the light dissipate. She had started running a fever while Horizon appeared to have offered all of his stored mana as an elemental spirit. This was all well beyond the means and the expectations of what they had come to do.


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