Master Of None

Chapter 1915 1915. Treasure Trove Forging

Chapter 1915 1915. Treasure Trove Forging

Every single material that Walker took out of his high spatial storage was like a meteor hurtling down to present itself to the wandering blacksmith. He was looking and listening to the all around appraisals in awe. 

But what made him more excited were the facts that he was being handed all the armors and weapons he had created for the party. Normally, a blacksmith would be angry that the upkeep had suffered or that something was broken. But for the wandering blacksmith, it was proof that he could still get better. 

The wandering blacksmith had also been working on the better rune designs that the rune researchers , mages, and rune carvers had been discovered within the mage tower. These origin runes had the best uses and as the more that everyone learned, the better chances to use them were discovered. 

Specifically, the origin runes had been able to be transferred and were now in use. The structures were still harder to replicate because of the skills needed to do so, but that was fine. That just gave many people better challenges to work toward in their future. 

This was also met with many world sub quests to strengthen genesis and the forces associated with them. These runes were just a base for growth. Lost by a people from long ago, the origin runes were definitely the best way for anyone to start their path to rune understanding. The new patterns found had already been enough to replace some of the long existing rune formations on magically locked doors!

This was just a baseline though. Many more things were in the works when it came to private businesses like the wandering blacksmith's forge. He had the materials to create metals that would be able to withstand larger rune formations with more mana traveling through it. 

A perfect example was the eternal orb that he had forged with Walker. The eternal orb house all elemental manas and could house natural mana. It stored all of that and used unique properties to be able to change shape in to just about anything as long as mana and will were perfectly and within it. 

But there was a chance that improvements could be made. Walker had the knowledge that all mana had an original point. That natural mana was just the balance of elemental manas together. That alone was enough for many people to be shocked. 

When it came to true mana, Walker needed to use proper materials to alter the eternal orb. Life mana ,materials, death mana materials, space mana materials, and mauve time mana materials if that was possible to find. Not that any of these materials were something just sitting around for the taking. They would need to be researched, discovered, and properly used. If none of that happened, then they were useless to them anyways. josei

"We will need Su's shields made with improvements. She also needs them to be better equipped and unequipped in battle. She had started to learn an unarmed battle style that enhances her body with the manas and natural defenses she has. But in my opinion, I think she needs a set of armor that will break off and reduce in weight if she hits a button or activates a rune formation." 

This idea had been one that Walker had given a lot of thought over the last few hours. He knew that Su's changing styles would be ideal for her to be able to face monsters and enemies more easily. But the fact that she couldn't just drop everything easily without stopping mid battle, was an issue. 

Therefore, having armor that could shed weight and become a thinner defense when in battle would be ideal. Walker had seen certain armors designed to break at certain points when attacks to cause a lesser blow to the main defensive armor under the layers. But that was just the base of the idea and not an actual solution. Su needed stable defenses. 

"Gil will be along at some point with some ideas for new armor. He has to have a better dagger improvement too. He managed to awaken the full high elven dagger technique. He is going to need a dagger and armors that better channel natural mana since it naturally attracts natural mana when he uses it. I might work with him when we develop a natural mana arrow. But that could be tougher than we think." 

Such an arrow was one that Gil was already thinking about. But that challenge would mean a lot more than he thought. Making such an arrow would need higher quality materials and would most likely nor be usable after being shot once. If they were lucky, twice. 

"Then Remey should be along again for her knuckles. The elemental knuckles have started to break under the force she can use. That and she overloaded them with mana causing her some injuries. That means we need better materials. I was actually thinking of making something similar to the eternal orb but with a fixed shape. That way she could use all elemental affinities regardless."

"But she had been working with dragon flames lately. Trying to improve her alchemy with Ignus. I would assume that the two will come with ideas together. Remey and Ignus have been spending a lot more time together." Walker didn't hide this. He knew that dragon flames would massively help the wandering blacksmith with his work. 

Onyx is good, he can make armor with dark and light mana. Midnight is the same with her skeletal armor but I think getting something for her wings would be ideal. To coat her weaker scales around the wings and the bones. It would have to be thin and more for deflecting if possible."

The wandering blacksmith felt that he was being given a treasure trove of ideas and materials. They were all so good that he wasn't sure where to start. "I know you had armors on order by the royal dragon so I don't want to keep adding things, but Alice needs a thin armor that helps attract light elemental better than her current robes and thin armor. That way she can enhance her light elemental songs even more. I was hoping to use origin light runes." 

With the advances in rune knowledge, Walker had not missed the new runes being carved on some roofs to absorb light elemental mana that was being funneled toward empty mana gems. It was a genius method to save mana and also use it in the cathedral for healing. Whoever had come up with it would be considered a genius and marked in history since it was a valuable usage of the mana gems from broken mana crystals. 

This was just the start of things though. Walker had seen many forging wonders added to the streets of Genesis. Light posts that used light mana and specific types or rock to light the night. Unique turn formations using air and light mana around trash areas. And many more that were certainly the work of blacksmiths and rune experts together.

Not to mention the incredible designs of golems that Walker had seen. The dwarves had fully allowed themselves to create proper golems that could do heavier lifting. Incorporating themselves in to the building efforts of carpenters and other building related professions.

"So what do you think? Materials and ideas." Walker looked at the wandering blacksmiths whose eyes were shining with determination.

"What environments were there?" 

Walker expected this. The wandering blacksmiths was known for traveling and forging in unique places. Even the lava near the fire dragons. This had made him a legend in multiple kingdoms and races before Walker had even met him.

"Sigil continent has many unique places. Marshes with rivers running underneath them to the ocean. Islands with jungles. Massive mountain ranges that house monsters and wyverns. Then there are massive deserts that have barely any water to speak of." 

All of these places were engraved in Walker's mind. They were places that he knew had materials and other unique things for the wandering blacksmiths to experiment with at some point. 

"Since the teleportation rune formation has been made and will be improved, you can go there and back any time you want now. How does that work." 

The grin grew even wider before the wandering blacksmith spoke up. "That's exactly what i wanted to hear." Walker knew from this response that a new flurry of creation would come from the man in front of him. He was certain that titles and new skills would also show up from this man. 

"I can stop by with some help for you later. Once you've figured out your plans." Walker saw that he wasn't being listened to any more. The wandering blacksmiths was already making his diagrams and blueprints for new items and improved armor. 


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