Master Of None

Chapter 2097  Warm Welcome

Chapter 2097  Warm Welcome

Chapter 2097  Warm Welcome

A rush of mana hit everyone as they appeared within the teleportation rune formation of Genesis. It had been enlarged more than what it had been before, and this one had been moved to the outskirts of the city. This large space was made in to a hub for proper teleportation since the builders had realized that this would be needed. The smaller rune teleportation formations would be used for those that needed to come and go in emergencies. They would be highly guarded as well. That was the basic plan. But the area that Walker looked at was amazing nonetheless. Horse stables were made so that the horses and monster pulling carriages could rest properly. There were some smaller inns just off in the distance tso that those working for the merchants had an easy place to sleep. When it came to safety, there was a large guard building prepared that attacked right to the Genesis walls. The farms that spread behind the teleportation formation were just adding to the amazing scenery since the plants were growing much larger. It appeared to be something out if a painting and not reality. "We welcome the heroes!" The unified shout came from the guards and soldiers that had remained behind to defend Genesis. They and many of the youngest adventurers had lined up to become a procession of the heroes that they looked up to. They wanted to ensure that they were greeted with the same passion that the heroes held for Genesis in every action that they took. "How should we make it back if everyone is here waiting for us." Su's eyes began to water as she spotted her parents. Spotted her parents who had a large bouquet of welcome home flowers in their hands. "You say that, but look at mine. My mother is already starting to look like she should be in bed rest. Why did they come!" Gil knew he would have a little sister or brother someday soon. That announcement had made him have yet another reason to fight for the future of Genesis. Not that Su wasn't the same. She just didn't have the news just yet from her parents. That was just a result of the city prospering. The bright future gave a bright chance for the newly born generation to prosper. Opportunities would flourish while those that took ahold of those opportunities would grow faster than any had ever grown. It was well worth thinking about. Midnight dashed off ahead nearly tackling both Walker's parents and sister to the ground. She had taken to her dragonkin form, but that was still a bit too much with how strong she was. Onyx was right there with her though, but instead of the family, he was the one being tackled in a way. The youngest serpents that could not go to battle had been waiting. Waiting to see the oldest of their growing family. The strongest of their family. The serpent that was paving the way for all of them to live as they desired. Now that he was back, they knew that all of their elder siblings would be coming back too. That they would be hearing of the battle where they stood out over monsters that desired to end the very world. How could they not be enamored with that?josei

"You brats didn't need to come. I would have just gone to check on you after I slept a little more." Remey pretended to crack her knuckles. All of her younger siblings had been waiting here. While they had all gone off on their own after she had brought the orphanage to a better state, they were still family. They would have come to see her return under whatever circumstances that they had. These warm welcomes were met with more cheers. Especially as Walker went up and gave his family a hug as well. "Just don't squeeze too hard. I am the weakest one here right now." His parents and sister looked at him with worry. "I'm healthy and not injured. Just back at level one. I'll explain later. For now though, let's walk to the Genesis building. More people will keep coming behind us too." The sounds of mages working together to provide the teleportation rune formation with the right amounts of mana that it needed. They would be bringing the other leaders after the heroes. This meant that the sky would be filled with triumphant dragon roars in just a short while. Before that happened, Walker wanted to be back at the Genesis building where he was sure that more people had gathered. More of the united races. While moving through the cleared streets, Walker could tell that Genesis had been busy since they had left and since the changes of the world had begun to affect everything. There was a massive difference in the mana all through the city. The magic tower and even the reason for the changes at first. This being the case, the city had experienced a lot of benefits from that. More mana meant that people would feel better overall. On Top of that, it made skills and research easier to learn. Right now though, that effect had more than tripled. The denser mana was refreshing. It would surely help a new generation of mages take a massive step ahead in the world of mana. That Wasn't even considering what could be reaped from the exploration of the elemental planes. That could bring yet another even greater growth to everything that was standing now as a foundation. Just thinking about how much Genesis could achieve now that the world was in its proper flow. The sheer amount of things that could be done so that all the races could be brought together was impossible to write down. All of this rang through Walker's mind as he looked over at the guild buildings within the first square that they made it to. Many of the staff from each were outside doing their own cheers to celebrate the return of the euros. Enough that they showed off enough for what it meant to be a member of the guilds. The crafting guild had every apprentice and blacksmith out in front.. The wandering blacksmith being one sitting directly in the middle. He had been waiting for the party to return so he could see them well. He also was ready to see what new things were brought back. The adventurer's guild was even more dramatic. The rowdiest of adventurers were shouting out. Congratulating them for completing this massive quest. For they were seeing the legends that had grown as both adventurers and then heroes return. Clara stood at the front door calmly. She was showing a small smile. Waiting to welcome the party back from their adventure. However, she did not force them to stop the walk. Instead, she joined the procession. This parade through Genesis was picking up momentum as the first dragon roars broke through the air. A bright dragon flame cut through the sky as Ignus called out to the fellow fire dragons. The elder dragons that had returned with him roared back as well. They had used a lot of their ana to help the mages on the rune formation, but they could feel their hearts beating in unison. They had returned victorious!

This wasn't all though, Walker caught Remey dashing ahead to the old master alchemist. The other alchemists holding back since they knew of the unique bond that Remey had with the old master alchemist. "Old man, I managed to make it back safely. Just a little bruised." Remey showed off the small bandages that would easily heal and be taken off later. But this didn't stop the old master alchemist from forcing poisons in to her hand. He was not going to let his one and only proper family member suffer at all. Many other alchemists started to shout after a few moments. They grew impatient while waiting for their guild master to speak. "We have a lot of work to do. New herbs to catalog! Get back to work!" She shouted this out and the response was an astounding yes. The alchemists knew that their guild had a reason for forming. But also that they were standing together now. Nothing in this walk was over thorough. The largeness of the Genesis building was all too grand for Walker now. He found that some additional statues of the leaders of each race had been added to it. This made it even more elegant. Even more historical. As the party made it to the massive square in front of the Genesis building, they began climbing the steps to stand in front of it. Awaiting the others to return to Genesis before they dared to step foot inside. They would meet with all the leaders once they all were there.  …

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