Master Of None

Chapter 211 - 211.Seeing Ibis

Chapter 211 - 211.Seeing Ibis

Clara then pushed them to return upstairs and even further tpo head to the guild master's office. The dissection staff seemed to be in a frenzy with the monsters dropped off. Some seemed fairly unhappy by the burned up bodies, they much prefered the closest to how they normally existed in the wild. They did find some benefit in the fact that they could study the horned rabbit's anatomy under the stress of extreme heat though, many notes were added in this respect.

The artistic door of the guild master's office was already in front of them as Clara had pushed them all the way up the stairs. She wanted to get them there and have a reason to sit down for the first time all day. "Guild master, I have brought the Omnipotent party!" Clara said this while pushing open the door, she hadn't even knocked. Walker and the others hesitated but Clara walked right in and sat on an empty chair, she looked like she would have collapsed in to it anyways. 

"Ah Clara, bold as always. Come in come in don't wait there all day." Ibis waved for them to all emter. "We saw your events in the plains, I am sure you noticed the quest that showed up right after, and I am also sure you are wondering why?" 

"Sir. I believe I actually know why. I can remember a story from my parents before they had established the farm." Ibis gave Gil a wide smile.

"Well then, Share it with your party, it should sound much better coming from you whose parents lived through it out on the fields." Ibis sat back getting comfortable while he let Gil take the lead.josei

Gil was proud to share something he had learned growing up and took the chance, "My parents were not yet able to get their own fields so my mother had been working on the outer fields with a close friend. My father had been away hunting when he came back suddenly. Most of those adventurers or travelers that had recently left the city returned, some hurt badly and others barely able to walk." Gil paused a moment trying to be suspenseful. "They said there were hundreds of horned rabbits coming their way and that there was no way to get past them. Naturally once enough people had reported this all of the guards were dispatched to the walls. The adventurers were also notified but it was not enough time. The horned rabbits had flooded in to the fields eating anything and everything they could since the seedlings had been recently planted. The spring had come early which brought them out of their hibernation almost a month early if I remember the story right." Gil thought another few minutes before something seemed to click. "The farmers fled their fields and found shelter in the walls, for hours the rabbits destroyed the young seedlings before the guards and adventurers teamed up to push them back. The city lost three quarters of its projected harvest. It was the greatest famine that caused a decline in our population for three whole years." The others looked at Gil like he had become a living history book. The only thing they continued to wonder was why he didn't show this smart side of himself as often.

"Aha yes young Gil is spot on. The rabbits had no food out in the plains because the ice was still thick but they had already started their breeding. The increase in numbers was nothing but a disaster. Naturally they smelled out anything they could eat and left the plains in hordes. Every kingdom bordering the plains had a tough battle against them. Ever since we have kept strict watch for this kind of event to occur again. Luckily Clara noticed the abnormal amount of horned rabbits you defeated. This paired with her wise decision to check the archives lead to her immediate report and my response to use my power as the guild master. " Looking rather proud of himself, Ibis followed this up. "Naturally as the ones who discovered this outbreak however accidental it weas, we at the guild will still honor the guild wide quest and reward you for the horned rabbits you defeated." This was great news for them, they had risked a lot for the experience and Walker had even seen it as a big disappointment due to his poor decision making. But now there was another silver lining, they had made some gold for the party which would only help them become stronger. The biggest lesson though was that they had managed to warn their kingdom of a massive threat to their soon to be planted crops. This would most likely extend to the other kingdoms that bordered the plains which would save many more from starvation. 

"Thank you for that guild master Ibis." Walker made sure to be as polite as possible since it was such a great moment of enlightenment. "Actually we have reason to visit the king again and were hoping you could attend with us? The events of our travels to Ordist will most likely affect our guild and kingdom together." Walker knew this was not the time to share too much information so only shared this little bit. He still held the secrets of the letters and documents given to him, to personally deliver to the king. This was the utmost security he could give it since it was put away in his inventory skill which only he could access. 

"I am certain the king will receive you at a moment's notice, it would seem you have all found out about the other details those travel medals give you. Especially since you know to wear a new sigil right next to them. " Ibis had sharp eyes and had been waiting to bring up the new symbol pinned to their clothing. This party had been building some very strong connections while away. They not only were close with the guild's close friends, the tamers. But they had also become close with the King of Ordist himself gaining his special sigil. 

The entire party stood a bit taller recalling the things they had accomplished while in the demi-human kingdom. They were even more motivated now to travel around more and become stronger so that when they ventured there again they could show their new and now old friends how hard they had worked. 

Ibis stood up and stretched slightly, "Now let this old man take you all for a walk to meet with royalty." Ibis laughed a bit, "Clara I will leave you in charge, don't fall asleep now." His words went unheard and Clara had already fallen asleep in her chair. "Ahh asleep already, you really work yourself too hard my granddaughter." Ibis almost whispered this but Walker was able to hear this and showed it on his face. Ibis gave him a small wink and strode through the door. 

Walker couldn't help but think about how little the party actually knew about Clara. She rarely spoke about herself and had instilled within her a hard working serious individual who truly cared about everything she did in life. But she had not even said for a second that Ibis was her grandfather, The guild master of the adventurers guild was her grandfather and she was the first floor manager. This was a big deal and if the other adventurers knew this she would be swamped with those who wanted her as a manager to get in to the guild masters' good graces. This walos explained why she was able to so boldly walk in to his office without fear. 

Walker almost was too stuck on this puzzle coming together that Ibis got too far ahead, he rand after the rest of the party and Ibis after softly closing the door and whispering goodbye to Clara. She always worked so hard and Walker promised himself to get her a gift from the party as a thank you. He would soon be bothering her with more work so it was only fair to thank her in advance also. 

The group made it through the guild with ease, even the youngest adventurers knew that markings on Ibis's robes meant he was the master of the guild. They made a path for him to walk not daring to make any remarks, they feared saying anything improper could end their career, of course Ibis was not so cruel but what they did not know would not hurt them. It was good for them to have the proper respect. 

Gil could swear that the second they left the guild there were more shadows than there should be following them but every time his eyes would focus on one he would find them gone. Ignoring this strangeness he runned his eyes and continued to follow behind Ibis. The guards at the inner gates allowed the, an easy entry and with a wave of his hand Ibis had gotten them into the inner walls of the castle as well. The party was greeted with a very familiar sight but slightly different this time.

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