Master Of None

Chapter 217 - 217. Extinct Plants

Chapter 217 - 217. Extinct Plants

Walker's words had brought an excited smile to Gil's mother's face, no farmer she had ever heard of had brought a plant back from extinction. "Do you know what they are called? I would love to be the mother of these forgotten species." She wanted to snatch the seeds and start growing them this minute but wanted to have Walker give them a good look since she knew he had an appraisal skill.

"Well don't let us wait, we don't know what the seeds are either you have the appraisal skill." Remey was impatient and gave him a few hits to the shoulder trying to get his butt in gear. Walker looked at Gil for support but found he was also excited to know what plants these were. 

"Um well give me a minute. There are four different ones. I will read what the system tells me from my all around appraisal skill." He mourned his sore shoulder for a moment before separating four different looking seeds and used his skill. 

' Oozing vine seed

This seed is the last remaining of the oozing vine. This plant is known to grow in dark places loving the natural darkness mana. It's flowers are completely black and extremely poisonous to ingest. They can be ground and used as a very strong pain killer when spread on an open wounds

Weeping willow tree seed

This seed will grow in to a large tree with branches that seem to fall to its side like tear drops. The tree blooms in the spring with soft white fuzz, the pollen is very potent. The strong pollen has a relaxing effect on any that breathes it in and will clear the affected's mind. Many scholars once found great enlightenment through using this pollen causing the tree to be hunted to extinction.

Blood fruit seed

This seed is the last remaining of the blood fruit bush species of plant. The blood fruit used to grow in many places all over sunny areas. The fruit produced is a very small red cherry like fruit. The fruit has the unique ability to assist in the replenishment of the body's blood. This species was over harvested by researchers.

Spirit lily seed

This seed is known to exist in multiple aspects of the world. Growing in water this lily is often found in untouched forest ponds. This will grow translucent leaves and flowers making it seem to be a spirit or ghost. Any part of the plant can be used to create potions that boost magical attack for a set limit of time. They are extremely hard to grow and absolutely detest being touched, they will die at the slightest injury to their stems or leaves. They only grow from the root up and after blooming will release three seeds.'

This was a lot of information to take in, these plants had all been forced to extinction and were thought to be completely lost to the world. Walker understood why some of them had been over farmed. The blood fruit sounded like it was invaluable for medics, or healers to have with them while trying to treat injuries. The oozing vine also must have similar uses.

The weeping willow sounded like it would have been highly sought after by those with crafting or artistic systems. Seeing that Immortal king had told them that it used to grow in the ancient ruins before they were ruins was a great attribution to why their research in to immortality must have had leaps and bounds. Falling in to a state of enlightenment to pursue new ideas and forms would be extremely advantageous.

The last seed was more easily explained, this plant was simply too delicate, how could something that could die from the slightest injury to itself even survive in nature. Not only that but it could only produce three seeds after blooming once? The appraisal also said it grew from the root, so in theory would that mean it could bloom again if it was ab;e to grow unharmed?

"These all seem very promising. I really want to get my hands on the spirit lily. I have never heard of a plant so soft and strange, If I can get it to grow in that little training pond in the field we could have a rather mystical view to witness when we eat. Oh I can just imagine the looks of it in the moonlight." This image settles in all of their minds the second she said it. Translucent flowers and leaves blowing in the wing under the light of a full mood. One could even say they saw spirits dancing over this.

"I believe we could have the most unique garden in the continent." Gil spoke up, visibly excited by the prospect. 

"Well first things first, I will need to start some of these out growing. I can use my rapid growth skill to get their roots established. These blood fruit bushes would make a nice hedge for around the walls...The oozing vine can grow up the trellises I wish to place on the walking path around the garden." Gil's mother was already setting up a mental image of where things would be placed. She had the ability to influence how they would grow due to her skills and knew that she could properly guide the vines in to the perfect shapes to hold an archway. "That weeping willow seed would be nice by the pond for some shade, and by the bench here for drinking tea. I have so much to do now!" She grasped the rake and took the seeds in her hand. She had rushed off to another corner of the garden before they could even get another word in. This seemed to be a trend lately in people going off or dismissing them too caught up in their own world.

"Well mom will get everything growing just fine, you just watch in a few weeks we will have plenty of new plants taking root and brightening things up. I can't wait to eat new fruit all the time." Gil seemed to catch the virus from Midnight that caused her to only think about food. Walker and Remey gave each other a look before Remey hit Gil square in the shoulder.

"Let's get inside, I feel like we will need to get our other goals taken care of see we can all help plant in a few weeks." Walker refused to leave it all on Gil's mother at the end of the day, he also wanted to gain a few planting skills, they could be very valuable when he was trying to gain medicinal herbs for potions. Remey would undoubtedly also want to help since she was more or less the expert in the party on herbs for teas or potions. "By the way Remey, we should visit the alchemist building tomorrow, I want to see if your friend there would like some of the snow golem's body. We might be able to trade for some other herb seeds." 

"Oh he would kill for some of that, we can get much more than just seeds." Remey seemed to become much like a devil in that sentence, she would really extort that old man for everything she had. "I also need to stop at the orphanage since I just got back, I have plenty to share with them." She seemed a bit sad at this, she had been thinking about her siblings a lot while on the journey back. Luckily they had been plenty busy and she was distracted from such thoughts.josei

The three made it inside only to find that everyone was all in the dining hall fighting over a table full of food, it would seem they were having an early dinner to celebrate their return properly. "You three really needed to take your time huh? I made all this food and only Midnight had the kindness to come and compliment it. Onyx you really are such a dear to let me know how she like the taste of my roast chicken." Hilda was patting Onyx on the head, Walker had not even noticed Onyx had left him to go inside. This was something Onyx seemed to be very good at and it was only more evidence to how well his species survived in the shadows.

"Mother we had to report some things to the guild and the castle, they even asked us to leave again in only a month! We will eat all your food before we are stuck with dried meats and breads again!" Walker tried to butter his mother up since he had felt rude not coming in earlier. Gil smiled, now Walker could look foolish getting some scolding from his mother. 

"Now I was told by Su that the guild would be bringing me something that you had all hunted?" Walker was reminded of the horned rabbits being dissected and quickly confirmed in the system that the gold was added to their party account. This meant that they had been dissected, Clara had even sent a message saying that the monster materials were going to be delivered at no charge to the mansion. She really worked hard! 

"Exactly, Su beat us to the punch. We defeated a lot of horned rabbits, I thought you would like to try out some new recipes and smoke the meat. If i can remember right you have a bunch of spices you have never had the chance to use in your cooking? Well now that you don't have to rely on orders to make a living you can test anything out you want!" Walker had also become excited by the food. He had caught the virus too.

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