Master Of None

Chapter 230 - 230. Materials

Chapter 230 - 230. Materials

Through the entire walk Walker had explained every single piece of gear and weapon he was aiming to have made. He did not share his ideas to use Midnight's possible fire breath since Walker intended on trying to train with her tomorrow to figure things out. The wandering blacksmith seemed to look a bit happier knowing he had a large to do list in front of him. It even seemed that every time the forge at the mansion was mentioned he smiled a bit more. It would be an easily proven theory that he liked to go to new forges and that may be one reason he traveled around. 

Having finished up their conversation and nearly reached the mansion Walker pointed out the growing building that would be his temporary home. "We have plenty of spare rooms so feel free to claim one while you are here. Also do not be a stranger and come eat with us. We have plenty of food every night." Walker stopped realizing there were a decent amount of crates waiting just inside the front gate. Su and Remey were shifting them around but stopped when they saw Walker.

"Leader! The guild just dropped off the horned rabbit meat and the materials from the greater ice imp. We have the high water mana crystal here." Su had a smaller crate that seemed very isolated and even had a thin layer of frost on it. The wandering blacksmith saw this and almost ran to where Su was, trying to get a look inside the crate. 

"Su don't worry, that's the man that will be helping us in the forge. He is normally a wandering blacksmith and has some unique abilities according to Rodney." Su had tensed up suddenly but relaxed having heard of Walker's success in finding a blacksmith for them.

"It is nice to meet you sir. I am Su, I will trouble you for some shields." The wandering blacksmith was too focused on the crate and was already taking off the lid. The sudden burst of cool air as the lid came open made them all shiver. This did not deter the four of them from taking a closer look though.josei

The high water element mana crystal was easily triple the size of a normal water mana crystal. The mana coming from it causes the air to seem to be freezing around it. Not a single one of them felt that they should even dare to touch it, even the usually courageous Remey knew she would not risk a touch. Surprisingly the wandering blacksmith grabbed it with his gloves and was completely unaffected. He turned it around and around in his hands to see the light shining through it before giving a slight nod and putting it back in the crate. 

He pointed at the crystal and at his hammer, "If you want to use it you can, I am not sure what you can do with it but we were just going to sell it." The blacksmith shook his head vigorously closing the lid to the crate and taking it in his hands. "Of course though since you want to use it we would not dare to sell it."This made him smile again while clutching the crate tighter.

Remey looked at the blacksmith and thought before she spoke, this man's actions reminded her of some of the younger boys when they were still learning to speak properly. " I will need you to make the light weight flexible armor for me and some gloves to protect my arms. I will leave the other things to your." Remey seemed in a pretty good mood today, she happened to have some of her ideas for designs already drawn out and handed hi, a piece of paper from her pocket. The wandering blacksmith grabbed it with a hand while the other balanced the crate.

The blacksmith scanned it and nodded or shook his head a few times. Not a single on of them understood what he was reacting too but they could tell he was committing it all to memory. After just another moment he returned the paper to Remey and looked back to Walker. "Would you like to find a room?" The shaking of the wandering blacksmiths head proved that this was not what he was after. "Then you must want to see the forge?" The blacksmith smiled and waited for Walker to lead the way.

"Well I am going to show our guest the forge, I will come back to help with this soon." Walker headed toward the side of the mansion with the forge attached leaving Su and Remey to the crates. "That man was pretty odd, he needs a good bath." Su was curious how someone so covered in coal dust could deal with the feeling of being dirty.

"He reminds me of my younger brothers before they learned to speak well. I think he will surprise us." It was rare for Remey to say something like this which tripped Su up a bit. "Come on, if you don't put your back in to it I will have more brought inside to the kitchen than you!" Remey made it a little game for them to play, this made Su double her efforts and follow after her.

This is out little forge, I know it is not what you are used to but it is pretty amazing to us." The wandering blacksmith seemed to not hear a single word as he started to examine every nook and cranny. There was not a single corner that went without his touch. Every tool needed to be checked for quality and use. This thorough examination made Walker feel like this man was on a whole other level than any other professional blacksmith he had ever met before. 

The crate had been set down on a work table quickly causing more frost to build up. "Now that we have gotten here and are away from prying eyes I would also like to add something that we plan to use in forging.' Walker braced himself for the wandering blacksmith's possible fractions. "Our other party member is a younger dragon, she only had a single use fireball attack but we will be training all day tomorrow to try and unlock a fire breath skill. We plan to use her flames to a degree in the forging process." This stopped the wandering blacksmith in his tracks.

Stopping his examinations completely the wandering blacksmith moved directly to where he would be placing the metals to melt in the forge fires. He checked the thickness and size of the inside trying to judge just what king of abuse it could take. Taking a much longer time to check it all than Walker had expected the wandering blacksmith came to stand in front of him. He grabbed Walker's hand and gave it a firm handshake, Walker had half a thought that he was about to lose the blacksmith he had just recruited.

His thoughts were proven false when the wandering blacksmith started to unload his tools in the next moment. It looked like Walker had just sealed the deal by telling him he would be crafting in dragon fire. For someone who had forged in literal magma he must have high tastes for what kind of forging he did with what kind of fuel. Walker left him to get settled, completely confused by how this strange blacksmith thought. 

Walker made his way to the pile of crates only to find that the last two that were left contained the skin and bones from the greeted ice imp. Su and Remey had left these for him to bring to the forge for the wandering blacksmith. Using his own strength he took two trips to carry them over and place them on the work table. By the time Walker was back with the second crate full of the bones the wandering blacksmith had already pulled out the sin and was examining it for toughness. The portion he was testing seemed to easily resist his tools. Walker was willing to place a bet that these would somehow play in to Remey's armor and gloves.

He did not look at all interested in the bones even though Walker opened the box himself to show them off. "Should we sell these bones then?" The wandering blacksmith looked at him and gave a nod. This was all Walker needed to store them away for the VIP auction. 

"Well this time I will actually leave you to it. Walker headed out seeing that the wandering blacksmith had gone back to setting up his tools. He felt a growing feeling of excitement knowing that he would have a bunch of new gear and possible skills in the future. Now all he had was hopes that him and Midnight could train well and figure it a good fire breath skill for her. 

Later in the night Walker had noticed that the wandering blacksmith did not come inside for dinner. He brought a plate with a bunch of food on it to the forge only to find that the man had fallen asleep at the work table. The tools have been rearranged in to better efficient positions. The forge itself looked ready to be used at any moment. There were some tools left on the work table that seemed to be set aside for maintenance. Happy to see this Walker had a feeling he had lucked out on someone that really took their system skills with passion and dedication. Leaving the food on the table he decided to call it a night so he could wake up early and train with Midnight. Dreams of dragon fire danced through his mind while he slept.

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