Master Of None

Chapter 530 - 530. Standing Equal

Chapter 530 - 530. Standing Equal

"Su, come here for a moment," Walker called for Su as soon as the door had opened and he had stepped through. He was lucky that the others could not see behind him because he wanted to present the topic of the goblins then he needed to warn Su so that she was prepared. 

"Barry arrived and brought Krol with Ventus. The two have been named chief of the forest goblins and patriarch of the grey haired spiders respectively. This is an important step for the goblins to become their own race and the grey haired spiders by relation theirs as well." 

Su showed a look of surprise for just a second before she nodded and became determined. "I will p[repare myself to act if necessary. I do n it believe Scylla knows of the goblin and grey haired spiders becoming friends. She has heard our title but not the explanation." 

Su had made the correct decision since it was one of caution. This could avoid any unnecessary fighting. She stepped back toward the table obstructing the threes' view as Kroill entered with Ventus. Walker cam forward to stand next to her. 

"I present the fourth and fifth guest that shall be joining us today. Krol the chieftain of the goblins and Ventus the patriarch of the grey haired spiders. Do you acknowledge me as the mediator of this meeting?" Walker said this causing every single one of them to straighten in their seats. 

Scylla was the one most affected since she had not drawn the line between their title friend of the goblins and the fact that the goblins were not just monsters. the king had a more mild reaction but still feared the monsters being introduced since he had always been far from monsters. He had been able to handle Midnight and Onyx since they were contracted with a hero. 

The only one to have a positive reaction was the queen because she had already chosen to give the goblins this chance and aim for their protection. She had even made it against the law to hunt them within the forest unless absolutely necessary for survival. 

"Kroll and Ventus accept." The goblins' voice came through from behind Walker and he and Su moved away to reveal the perfectly clean and groomed pair. 

"Then I welcome you to this meeting. Please be at rest and meet, King August Diamond of the crystal kingdom. The queen of forest elves and the elf city. Scylla the general of the front and one of the strongest demi-humans representing the kingdom of Ordist and their king; King Rorick." Walker made the introductions and Kroll was obviously shaken. 

He was able to easily see this fact and made a moved to stand beside the goblin which was afraid to step off Ventus's back. "Come down and stand even with them. You two are an inseparable pair, but need to be able to stand side by side." Walker made it deem as if this was a powerful stance to take which spurred Kroll much more. 

"So you have brought the goblins you have befriended here." The queen spoke softly and evenly. "I greet you as my own people. From this point on do not fear any elf you see. I know your peoples' history and I hope for your future." This statement was more powerful than any other had made today. It showed the other two representatives that this was not just a monster but a being in which the elves would defend with their full might. 

"Then, in that case, I welcome you Kroll and Ventus. I have only ever met two others that would be known as monsters. A little dragon still growing who became a hero and a very inspiring being and a small serpent that is much larger than any would know. You two are the next for me to meet. I hope that we will learn a great deal from one another." The king did not hesitate to also support the two and their endeavors.  josei

The pair felt strong and Kroll stepped off the back of Ventus. The two looked at Scylla who appeared to still be processing the situation. 

"I can not say I can fully support this without my kings' permission. However, in the demi-human kingdom, it is common for monster trait demi-humans to find solace and lead groups of monsters they share traits with. This being said, you would be welcome within our borders at any time." Scylla wondered what would happen when the goblins were considered their own race. If they would still have goblin monster trait demi-humans or if they would just become known as half goblins.

"We thank for the greetings. Please let learn the way to stand beside all." Kroll did his best and was met with approving nods. Walker took the lead from here yet again. 

"As you all have known, the goblins were once victims of a demon lord with a particular system to enslave goblins. Now they have been free for many years and are able to progress forward. I hope that you can all assist in this starting with Kroll and his partner Ventus. Kroll is a very rare system user. The goblin spider rider. He and Ventus are a pair. This has birthed the grey haired spiders that do not mindlessly attack and fight." 

"This is very amazing. Yet, I wonder if this means there are other monsters in a similar situation. How many potential allies have been slain for our misgivings?' The king came to this conclusion instantly. It made everyone fall in to deep thought yet again. 

"I believe that is where my kingdom can assist." Scylla was the one to speak up. "We have a harpy queen, naga maiden, and ogre lord residing within our walls right now. We believed them to be demi-humans but found them to be monsters. They are obviously similar to Kroll and Ventus." These words were enough to throw both the king and the queen in to a loop. 





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