Master Of None

Chapter 666 - 666. Demonic Insights

Chapter 666 - 666. Demonic Insights

While the party was off pursuing their quests the demon lands were in a stir. 

"My lord, My slimes within the deep caves of the dwarf city have been eliminated. However, the mission was a success. I have dealt a great blow to their production of golems along with created lord slimes for our own army." The demon that was on his knee in front of a large crimson throne looked as if he was part demon and partially slime. 

"Ha! Slimes are weak. I can eat those in a second. Some envy demon title holder is nothing compared to me. I could eat your pathetic slime breeding experiments and no one would ever remember them." The brutal yet pig like voice of a round and misshapen demon came from the corner of the room. 

This demon left nothing to be desired when thinking of a gluttony demon title holder. Its body was all fat and rolls. The horns were nearly sunken in due to the body being mishappen and the only definable feature was a massive maw on its' stomach. It was a large mass of fat. 

"Weak? Ha, weak says the ball of flab that thinks it can solve all the problems in the world by eating. It would be better to send me to just exterminate the dwarves and elves. I am naturally the best suited for any mission. My very pride is on the line so you know I can not lose." The demon that spoke was the perfect description of a demon. Two perfectly even horns curling around his head. Perfectly pointed and groomed claws. Two pristine black and red swords. It was like looking at a perfect mirror image. 

The sound of snoring coming from the back of the room increased for a moment causing everyone to freeze in the room. They all had their eyes towards the spot where a mass slept covered in furs. There was a slight sense of dread until the mass shifted slightly before resuming the soft peaceful snoring. 

"I will smack the next idiot that even thinks of waking up sloth. The last time he threw a tantrum bigger than the damn demonized forest. I swear. Just thinking about it." The demon speaking was the tallenst and most muscular. He stomped his feet in annoyance while smoke drifted from his body. The fire elemental mana coming from him severely heated the room. 

"I will take that. I needed more fire elemental mana." The small and sickly looking albino demon that sat in the middle of the room held a hand out. The fire elemental mana drew towards them and absorbed in to their hand. In just a moment the temperature had become cold and empty of mana. However, the albino demon became slightly red and looked healthier. "That was better. Now it is part of my collection. Wrath, you always know how to treat me with your presents." 

This made the demon known as Wrath angrier but it didn't have the energy to stomp anymore on the ground. "Boys boys boys. How simple you all are. Arguing and chatting in front of our lord like you are at some party. We were called here to discuss my growing army of imps and succubus's." The female demon that walked through and took the front of the hall kneeled before the red throne with a flirtatious smile. 

Her figure was alluring and the whip of her tail from side to side was hypnotizing. It was easily said that even those who hated demons to their very core could fall in love at first sight with this female demon. "Please Greed, don't try and take my charm away. I can only let you have it fro a moment before I need to take it all back." The female demon stood and toyed with Greed who looked happy to have another with him. 

"Always the same. You sin demons are much better than filthy humans and worthless undead. I can expect what you will do and deal with it." The voice that spoke came from the demon sitting in the shadow covered red throne. None could see the demon lord properly, but they could feel the strength and power emanating from every word. josei

"We have set up those small kingdoms to fall easily. The dragons are sure to avoid conflict and the allies we have in the ocean have those merfolk tied up. Envy, I expect that mimic slime you have spent the last twenty years on will be ready for the upcoming battle. If it is not, you know what will happen." 

"Yes my lord. I am teaching it to copy me now but will have it copy sloth when it is finished training." The worry in envy's voice was clear but that only made the demon lord grumble slightly. 

"Good, you all know the war strategy we will be using, but we will need to cause additional chaos before we take action." The demon lord gazed with piercing red eyes across the demons. "Pride, take your hand picked army and cause trouble. I expect there to be a significant amount of damage done before you return here. I want that human city to feel the first attack." 

The look pride held while he was given these words made him stand even taller. The perfectly fitting black and red armor showed off his strength along with the spotless boots he wore to match. "I will take them with me immediately. There will be no one left. I will follow the strategy to the letter. Those humans will have no access to trading or food on my watch." 

"Send the food to me. I will eat it and expand my mana pool again. The humans won't be needing the grains or cattle since they will starve to death." The gluttony demon laughed in joy knowing there was a bountiful feast that would be sent to him. With the departure of Pride, the demons were issued further orders to prepare their own forces for battle. 




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