Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: A Sneak Peek

They bounded from tree to tree. A few times, green-robed cultivators called out to the triplets, who answered back in sync, though they rarely agreed on what to say. Hui followed after them. As much as he could, he repressed the aura of his death qi. Though some leaked out, none of the Mysterious Heavenly Forest disciples stopped them. He glanced out of the corners of his eyes as he passed. A few frowned or scowled as he passed, but most ignored him. No one took any note of his black robes or dark aura.

They’re used to demonic cultivators passing through the sect. How long have the Mysterious Heavenly Forest Sect been working with the Black Asp Sect? And what is the grudge they both bear against Starbound Sect?

I thought Black Asp Sect naturally was coming after Starbound Sect because they’re demonic and we’re righteous, but if Yunxu is an old disciple of Sect Master Lan’s, doesn’t that suggest there’s something deeper going on here? Disciples don’t ordinarily attack their Masters! Not unless something truly terrible passed between them…

And Mysterious Heavenly Forest Sect! That female cultivator practically admitted it to Erlan. Even if Weiheng Wu is part of it, he isn’t the only reason. There’s something else.

He glanced at the triplets. I wonder if they’d tell me? …if they even know!

The triplets bounded from tree to tree, operating their movement technique. Hui chased after them, easily keeping up even without a technique. There’s a big difference between third and fourth realm, huh?

Deeper and deeper into the forest. Fewer cultivators in green appeared, the crowds thinning. Eventually, only the three of them pushed on, leaping deeper and deeper into the shadows of the forest. The trees grew close and tight around them, to the point that they barely had to jump. Their branches interlocked, and the four of them drew to a halt, unable to press further.

Hui raised his brows, surveying the branches. The wood twined together, grown over itself, the trunks pressing against one another, the branches twisted together. The trees form a natural barrier! If the triplets hadn’t led me here, I would never have looked in this direction. How clever!

The triplets raised a hand and pressed it forward. A green leaf-like symbol appeared on their palms. The branches unwound, opening a narrow tunnel wide enough for two men to walk shoulder-to-shoulder. The triplets glanced back, then gestured Hui on. Nodding, he stepped up close behind them, and they rushed into the tunnel.

As they charged through the tunnel, branches unwound ahead of them. Behind them, branches clinched shut, closing off the path. Hui licked his lips, suddenly nervous, but followed the triplets closely. I can’t go back now! Hopefully no one finds me out while we’re… wherever we’re going, because I don’t know if I’ll be able to escape! josei


“We’re almost there!”

“Sunlight! Come on, a little further!”

They burst out into the sun. Hui blinked, his eyes dazzled after the darkness of the wood tunnel.

White, dazzling white. Pale, thick pillars, white as bone. A few green-robed disciples wandered around, offering something to the pillars, then backing away.

Hui frowned. Why do I feel like I’ve seen these before? In the hidden realm…? No, it was all flint and ghouls. Then… where?

He traced the pillars up, up, toward their zenith. They swirled together, climbing fluidly atop one another, and came together into a black-purple bud large enough to fit ten men.

Hui gasped. “A Lotus Pill Blossom?”

“Don’t act so surprised!”

“It’s the one we got from you!”

The third grinned. “Impressive, isn’t it? Even with all these giant trees, it’s still a huge flower!”

The… one they got from me? No, wait! From the Black Asp Sect! They’re the ones who stole the Lotus Pill seed from the blossom back in Bai Clan! But… why would Mysterious Heavenly Forest Sect have planted and fed one deliberately in their own sect?

Wait… the Southern Sect Conference! Don’t tell me, is the Mysterious Heavenly Forest Sect going to set it off while everyone’s here for the sect conference and take out all the righteous cultivators in one fell swoop? But then… no, then they’d be the most powerful righteous sect in the Southern Region, wouldn’t they? Whatever the Southern Region is. What a coup! What a ridiculous move!

But… why? This wouldn’t be over Weiheng Wu.

No! It’s just Mysterious Heavenly Forest Sect’s ambition, isn’t it? They want to be the number one power in the Southern Region, no matter what! No wonder they looked down on us during the inter-sect tournament.

But why now? Is that all there is to it? Or is there something more?

One of the green-robed disciples turned. She caught of Hui and frowned. “No outsiders allowed in the lotus room!”

Elder Sister, does this open space count as a room? Hui wondered, glancing at the sky above. He frowned suddenly. Wait, if the sky’s open, why did we come in through the passage? Is it an illusion? Or… maybe there’s a flight prohibition spell in this area.

The female cultivator shook her head. “You know the rules. Execute him.”

Hui’s eyes flew wide. Execute him? Execute… me? He backed away, eyeing the triplets nervously.

“Huang Yan, he’s from Black Asp Sect! The sect that gave us the lotus,” the third triplet argued, rolling his eyes.

Huang Yan looked Hui up and down. “You are?”

Hui bowed deep. “Elder Sister, your humble servant Xie Hao is indeed a disciple of Black Asp Sect. I helped to harvest the seed for the lotus before us. Though it may be presumptuous of me, please make an exception for this small disciple.”

Huang Yan harrumphed. She swept her eyes over him again, then tossed her hair and turned away. “Only this time. Gao Trio, if you bring another cultivator here, I will execute them!”

Although she turned away, a thread of killing intent still zeroed in on Hui. He pretended not to notice, but silently operated the snake shed technique, generating a layer of skin over his own. Elder Sister isn’t going to let me go as easily as she’s pretending she will. I need to watch out!

He bowed to her back. As he straightened, he casually scanned the area, searching for anyone truly dangerous. Nothing caught his eye. I don’t see Erlan, nor are any of these cultivators’ cultivation base above mine. If worst comes to worst, I should be able to escape without fear!

The triplets gestured Hui on. “Come on, there’s a surprise.”

“You’ll be so startled.”

“It is pretty interesting. Those two aren’t lying.”

Hui smiled. “Of course, Elder Brothers.” Tucking his hands in his sleeve, he followed them. Casually, he drew a few talismans out of his storage ring and hid them in his sleeves.

Low trees grew around them. In his surprise at seeing the Lotus Pill Blossom, Hui had neglected them. He glanced over as they passed and stared in shock. The trees grew out of cultivators! Their eyes rolled back and their tongues jutted out. All of them bore expressions of bliss, but trees jutted from their bodies. Bushy and low, the trees were unremarkable in all ways. Tiny clusters of seeds grew under their leaves.

Hui took a deep breath and suppressed his disgust, hiding it behind a smile. “Elder Brothers, what are those?”

“Qi Seed plants. Careful not to touch them. If you get infected… you’ll end up like those,” the third triplet warned.

“But they’re safe.”

“Sealed. There’s barriers.”

Hui blinked, at last catching sight of the glimmering light around the trees. Ah, I see. Ah, wait, dammit! More than just Lotus Seeds, but qi seeds, too? Mysterious Heavenly Forest Sect is really trying to wipe out the entire Southern Sect Conference!

I bet the Lotus Pill Blossom is only a front. It releases dust in an obvious attack to distract everyone. With experts from all the sects here, they’ll be able to handle the dust easily. The experts escape the Lotus Pill dust and teleport home or retreat, only to discover they’re infected with qi seeds after they return to their home sects. By then, it’s too late; they’ll have started infecting their whole sect. Even if the experts notice after they’re infected with qi seeds and don’t return to their sect, Mysterious Heavenly Forest Sect will have taken the top experts out of the fight. And with qi seeds being so inert, even a high-level cultivator will almost certainly not notice until they’re already infected. What a diabolical plan!

Of course, I’m here, so I can handle some infected, but… almost no one else cultivates both death and life qi. Actually… is there anyone else who can cure qi seed infection, that I know of? Hui furrowed his brows. He glanced at the triplets.

“Huh?” the third asked.

“Er, I was just thinking… Elder Brother, is there any way to handle people infected with qi seeds without sealing or killing them?”

The third triplet furrowed his brows. “There’s a Sect Master who can—”

The first two rounded on him.


“Too much!”

The third waved his hand. “Anyways, you of all people shouldn’t worry.”

I of all people am not worried! Hui thought, shaking his head with a slight smile. A beat later, he froze. Wait, did they…?

The triplets moved on, not noticing his pause. Hui frowned. I guess they didn’t notice. But then, what did that mean?

The triplets reached the lotus roots and gestured him closer, grinning. “Come here, come here!”

“Touch it!”

“It’s worth it, trust me.”

Hui hesitated, then reached out toward the pale white flesh.

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