Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Green Tea and Green Hats

The young lady identified as Ying Min threw back her head and laughed. Unlike Fu Liyu, who had an elegant, if somewhat small, figure, her short spring green robes revealed long legs and an hourglass body with a round, pinchable rear end. Behind her, a man wearing a green crown and matching robes looped one hand around Ying Min and supported her on the sword, coincidentally pressing himself up tight against that round behind. Hui’s eyes narrowed. My dream of riding the sword together with Li Xiang… how dare he rub it in my face?

Mmm, that must be Fu Liyu’s erstwhile beau, whatshisname. Eh, come to think of it, did Fu Liyu mention his name? josei

“I dare attack you? I did no such thing. I was merely demonstrating techniques to Mo Gonglu. It’s your fault for getting in the way,” Ying Min declared.

The man holding her from behind, Mo Gonglu, gave her a besotted smile. “They were beautiful, Ying Min.”

What a boldfaced lie! What a petty attack! Truly, she and Fu Liyu are a match made in heaven, Hui thought to himself, nodding.

“Xie Hao, are you sure you’re alright?” Aunty Wen asked, hovering in his view.

Hey! I’m watching a cheap drama here, okay? I can handle my wounds after the drama finishes!

Hui swallowed his thoughts and turned a pained smile her way. “I’ll… be fine. Give me a moment to collect myself, and…”

“Of course, of course,” Aunty Wen said, but she continued to watch him nervously.

The three figures standing opposite narrowed their eyes. The center figure, a woman, stood atop a sword, but the other two rode a shuttle together. The woman and one of the men dressed in finery, while the third wore simpler scholar’s robes. Like Fu Liyu, the woman and the man both had slender figures and were of shorter stature, and there was a similarity to their faces, as well. The woman had the same phoenix eyes, while the man shared her pouty lips.

The woman must be Fu Suyin, and the man in finery Fu Haitao, which means the one in scholar’s robes is likely… Han Qin! Hui thought. I should head back to the manor and make up an excuse to bump into them.

“Demonstrating techniques on the Fu Clan’s territory? Are you so free?” Fu Suyin replied, narrowing her eyes.

“Ah, is this the Fu Clan’s territory? I didn’t realize. Ever since Fu Renyi was injured, don’t you only control your manor’s territory, and no more?” Ying Min replied, looking down on the three of them.

Fu Suyin’s fists balled, and she pressed her lips together, but said nothing. Fu Haitao scowled at Ying Min, furious but powerless.

Fu Renyi… that is, their clan’s patriarch, was wounded? It makes sense. For a small clan to decline this quickly, a clan that’s basically defined by the founder’s strength, wounding that founder would cause such a decline.

After all, it’s not like the Bai Clan, where the Matriarch can even vanish for a time to give birth and the entire clan can face calamity without seriously falling in political strength. The Fu Clan is barely getting its feet under it. No one built a political network around it the way the Bai Clan Matriarch did for her clan.

Indeed, the Bai Clan Matriarch built a rock-solid foundation in establishing Twin Elemental City around her clan the way she did. I suspect few other clans can claim the same standing as hers.

“Why don’t you give in and become a tributary clan for our Ying Clan already? Even if you’re our servants, I promise you’ll be treated well,” Ying Min said with a poisonous smile.

“Aren’t you going to be marrying into the Mo clan soon?” Fu Suyin replied, her voice sharp.

“Mmm… that’s still under consideration. After all, there is that banquet…” she let her voice trail off thoughtfully.

Hui glanced at Mo Gonglu, who continued to gaze lovingly at Ying Min, and quietly lit a candle for him. Elder Brother, do you realize you’re wearing a green hat? She’s openly admitting to attempting to seduce Bai Xue right in front of your eyes, and all you do is smile?

Fu Haitao stepped forward, no longer able to hold himself back. “Banquet? You already have a fiancé, what’s the point of going to the banquet?”

“Naturally, it’s to build relationships with the other small clans. Only Fu Liyu is attending the banquet with such… objectives,” she replied, flipping her hair.

“Absurdity,” Fu Suyin replied. She narrowed her eyes. “In any case, Ying Min, this land is not your playground! What if you injure someone?”

The injured Hui, still leaning against the hut, jumped. Er… she already has, Elder Sister! But don’t mind me. I’m here to enjoy the drama, simply enjoying the drama, okay?

“Who is there to injure? A donkey? A chicken?” Ying Min asked, her gaze scanning the town.

Fu Suyin’s face reddened. Like Ying Min, she scanned the towns below.

Two gazes landed on Hui at once. Both sides stiffened.

Hui looked back at them, then let out a weak cry and slid down the hut’s wall, tipping his head to the side and letting his eyelids slide shut, as if he’d passed out. Dammit, just when it was getting juicy. What a sad fate, to interrupt my own entertainment…

“Xie Hao!” Aunty Wen shouted, rushing to his side.

“Ying Min!” Fu Suyin growled, summoning her sword to her hand.

“I didn’t know he was there! How was I supposed to know? Do you keep track of every mortal in the world?” Ying Min replied. Behind her, Mo Gonglu stepped forward. Qi swirled around him, gathering into a spell.

Aunty Wen flinched back, afraid. Still, she stood between Hui and the cultivators, as if she could shield him.

“Excuse me, if I could?” On the back of Fu Haitao’s shuttle, the scholarly man raised his hand.

Fu Suyin glared at Ying Min for another beat, then sheathed her sword. “You’re lucky Han Qin was here to heal him. Next time… if you directly kill one of our people, we’ll take it as open provocation!”

Don’t kill me off already, Hui thought, somewhat annoyed. I haven’t even played dead yet! I’m only faking unconsciousness, alright?

Ying Min narrowed her eyes, then harrumphed and turned away. “Mo Gonglu, let’s not bother with these people.”

Mo Gonglu nodded. Wrapping his arm tight around her, he flew off.

Fu Suyin watched him go, her eyes narrowed. “I’m glad our Fu Liyu didn’t end up with such a man. Blind and stupid, both!”

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