Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 345

Chapter 345: To Find Her

Hui walked along the road, thoughtful. Li Xiang is hiding… well, it makes sense. All Heavens Sect should be after her as much as it’s after me. In that case, how will I find her? I’m good at hiding, but it’s not like I’ve practiced finding much. She’s doubtlessly disguised her aura and suppressed her qi… or has some item that can accomplish that for her.

A second later, a smile spread over his face. Hui nodded to himself, stroking an imaginary beard, then Zhubi out of force of habit. Didn’t they tell me exactly how to find her? If she’s attacking the City Lord’s men, then I just need to become one of those men!

Something cold pressed into Hui’s neck. He jolted to a halt. Behind him, a cold voice whispered, “My lord demands your presence.”

Hui almost faked his death from sheer repetition, but managed to stop himself before he tripped. He collected himself. The blade shifted at his throat and broke his delicate plant skin. Green blood ran down his throat.

“Mind yourself. My blade is sharp,” the voice threatened.

No kidding, Hui thought, rolling his eyes.

“Master!” Ying Lin gasped.

Hui raised his hand, quietly telling her to relax. I’ve got this under control. “Senior, are you one of the City Lord’s men?” Hui asked, taking a guess. It’s not as if there’s any shortage of cultivators who call themselves lords, but this is a city with a City Lord.

There was a pause. “Yes.”

“Senior, there’s no need for the blade. This small cultivator was about to dare to seek out that City Lord himself,” Hui said pleasantly.

“You’re the one who created a fake talisman?” the man asked.

“Mmm, that’s me,” Hui admitted.

“And you know the penalty is death?”

“Death?” Hui gasped, feigning surprise. Oh no, a death penalty? Senior, I think you’ll find there’s no one more prepared to face a death penalty than this small cultivator!

No, Hui, no! Don’t let the heart demon speak! What if they have an execution method that kills the body and soul, or grants a true death? There’s still executions that can harm me!

“And you’ll still come willingly?” the voice asked.

Hui paused. He took a deep breath. It’s fine. I need to speak to the City Lord anyways. If he executes me… well, there’s almost no chance that it sticks. Even if it does, I’m a clone. We can always send Peak Lord later.

Sectgoer, mind yourself. We’re running a bit short on clones right now. Don’t rush off to your death, Healer commented.

Even if it’s to find Li Xiang? Hui replied.

Healer paused. If that’s so…

He took a deep breath. In any case, I’m not rushing off to my death. What are the chances they can actually lock down and kill me?

Wildman was right. You’ve really got that heart-demon, Healer commented.

Annoyed, Hui cut off his connection to Healer. I know, I know! I don’t need everyone to keep reminding me!

The man holding the sword scoffed, tired of waiting for an answer. He lowered the blade. “Then come with me.”

“Ying Lin, come here,” Hui said, reaching for Ying Lin. She looked at his hand and nodded, obediently stepping forward. Hui closed his hand toward her head, and Ying Lin vanished, reappearing at Healer’s side.

The black-clothed man looked at Hui. Warily, he asked, “Where did you send her?”

“That’s none of Elder Brother’s business,” Hui replied, folding his hands into his sleeves.

The black-clothed man eyed him up and down. He shook his head.

Death flag much? Rogue commented.

Let’s not taunt him. He’s already fighting the heart-demon, he doesn’t need to fight us, too, Healer commented.

Hey Sectgoer, please remember to take your pills, okay? Peak Lord joined in.

I don’t need the Hole Digger to comment, Hui replied.

Low blow, Peak Lord replied.

Are we teasing Sectgoer? Mortal asked.

I think it’s over now, Healer replied.

Guys, I was too busy focusing on altering the array to capture the spider beast, Mortal lamented.

Ignoring the other clones, Hui nodded at the man with the sword. “Shall we?”

The black-clothed man sheathed his sword. He stood upright and cleared his throat awkwardly, aware of the many eyes on him from passing cultivators. “Follow me.”

Zhubi hissed from Hui’s throat. Hui raised his hand, peering at the snake. Do you want to go, too?

Zhubi shook his head and wrapped his coils a little tighter.josei

“Got it, got it,” Hui murmured, patting Zhubi’s coils. I know you aren’t a constrictor, but at your level, it still gets hard to breathe, okay?

Leading the way, the black-cloaked man traveled down twisting streets, winding ever closer to the mansion in the center of the city. At last, the man pushed open an innocuous door at the rear of the mansion and gestured for Hui to take the lead.

Hui glanced around, mentally noting the location of the door, then stepped through. On the other side, pitch darkness awaited him. The light stopped at the doorframe, unwilling to spill through. Hui looked the doorframe over, curious. Is there some kind of light-absorbing spell here? But why? The hallway doesn’t need to be this dark, surely?

This City Lord… should I say it? But it’s so obvious! Who but a villain would make a hallway this dark?

No, no, Hui. He could just be a darkness cultivator. Yes, that’s right. We can’t judge people by their cultivation techniques. Even demonic techniques can be used righteously, after all. He could be completely innocent.

The black-clothed man melted into the darkness. He shut the door behind them and became nothing but a pair of eyes, floating in the shadow. Those eyes regarded Hui. “Continue.”

“Of course, Elder Brother, of course,” Hui said, bowing on reflex, though he doubted the black-clothed man could see much. He extended his mental energy rather than walk blind.

Whatever darkened the hallway also suppressed his mental energy. Compared to the spring, however, it barely stopped him at all. Hui circulated his qi and pressed his mental energy against the resistance, carving out enough leeway against the spell to make out the walls of the hallway around him.

Quietly, Hui used the resistance as training, pushing himself further and further. Narrow niches appeared in the walls, and he pressed his mental energy into them until he saw the poisoned arrows waiting in their depths. A heavy cage hung overhead, and he searched along the length of the chains binding it in place until he found the counterweight ready release and drop the cage. A strange design in the wall tingled with qi. He poked at it, curious, and a faint whiff of flame came out at him. Hui staggered back. A trap spell!

Hmm, this hallway is covered in traps. If I wasn’t fighting against the repression and the darkness, I’d never know. Is that why they keep the hallway so dark? So those they invite can’t see the traps they installed for thieves?

It does make a certain kind of sense. After all, it’s not like all cultivators are as upright and moral as I am. Some people might think to come back and rob a place after they’ve visited it once. But not me! I would never do that.

Yes… never…

Unless this City Lord turns out to actually be a villain! But then… then this small cultivator can’t be blamed. After all, it’s every righteous cultivator’s imperative to put down bullies and demonic cultivators! And as for their ill-gotten gains, well, I can’t simply leave them lying around. Someone might sneak back and pick them up later.

Ah, Master’s teachings truly are impeccable. Indeed, the correct choice is to strip the house down to the bones! …er, once we ascertain that the City Lord is indeed evil, anyways.

A corridor led off the main hallway. Hui turned, curious, but naturally all he could see was darkness. He sent his mental energy down the hallway, but his energy faded under the restrictions before he could reach the hallway’s end.

Continuing to walk on, Hui marked the hallway mentally. Interesting. Wonder what he’s hiding in this trap-filled hallway?

Could it be… his porn?

Hui immediately waved his hand, dismissing the thought. I’m hanging out with Bai Xue too much. It’s probably some priceless treasure or cultivation resource. He’s not a twelve-year-old kid, after all.

At last, they came to the end of the hallway. Hui stepped over the ledge and found himself back in the light. An ordinary, somewhat spartan hallway stretched before him, the kind servants would usually move through.

Hui licked his lips. Don’t tell me, is that hellishly trapped hallway the servants’ entrance? What a difficult path for the servants to walk!

No, no. This is probably just the path for suspicious visitors, like myself.

The black-cloaked man took the lead again. Silently, he swept off. Hui followed, glixing elegantly after him. They didn’t activate the traps. I guess they aren’t going to kill me immediately. Which means this City Lord has some purpose for me.

At a small black door, the black-cloaked man stepped aside and gestured for Hui to step through. Taking a moment to examine this doorframe for tricks as well, Hui stepped through when he found none.

He stepped from the servants’ hallways into an opulent room. Paintings hung from the walls. A fine desk stood against a wall, appointed with fine brushes, ink, and paper. Various swords were displayed in racks. The entire room exuded elegance and riches.

A round window opened on the far wall, giving an unparalleled view of the city. A man stood before it, his long black hair and robes wafting on the wind, hands clasped behind him. He gazed out at the city, his back turned to Hui.

Hui squinted. There’s something a bit… wrong about this scene. But what?

Not his cultivation. He’s a high-level fifth realm cultivator, certainly high enough to be considered a City Lord.

But still…

“You replicated my pass?” the man said at last, still watching the city. He whispered, his voice so soft that Hui struggled to hear it.

Hui bowed. “Please forgive this small cultivator. I meant no disrespect.”

The man scoffed. He flicked his sleeve. “Twice you replicate my pass, and you expect me to forgive you with such an insincere apology?”

Oh well, nothing for it. Hui threw himself to his hands and knees and kowtowed. “Please forgive me! I regret my rash decisions to this day!”

The man harrumphed. “I’m willing to let bygones be bygones, as long as you complete a small task for me.”

“Please, say the word! Consider me your servant!” Hui replied. What’s he going to try and stick me with? I hope it’s finding Li Xiang! Please, request that I find Li Xiang!

Turning, the man flicked his sleeve dramatically. Moonlight fell on a pale, soft face. A boy of about twelve years glowered down at Hui. “I need you to kill a woman.”

Holy shit! He really is twelve! I bet that is his porn stash!

Wait, no. I’m getting distracted. Hui hid a laugh with a cough. Forcing himself to sound concerned, he asked, “What woman?”

The man nodded. His underling in black stepped forward, putting a painting in front of Hui. Hui took it, holding his breath. Li Xiang… it has to be Li Xiang! Who else could it be?

A muscular, slightly chunky woman with a sturdy build and a scowl, one lip lifted to show her teeth, stared back at him. Short hair barely reached her shoulders, and she slapped her fist into her palm in the image, revealing powerful biceps beneath short sleeves.

The City Lord waved his sleeve. “Bring me Wang Xiu, and we can—”

“Eh. Who’s this?” Hui asked, stunned. This isn’t Li Xiang! What part of this looks like Li Xiang! Take this poster back. You gave me the wrong one!

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