Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Reunion with Truth

Wang Xiu and Li Xiang battled back and forth. Both seemed familiar with the other, prepared for each other’s attacks and counterattacks. Although Wang Xiu had a stage on Li Xiang, Hui wouldn’t know it to watch the two battle. Li Xiang fought her on even footing. If possible, she even had the upper hand.

No, it is possible. Sword cultivators have always been able to fight above their realm. A sword spirit turned sword cultivator, even more so! Hui thought, nodding to himself. Ah, after all, many protagonists are sword cultivators for just this fact!

It’s too bad that I have no karma with the sword. Ah, but this small Hui already knew I was no protagonist! A mere side character, a side character, that’s all! After all, if it wasn’t for my death-faking skills, how many times would I have died already? Indeed, I cannot count on the kind of brilliant heroism and life-saving acts available to protagonists! I must remember my role of a side character, and remember that I can always die! That way, I won’t slack in being prepared to fake death at a moment’s notice.

Hui sighed, looking up at the two women battling above. Though I wonder… who is the protagonist? Li Xiang, pure and upright sword cultivator? Bai Xue, with their massive harem? Master, with his incomparable cultivation? Or maybe Ying Lin, my hardworking and adorable disciple?

Zhubi wriggled, and Hui looked down at him and smiled too. Right, right, or Zhubi could be the protagonist as well, with his mysterious racial traits and unknown background. I’m surrounded by protagonists! Just proof that little old me could die at any moment.

He snorted to himself and shook his head. It’s not like this is one of my novels, in the first place. It’s not healthy to think this way.

Li Xiang struck Wang Xiu hard, and Wang Xiu fell out of the sky. She smashed into the earth, sending dirt flying everywhere. In the next second, she leaped to her feet and flew after Li Xiang, but before she got high off the ground, Li Xiang intercepted her with a stiff blow and sent her back down. Dust flew again.

Dust splattered over Hui and Ying Lin. Hui patted down his robes. Ying Lin raised her sleeve to shield her face. Unable to shield himself with his noodle-like body, Zhubi ducked his head, then hissed in distaste, shaking the stray dirt off his scales.

Li Xiang put her blade to Wang Xiu’s neck. Wang Xiu froze, eyes wide. A spectral sword materialized and stabbed into Wang Xiu’s chest.

Hui stumbled forward, startled, but Wang Xiu remained alive. Frustrated, she glared at Li Xiang. She trembled, but her hands and legs refused to move.

A binding spell, Hui realized. He relaxed, then scowled at himself. Relief? She’s the enemy. I should…

No. Even if I have to be brutal at times, I shouldn’t kill a bound enemy. That’s a step I’m not willing to take.

Besides… besides, Hui! Think! Killing sows bad karma. Bad karma leads to death. Unless I have to, I shouldn’t kill! Ahh, what was I thinking? That heart-demon, that damned heart demon…!

Li Xiang’s eyes flicked to Hui. Without a word, she turned and mounted her sword, flying off into the distance.

“Li Xiang! Wait!” Hui grabbed up Ying Lin and hopped atop Moonlight Cutter to chase after her. Internally, he frowned. This isn’t the joyous reunion I imagined. Is something wrong? Li Xiang, use words!

“Master, is that… Sect-Aunt?” Ying Lin asked.

Hui nodded. “Just wait. Once we have a proper conversation, I’m sure I can convince her to teach you swordsmanship.”

In the end, Li Xiang is straightforward and honest. Whatever our problem is, I’m sure we can work it out. As long as she’s willing to talk to me, that is.

Li Xiang moved at speed. Though Hui rotated his cultivation base to its full, he still struggled to catch up to her. He steadied his breathing and pushed himself faster, even just a little bit. “Li Xiang!”

Li Xiang sped up.

She’s definitely avoiding me. Why? Li Xiang, please. At least tell me why. Hui tried a smile.“Li Xiang, it’s me.”

She turned away.

“Li Xiang! Is something wrong?” Hui hesitated. He slowed down, allowing her to speed away. Quietly, he asked, “Should I go?”

“Master! No!” Ying Lin shouted, shaking her head emphatically.

“Ying Lin?” Hui asked, looking at her.

She shook her head and grabbed his arm, as if she could drag him after Li Xiang. “Go, go! If you let her go now, you’ll never see her again! How long did it take to find her? Are you really going to give up now?”

“I…” That’s right. Wildman died for this! I spent way too long pretending to be a random cultivator for this! I’m not going to give up now! Hui nodded, and he took off after Li Xiang.

Li Xiang slowed at last. She turned back. Tears streamed down her face. “I—I thought everyone was dead. I thought—”

Hui shook his head. “They’re all safe.”

“How? I saw their bodies. I saw…”

Hui flew to her side and took her hand. He looked her in the eyes. “Li Xiang, I can bring them back.”

“You can’t,” she said flatly.

“Not yet. But I will,” Hui amended himself. Right, she can tell lies from truth, even little half-truths. It’s been so long, I nearly forgot.

Li Xiang’s tears stopped. She looked back at him, hope in her eyes. “You will.”

“I will,” Hui confirmed.

Li Xiang let out a long breath. A weight came off her shoulders, and she relaxed, her entire body unwinding. “I… I’m so happy. I…”

Her head snapped around. She shook her head. “Come. There’s much to talk about. But not here.”

Hui nodded. The two of them flew off together, Li Xiang leading the way.

“Ah, Li Xiang, this is my disciple, Ying Lin,” Hui said, gesturing at Ying Lin.

Ying Lin cupped her hands politely. “Disciple meets Sect-Aunt!”

Li Xiang gave Ying Lin a smile. “Weiheng Lin, correct?”

“E…eh?” Hui asked.

“Are you not giving her a Daoist name, the same as your Master gave you one?” Li Xiang asked.

“No, I…” I just… that name’s a little overbearing, I thought—

“Master?” Ying Lin asked, tilting her head.

“Later, we’ll talk about it later,” Hui said, waving his hand.

Li Xiang nodded. Without another word, she took off, transforming into a beam of sword light as she shot across the sky. Hui followed, pushing himself to reach her speed. He put a hand on Ying Lin’s shoulder to extend his pressure over her, so the speed didn’t tear at her too badly.

“When can I fly on swords, Master?” Ying Lin asked, gazing longingly after Li Xiang.josei

“Fourth realm,” Hui said.

“Ah! The next level, already?” Ying Lin asked, excited.

“You know, it usually takes people years to reach fourth stage. Decades, or even centuries, in fact,” Hui pointed out.

“How long did it take you, Master?” Ying Lin said, tilting her head.

Hui coughed. “That’s…”


“Er… if we count the total time since cultivation, a…about a decade?” Hui estimated. Most of that spent to reach first stage, but still.

“A genius!” Ying Lin cried, nodding at him.

“You… shush,” Hui said, not sure what else to say. I can’t listen to this troublesome disciple of mine. The heart-demon will only get stronger!

The plains below grew rocky, and they hurtled over the foothills of a mountain range. These mountains carved up the sky, reaching so high they vanished into the clouds. Contrary to the extreme height and impressiveness of the mountains, not a single one bore a sect. Instead, thick dark qi of some sort hung over the mountain. A suppressive force emitted from that strange qi, slowing both Li Xiang and Hui.

Li Xiang drew to a halt just outside the range. She made a gesture. Qi rushed up from her, and a door materialized in the air. Heavy and made of thick red-painted wood, it hung imposingly amid the clouds. She knocked twice, and the doors swung open. Golden light blasted from within. Li Xiang stepped through, and the gold light swallowed her up.

Hui followed her through the door. Instinctively, he held his breath. All his surroundings turned gold. The light blazed in his eyes, completely blocking out his vision. He shut his eyes, but even the back of his eyelids burned red.

The light faded. Hui opened his eyes and blinked around.

He stood in a small village. Ordinary people moved around their lives. Some called out to friends, others carried groceries or water, yet others flirted, leaning close under delicate parasols. Children ran about, screaming after one another. Not a single scrap of qi emanated from any of them, none any more than ordinary mortals.

And yet, a strange and familiar feeling gripped Hui. He looked over his shoulder and found the red doors again, still floating in the sky, but they hung in a cloudy sky, not the brilliant blue, clear dome over the plains.

“Are we in a secret realm?” he asked.

Li Xiang nodded. She gestured and walked on, heading deeper into the realm.

Hui took a deep breath and rubbed his hands together. For some strange reason, they suddenly felt itchy. His eyes strayed to the village, and he licked his lips. Why do I want to pick up the entire village and shove it in my pocket? I don’t understand…

Ying Lin hopped off Moonlight Cutter. Gathering himself, Hui copied her, sending the sword back into the node after him. The two of them followed after Li Xiang. She wound her way through the village, paying the villagers no mind. The villagers, likewise, paid no attention to the sudden descent of the cultivators amongst them.

As they passed, Hui glanced at one of the villagers. The villager looked past him, completely ignoring him, and continued to chat with their friend on the other side of Hui. Hui frowned. Can they not see me? Or…

He reached out and sent a tiny mote of qi into the man, just enough to search him out.

Nothing. Emptiness. A shell, moving on the barest scrap of qi.

Silence fell over the village. Hui opened his eyes and found all the villagers staring at him. From the children to the most hunched granny, they all stared at him. A hundred blank eyes settled on Hui.

“Keep moving. They won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt them,” Li Xiang said calmly.

Hui drew his hand away, suddenly nervous. Does sending my qi into them count as an attack? Surely not, right? Elder Sisters, Elder Brothers, please forgive this small cultivator!

Still… this is no ordinary village. A secret realm, indeed. I’ll need to remain mindful of traps and attacks while I’m here!

“Everyone else is up ahead,” Li Xiang said.

Ah, that’s right. They did mention Li Xiang leading a whole squad of vigilantes. I wonder how many follow her? It’s Li Xiang, so even if she gathered an entire sect’s worth, I wouldn’t be surprised! Hui thought, nodding to himself. After all, back on Starbound Sect, her fanclub… I mean, devoted followers, made up about half of the entire sect!

Come to think of it, when it comes time to crush All-Heavens Sect, won’t her vigilantes be an incredible asset for us? Assuming Li Xiang wants to bring the sect back. But why wouldn’t she? After all, she was the golden child, the beloved sect idol. Naturally, she should want to bring it back.

They turned a corner, and Li Xiang drew to a halt. “Here,” she said.

Hui frowned. They stood at the edge of a broad, open field, a field that extended infinitely in all directions. He looked around. “Where…?”

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