Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: The Test of Life

At last, they descended toward the ground. Hui looked around. The slope on this peak ascended steeply into the sky, and rocks broke through the earth all around them. Compared to before, they stood on a wild, barren peak, with no visible infrastructure or buildings. He raised his hands and squinted into the distance.

Overhead, a chain looped off from the peak, dangling through the sky. They stood closer to where it connected to the peak on this mountain, just below it, and the massive metal structure cast a deep shadow over them. The chain’s enormous links creaked loudly when the wind blew, a strangely melancholy sound, deep and metallic. Following the chain back, Hui found the previous peak they’d stood on, hovering in the distance. He nodded to himself.

We’re on a different peak now. Away from the original trial peak, but not much deeper into the sect. Did each of the cultivators take their group to a different peak? It makes sense, especially for the spirit beasts, where they might have very large creatures that might need special conditions to show their greatest strength. For the rest of us, it’s best to separate us so we don’t interfere accidentally with one another’s trials. Besides, at this realm, it’s possible that one of us might draw too much qi and disturb the natural flow of qi for everyone else. Better to spread us out and lessen the risk of overdrawing the local qi flow.

It works out for me, in any case. Since I managed to split the clones into the different groups, none of us have to worry about showing our skills one after another and overlapping too obviously. Naturally, we still must be cautious, but there’s at least a small barrier between us!

After a moment, he frowned. We’re only a small distance from the original peak. It shouldn’t have taken more than the blinking of an eye to fly over. So why did it take long enough that some random Elder Brother had the time to confront me?

Across the field, Qin Donghai sneezed.

Well, I guess I can only wait for guidance from the glowing senior, Hui thought, turning toward the man. Even now, he continued to glow brightly, his aura shimmering on the air.

Watching the man, Hui’s thoughts wandered. I wonder if he can turn that off? If he got naked, wouldn’t he blind the entire world? Ah, ah, how pitiful. I wonder if that senior has ever dual cultivated the old-fashioned way… Though I guess I could simply ask someone. If he ever took his clothes off at night, surely the peaks all around him would see the massive beacon he lit with his naked body!

Eh, come to think of it, this peak is rather barren. Don’t tell me, is this his peak? Have all his disciples and fellow cultivators abandoned him to this lonely peak because he glows too much for them to sleep or meditate properly at night? How pitiful, how pitiful.

The glowing cultivator put his arms out welcomingly toward them. “You stand upon my humble peak, the Brilliant Gold Peak. Here, we will test your healing arts, and see if your techniques are a fit with All-Heavens Sect’s current peak lords. Those who have unique skills and those who have skills that could be honed to greater perfection are much preferred, as All-Heavens Sect is always searching for new and upcoming talent. Please line up neatly and enter this immortal cave one at a time.”

He waved his hand, and a boulder Hui had thought was part of the bedrock rolled aside, revealing a dark hole descending into the earth.

“I will await you inside. Whatever conditions you need to show your strength, we can provide you. You simply have to say the word. Unlike the rest of the trial, this trial is not about how well you can accomplish some simple task, but instead, about showing the extent of your skill. Rather than surpassing your fellow cultivators, think about showcasing the uniqueness and effectiveness of your particular skillset,” the glowing cultivator said gently, nodding at them.josei

It seems easy, and yet, it’s deceptively hard. When we’re put around others who also have honed the same arts, it’s hard to stand out without some preparation. Not to mention that simply showing one’s skills won’t be enough. We have to present them well enough to catch his eye… which means that not only are our skills alone enough, but also our presentation skills. The world’s foremost expert on healing might be overlooked if he mumbles and stumbles through his explanations.

Hui sighed to himself. It seems unfair, and yet, for a large sect like All-Heavens, which doubtless can attract plenty of talent and has affairs with sects all over the continent, having a presentation angle to the trials makes sense. They don’t just want talented peak lords. Those they can recruit through other methods, or take in from a young age and raise themselves. For peak lords they externally recruit, they want to make sure we’re capable of presenting ourselves well and impressing other cultivators. I don’t think they want us to go out and shame them by mumbling arcane healing arts to a sect who doesn’t understand them, and therefore make All-Heavens look bumbling. They’d much rather we present ourselves well, but be full of hot air—as long as we can bluff our way through, it’s good enough for them!

Hui’s eyes shone. It works for me. I can bluff my way through anything!

Well, this is only this small cultivator’s meager comprehension of the purpose of this test, anyways. It’s quite possible I’ve entirely misunderstood. After all, that beast cultivator looked shabby… but it’s also possible that she’s an internally-raised peak lord, or that other beast cultivators respect the shabbiness. In any case, I think it’s reasonable to expect that our presentation skills are part of the test, rather than merely a coincidental element!

Looking at Jin Xian, he bit his lip. Which backs me into a corner when it comes to Elder Sister, unfortunately. Jin Xian might be able to pass a test of skill… emphasis on ‘might.’ But when it comes to presentation, she’s, well… He glanced at the man who’d interrupted his healing earlier. A bit of a strong taste.

Qin Donghai sneezed again. He rubbed his nose, confused, and looked around. Why am I sneezing? Did someone curse me? I shouldn’t be sneezing at this realm…

The glowing cultivator cupped his hands to them and descended into the cave. The other cultivators lined up, some eagerly pushing to the front of the line while others hung back, brows furrowed in thought. Hui took Jin Xian’s hand and led her toward the back of the line, careful not to take the final slot nor a slot too far toward the front.

Jin Xian doesn’t want to leave, but I can’t see her overcoming this trial. Maybe I should just let her fail…?

No, that’s not a good idea. She can’t talk, let alone present herself well.

Come to think of it, what about Zhubi and Bai Jingwen…?

Well, Zhubi is a spirit beast, and if the peak lord is any indication, he won’t have as strong an emphasis on presentation as the rest of us. If not… they’ll probably notice how exotic he is and accept him anyways. Snake demons are rare beasts, after all. To say nothing of the rest of it.

Bai Jingwen…

I’ll—I’ll believe in her!

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