Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 442

Chapter 442: The Next Step

Hui returned to the pond. He glanced around, but everyone was asleep now, even the two flirtatious female cultivators. Settling down on the final open chair, Hui looked left and right, then closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Jin Xian—or rather, Fang Hua is safe, Hui said.

Oh, good. What happened? Sectgoer asked.

Hui peeked an eye open, then sent a probe out toward Liu Guang.

“He’s passed out, no doubt,” Chen Wuya said. He burped, shifting his feathers around to get more comfortable in Hui’s robes. “Speak as you wish.”

Well, if Senior Chen Wuya says so… Quickly, Hui passed what he’d learned to the other clones.

Jin Xian has the ghouls, and Li Xiang has her vigilantes. What else do we need to do? Rogue asked.josei

Bring back the sect, for one. Besides, I think we could work to weaken the sect first. I’ve barely started with my weapons-forging plan, Sectgoer pointed out.

Peak Lord cleared his throat. Isn’t Fen Long the Patriarch? But no one’s heard from him for years. We should investigate that. If he comes back, he might take our side, and then we’d have a powerful ally… and we might even be able to incite a civil war in the sect, depending on how many followers the Sect Master candidates have. Naturally, Gui Delun is the most powerful within the sect, from what I understand, but do his followers also recognize Fen Long? And the groups that back other Sect Masters, would they potentially change their minds in the face of Fen Long’s return?

Hui glanced at the bird nestling in his robes. Right, but Fen Long is Chen Wuya’s enemy. Starbound Sect is Chen Wuya’s creation. What’s the chance that Fen Long takes our side?

Even if he doesn’t, that’s still strife within the sect that will weaken it for our attack, Peak Lord pointed out.

Unless he’s a ninth-stage cultivator who can crush Starbound with his pinky finger, and he decides to end our long-planned attack in a single flick of his sleeve, Rogue argued, rolling his eyes.

Peak Lord shook his head. I think it’s worth looking into. No one’s seen Fen Long for years. Even Chen Wuya hadn’t seen him for a while before he was locked up. He’s supposed to be the Patriarch, but he isn’t doing his duties. His disappearance is the whole reason the sect is looking for a Sect Master.

Something fishy is going on. After all, Gui Delun wouldn’t even have a shot at being Sect Master if Fen Long was still around. I’m not saying we should necessarily certainly involve him in our plan, but I think it’s worth a stab, Peak Lord argued.

Hmm, fair enough, Healer allowed. As for what we do from here… I’ll continue to heal cultivators and relieve them of their treasures.

I’ll focus on draining the sect’s resources to forge weapons and armor for our army, Sectgoer said.

I’ll investigate Fen Long, and what happened with him, Peak Lord said.

Rogue cracked his neck. I’ll continue negotiating with the wolf Mountain Lord. I obviously can’t take her directly to see her husband, but with a bit of conversation, I might be able to win her over to our side… and if the Mountain Lord is on our side, we get the sect’s spirit beasts as well. Ah, a note, the sect doesn’t have too many spirit beasts, but…

But it’s something. The more we have on our side, the better. See if you can convince her to allow us to keep the rot spider on her peak somewhere. It’ll be easier to launch our attack if the rot spider is already in the sect, Healer said. He nodded. Is that everyone?

First spoke up, his voice faint. I’m almost done unlocking the secrets of the array. There’s only one final step… and I know where to find that.

Oh? Healer asked.

First shook his head. I won’t say anything. I don’t want to attract attention, even on a infinitesimal chance someone can hear us. But I think… if I’m right about this, I… think I can bring everyone back.

Healer nodded. Good! Then… let’s go.

Opening his eyes, Hui glanced around the pond’s edge. Everyone around him slept soundly, including the crow. He stretched and sighed, settling back down. For it to be realistic… I’ll rest here until morning. Act like I, too, passed out from the alcohol. After all, there’s nothing else I need Liu Guang to be distracted for.

He glanced over at Gui Yutong. I wonder if I could convince Elder Sister to join my side? After all, Bai Jingwen is… well, I’m counting her as one of my fighters, but I actually don’t know.

Ah, well. Problems for the future. He closed his eyes again. In the morning, I should talk to Liu Guang about the sect’s healing practices. See if I can begin to gain some renown as a healer within the sect, and forge a good reputation while gaining more treasure from the sect’s various cultivators. After all… based on my experiences in line for the life qi trial, it seems that my techniques are rather unique. Uniquely effective, I can’t be sure of, but if nothing else, I might be able to more effectively treat certain illnesses than the standard healing practice. In any case… whether it’s effective or not, I can certainly advertise that it is! Advertisement needs only the loosest basis in reality! That’s a lesson my first world firmly taught me.

Time passed. The sun rose. Liu Guang startled awake as the first rays of dawn struck his face, instantly rebounding as his aura.

Across from him, Hui, too, jumped. He raised his hands to cover his poor, blinded eyes. Is Senior a man or a mirror? Dammit, that was way too bright! I wanted to continue to pretend to be asleep, but who could be asleep with that much light in their face?

Liu Guang looked around, brows furrowed. He caught sight of Hui and smiled. “Good morning. I think I fell asleep halfway through… I hope I didn’t ruin the mood.”

Hui waved his hands. “No, no, Senior, not at all!” Ruin the mood? The opposite! I wanted you to fall asleep!

Standing, Liu Guang stretched. “Thank you for the fine liquor, but I think it’s time I was on my way. There’s business to attend to back on my peak, after all.”

“Yes, yes. Please, don’t let me keep you,” Hui said, bowing.

Liu Guang took to the skies. Hui cupped his hands after him until Liu Guang disappeared, then stood. Now, for my advertisement strategy…

A beam of light circled his peak. Hui squinted, raising a hand to his eyes. I’m not even open for business yet, so what do you want? All you people, coming and invading my peak!

The light stopped, then dropped down toward him. As it approached, it resolved from a beam into a small package. Hui held his hands out, and the package dropped into them. It folded open, revealing a letter.

He held it up. As he read it, his expression twisted from annoyed, to surprised, to amused, and finally back to annoyed. Crumpling the letter, he threw it into the pond. Peak Lord—!

It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me! This was all her idea! She did this on her own! Peak Lord shouted.

What’s the problem? Isn’t it a fine idea? And a great excuse to meet up! Rogue said enthusiastically.

Healer scowled. We don’t need an excuse to meet up! In fact, it’s better if we don’t meet up! It’s the critical moment! Now isn’t the time for—

Oh, come on, Healer. Isn’t this a great opportunity for you to advertise? Sectgoer suggested.

Healer paused. Well, that’s true…

Yes, yes. Advertisement! Networking! All things that we need to do, Rogue said, nodding.

But it’s that lascivious furnace. Her true intentions are obviously—

Obviously beneficial, Rogue snorted, shaking his head. He waved his hand at Healer. Quit complaining. I’ll see you at the party!

Oh, come on. No one else is opposed? Healer asked.

Silence greeted him.

Sighing, Healer shook his head. Ah, well. I guess it’s time to go get networking…

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