Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 445

Chapter 445: Father-In-Law, Spare Me

They flew across the sect. Hui grabbed at his collar, buying himself enough room to take a breath. “Senior, I—”

“Not a word,” Gui Delun snarled.

Hui opened his mouth, then closed it. If that’s what Senior wants, I’ll shut my mouth! I want to come out of this alive, whatever it is!

Did he find out? Does he know? Hui swallowed nervously. He studied Gui Delun’s face, but aside from anger, he couldn’t decode anything else. Ah, he did take my arm, after all. Maybe he compared it to my heads and discovered….

But if that’s the case, I still have hope! I can claim I use the same technique as that wanted Weiheng Hui fellow. Right, right. Unless he discovers my snakeskin technique…

Wait. Did Gui Yutong see my true face and recognize me? But… then, I… I mean, my face is known, but everyone was drunk. No one was paying attention to my face. If they could even see straight after all the alcohol we drank…

No, no. Let’s not assume anything. I’ll just… let him lead the way! Whatever he says, I’ll go from there! I have to believe there’s still a way to recover from this! After all, he hasn’t attacked or killed me yet! That means… this situation can still be resolved with words!

Hui let himself be silently carried by Gui Delun. I should sit here quietly and do the best I can with Gui Delun. Yes, yes. For now, I need to be on his good side. Once we start fighting, then I’ll worry about fighting!

Gui Delun crashed down on a huge peak far from Bai Xue’s or Hui’s own. The qi swirled so thickly around Hui that it almost acted as its own kind of suppression. Hui instinctively closed down his meridians, squinting against the qi as if it was a harsh wind. So this is the difference between an Inner and Outer Peak. This qi… it’s almost too much to handle! I’d have to spend days here to adjust to this kind of qi flow.

Gui Delun didn’t bear Hui any mind, but marched on, yanking Hui along after him. Hui stumbled, gripping at his collar. All around them, disciples stared, some of whom had cultivation nearly at the level of Hui’s own.

“Senior, please! Senior, you’re hurting me! Senior… where are you taking me?” Hui cried in a plaintive voice. Ha, you want to drag me somewhere? I’ll use the top ten classic “I’m being kidnapped” lines that always attract attention to splash mud on you, too! You can go ahead and shame me by dragging me before all your disciples, but I’ll drag you down into the mud with me. I live in the mud, but is your face thick enough to handle it?

Gui Delun tightened his grip and said nothing.

With his last breath, Hui cried, “Senior, ahn… too rough!”

All around him, the disciples turned away. A few coughed awkwardly, and no one made any eye contact.

Again, Gui Delun tightened his grip. He narrowed his eyes, glaring down at Hui. “Another word, and I lose my patience right here.”

Hui gave him an innocent look. Eh, I don’t know what Senior means. Ah, it’s all Senior’s fault for handling this cultivator so roughly!

Anyways, it seems I should probably stop that. Senior might actually beat me up, at this rate.

Gui Delun marched to a martial pavilion. Hui had a moment to admire the fine but simple woodwork before Gui Delun threw him across the floor. He ragdolled, rolling weakly across the floor, and thumped against the wall.

Uh, should I play dead now? That’s a bit unreasonable of a death, right? And I don’t want to give myself away… Hui made half an effort to climb to his feet. “Senior, what’s wrong? Senior, please explain—”

A foot landed on his back and smashed him back to the floor. On top of the oppressive aura of the peak’s strong qi, Gui Delun’s aura slammed down on him. Hui shivered, completely helpless.

Shit. What was I thinking? We’ll handle the fighting when we get to it? I can’t even stand up near Gui Delun! This… it’s impossible. I can’t…

No, no! I have the ghouls and Fang Hua. I have the rot spider and Senior Wolf from Master’s peak. I… might not be able to fight him directly, but that’s what adds are for!

Still… what’s happening? Gui Delun, explain! Please tell me why you’re killing me before you kill me! If you do that, at least I can warn the other clones…

Gui Delun stared down at Hui like he was dog shit on his boot. He spat. “What did you do to my daughter?”

Uh…? Huh? I… don’t think I did anything. I mean, maybe Sectgoer did, but—but you’ve got the wrong clone!

Sectgoer shook his head. Hey, stop besmirching my name! I didn’t do anything to Gui Yutong. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, she was there, okay? I’m certain we didn’t do anything to her, so I have no idea what he’s shouting about!

Uh-huh. Sure. ‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman,’ huh? Rogue replied.

No, really, Sectgoer mumbled. I’m not stupid… she doesn’t even like us that much…

Hui trembled. Still confused, he said, “Mercy, Senior…”

A vein throbbed on Gui Delun’s forehead. “To think my daughter would choose such a quavering whelp…”

She didn’t! She seriously didn’t! I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m pretty sure you’ve got the wrong guy… and I’m completely sure you’ve got the wrong clone! Healer cried silently.

He drew his sword. “I think I’ll just kill you, after all.”

Alright, so when he beheads me, who wants to take the new and improved Healer on as their one and only beloved disciple? Hui asked, quietly operating his flesh technique except for on his core. He retracted most of his cultivation into his core, preparing to exit this body.

Go beg Peak Lord, and maybe he’ll bring you along to Bai Xue’s place, Rogue snarked.

Gui Delun raised his sword.

Hui threw his hands up, protecting his head. Argh, dammit, I’m not going to die for this girl without forcing her to get involved! “Gui Yutong!”

A beam of light hurtled toward Gui Delun’s pavilion. Gui Yutong landed with a thud and ran for Gui Delun. Without looking back, Gui Delun struck at Hui.

Gritting her teeth, Gui Yutong threw herself full out toward Gui Delun and Hui. Her sword flew out of its sheath ahead of her hand and zipped between Gui Delun’s sword and Hui’s neck.

Sparks flew. Gui Yutong’s sword went flying. Scowling, Gui Delun raised his hand again.josei

Gui Yutong threw herself between Gui Delun and Hui. “Father, no!”

Gui Delun halted his sword inches before it hit her. He narrowed his eyes. “Why do you protect this man?”

She blinked up at Gui Delun, her eyes turning watery. Her cheeks blushed. “You know why.”

“Say it,” he growled.

Yes, please say it, Hui requested silently.

Gui Yutong bit her lip. She glanced down at Hui shyly, then back up at Gui Delun. “This… this man is….”

Is? Hui asked, staring at Gui Yutong.

“…is the father of my child!” Gui Yutong finished, covering her face with her hands.

Fucking—what? How? Even if we did… that was literally last night! How is there a child inside you already? A detectable child! A child, detectable with ancient cultivation arts! What? Explain. Explain it to me! Hui shouted, his eyes wide. Sweat ran down his back.

Eh, if uh, if it isn’t us… the only other man around Elder Sister… Sectgoer pointed out.

A moment of silence fell over all the clones.

Oh fuck. Are we the coverup for her incestuous romance? Healer wondered.

Rogue paused. I mean, wasn’t there someone else ‘with’ her in the past month or so?

But Bai Jingwen is a woman, Healer argued.

Peak Lord tilted his head. Actually, aren’t lotus flowers hermaphroditic? And if we’re talking about the Bai Clan…

Another moment of silence.

Healer licked his lips, glancing up at the Gui father and daughter duo standing over him. If this is Bai Jingwen’s revenge, I’m going to steal all her future wives, too.

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