Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 482

Chapter 482: Final Preparations

Starbound Sect is revived. Li Xiang is on her way. Fang Hua is ready to attack at a moment’s notice. The rot spider is on Zhubi’s peak, and with Starbound Sect attacking, Senior Wolf has no excuse to stay home. Fen Long and Chen Wuya are released and ready to fight on our side. Rogue is still in the hidden realm in Zhang Minyan’s peak, ready to set off that pill furnace at a moment’s notice… ah, though we should protect mini-Senior Zhang Minyan from the blast. She’s likely to take our side in the coming battle, now that we’ve secured Fen Long’s support. Healer is back in the sect, and can take control of my disciples. I think… I think that’s everything.

I feel like I’m forgetting something, but… what would that be?

Sectgoer opened his eyes, looking over Starbound Sect. Quietly, he petted Zhubi, a single point of stillness in the midst of hustle and chaos. Below him, disciples hurried to equip the armor and weapons he’d forged. Sectmaster Lan barked orders, sending the disciples hurrying here and there, as ancestral weapons Hui had never laid eyes on were drawn out of storage.

“There it is,” Chen Wuya said. His eyes flashed red for a brief moment, and he raised his hand. From among the ancient weapons, an aged sword caked in filth clattered, then burst up to his hand.

As the sword flew, it thrummed, and the filth fell off to reveal a shining obsidian sheath. The sheath tucked itself into Chen Wuya’s belt, and the blade leaped to his hand, revealing a weapon as startlingly red as fresh-drawn blood. He swung it once, twice, then, with a satisfied nod, sheathed it once more.

Sectmaster Lan looked up, startled, but when he saw who had summoned the sword, he quickly swallowed his protests and went back to ordering disciples around.

There’s only… four of us left? Me, Healer, Rogue, and First. Though… is First still around? After the realm collapsed with the spell, I haven’t sensed him, but neither do I have First’s memories of Reaper-jiejie—ahem, Elder Sister Reaper. Is he lost in the void, unable to contact us?

Come to think of it, where to realms materialize from? What is the void? Where is First?

…I feel like I really need to sit down and contemplate the void sometime. Though if one contemplates the void, does the void also contemplate—

Alright, alright, Sectgoer. Let’s hold it together.

Hui shook his head. I’m so nervous. We’re going to attack All-Heavens. A vastly larger sect, that already crushed us once. How can we possibly win? How—

A warm hand landed on his shoulder. Hui looked up to find Fen Long smiling down on him. “Don’t be nervous. We’ve got this.”

“Haaa, are you trying to psyche him up? Give up! Here’s how you should treat Hui. Give up! You’ll never make it!” Chen Wuya said, leaping down to stand alongside Hui and Fen Long. The red robes draped over his shoulder fluttered after him, like a crow’s wings.

Fen Long drew back, pulling himself upright. His body whiplashed upright, chest swelling, almost like a dragon’s. “Chen Wuya, you can’t treat a Fellow Daoist like that. Don’t you also owe this Xiao Hui much?”

“A Fellow Daoist? Xiao Hui and I are friends, friends! Friends don’t owe each other, do they, Xiao Hui?” Chen Wuya cawed, slapping Hui on the shoulders.

“Er… uh, I… I’d appreciate if you at least… took on All-Heavens with me…” Hui said.

“That goes without saying,” Fen Long said firmly.

Chen Wuya harrumphed. “I’d trash Fen Long’s sect without an invitation.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Fen Long murmured.

“Aren’t we about to do that?” Chen Wuya pointed out, raising his eyebrows.

Fen Long waved his hand. “Once we overthrow this would-be Sectmaster Gui Delun, anyways.”

“That’s true. It isn’t as fun to trash your sect if I can’t also duel you,” Chen Wuya allowed.

Hui took a deep breath. “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. After all my preparations… the sect is back. I’ve found Fen Long and Chen Wuya, both of you, I… but even so, it’s… it’s surreal.”

Sectmaster Lan flew up beside him. He nodded at Hui, a stiff, awkward nod.

Hui bowed. “Sectmaster.”

“I see you’ve grown into your role as Peak Lord,” Sectmaster Lan returned.

“No, he’s dead,” Sectgoer said.

“Wh…what?” Sectmaster Lan asked.

Hui coughed. “That is, I… am a clone, and… it would take too long to explain. Please, continue.”

Sectmaster Lan frowned. Still, he continued as Hui said. “We will be ready by the time the sun reaches its zenith. Would you do us the honor of leading us into battle?”josei

“This small cultivator? No, no, I couldn’t. Instead, shouldn’t the honor be given to our glorious Patriarch?” Hui demurred, gesturing at Chen Wuya. No, no, not if you put a gun against my head! I’m not leading anyone into battle! I’m a small fifth-realm clone. I know my place! I belong in the rear, not in the front!

Chen Wuya harrumphed, crossing his arms. “That’s right. Would you refuse your Patriarch his due?”

Sectmaster Lan backed away a step. “I… I meant no disrespect, Patriarch. It’s merely…”

“Do you hate this Xiao Hui so much that you insist on killing him off, even after he returned you to life? Sectmaster Lan, I understand that sometimes, hatred can be irrational, but this is truly returning favors with spite. You know, I’m starting to think that after we clear out my good friend Fen Long’s sect, maybe it’s time for me to clean up at home,” Chen Wuya said, narrowing his eyes at Sectmaster Lan.

“I didn’t mean it that way, not at all!” Sectmaster Lan said, putting his hands up.

Hui sighed. He turned and looked Sectmaster Lan in the eyes. “Sectmaster, I want you to understand one thing.”

“What is that?” Sectmaster Lan said.

Hui shook his head. “I didn’t return the sect for you. I didn’t… even do it for me. I did it for Li Xiang, and Sis Mei, and Xixing, and everyone who lives and flourishes in this sect, who can only shine at their fullest within the comfort and safety of Starbound Sect. If you hate me, hate me. But there’s no need to push me out. I already understand that I’m unwanted here, that I’ve been unwanted for a long time. After this, once I settle my debt with All-Heavens Sect, I… will leave. I’ll go to a place so far away that Sectmaster Lan’s eyes will never behold me again.

“So, Sectmaster Lan… at least for the next short while, there’s no need to scheme. Disregard me, and I’ll disregard you. As long as you don’t get in the way of my plans, I see no need to disturb you.

“But if you get in my way…” Hui’s eyes flashed. A strange light burned in them, a light that had rarely appeared in Hui’s eyes before.

Sectmaster Lan stepped back. He frowned, his brows furrowing. This lowly fifth-stage disciple dares threaten me? And yet… I’m the one who stepped back.

Hui bowed. “That’s all I wish to say to you, Sectmaster Lan. With all due respect, I take my leave.”

Chen Wuya laughed aloud. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone tell someone else off so respectfully.”

You wouldn’t have,” Fen Long said sternly, looking down at Chen Wuya.

“Haa, even you would get angry if someone maneuvered against you to your face,” Chen Wuya returned, shaking his head. He nodded at Sectmaster Lan. “And you, mind that my words are no idle threat. How long have you stagnated at the seventh realm? I can see to it that you lose the ability to ever progress again. Or simply kill you. I’ve never been fond of rats who scurry about in the dark.”

Sectmaster Lan cupped hands to Chen Wuya and turned tail, running back to the disciples below.

Hui bowed deeply to Chen Wuya. “Thank you, Senior.”

“You think I did that for you? Hardly. It’s a pet peeve of mine, nothing more, nothing less,” Chen Wuya stated, shaking his head dismissively.

Fen Long chuckled. “There you go with that habit of yours. It’s fine to admit you did something nice for a friend, you know?”

“Hmph,” Chen Wuya said, turning away.

On the horizon, a rainbow-colored array of sword lights appeared. An alarm blared, but Hui quickly stepped forward. “No, no. These are allies!”

The disciple sounding the alarm bowed to him and backed away.

I’m not used to being treated with respect like this… it’s unsettling. As I thought, it’s best if I vanish after this. Hui flew out to the border of the sect, a smile on his face.

The sword lights slowed, revealing Li Xiang and her squad of cultivators that had once faced Chen Xigui alongside Hui. Hui bowed to Li Xiang. “Greetings, Elder Sister.”

“Greetings,” Li Xiang returned. She looked over the revived sect, and a smile played over her lips. “I see you’ve been busy.”

“Not as busy as Elder Sister,” Hui quickly replied, turning his eyes to the distance. A thick mass of cultivators, large enough in numbers to block out the sun, flew toward them.

Li Xiang turned as well. “All-Heavens Sect has accumulated more than its fair share of grievances. I simply offered them a chance to fight back.”

I would have preferred to have Li Xiang launch a flanking attack… but as expected, Elder Sister’s straightforward and unflinchingly righteous nature refused even a maneuver as ‘tricky’ as that. Though, in the end, the most important thing… is our overwhelmingly powerful Seniors! Hui nodded to himself, glancing at Fen Long and Chen Wuya.

In All-Heavens Sect, Healer stood up. I’ve assimilated Liu Guang’s realm. I’m ready.

Is it time? I’ll go get the furnace, Rogue said, dusting himself off.

Sectgoer looked up. He threw his arm out. “Starbound Sect! Let’s go!”

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