Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 486

Chapter 486: It's Been Too Long

Gui Delun scowled at Fen Long. “And who are you meant to be?”

“Is it so long that you’ve forgotten your Patriarch?” Fen Long asked. He spoke in an even tone, but his voice carried throughout the entire sect.

From her peak, Zhang Minyan shot up, flying to Fen Long’s side. “Patriarch! We’ve waited for you.”

Whispers shot through Gui Delun’s army, the disciples glancing at Fen Long. Healer frowned, somewhat taken aback by this response. Shouldn’t they be prostrating at their Patriarch’s feet?

But then… it’s been so long. How many of them were alive the last time Fen Long emerged? Even Gui Delun… doubtless he’s seen the Patriarch, but… it would have been hundreds of years ago. Putting aside the Peak Lords he just recruited, there’s certainly been Peak Lords who’ve cultivated at this sect for a long, long time who have never seen Fen Long.

Gui Delun laughed aloud. “Enough of this farce. Zhang Minyan, I thought you were brighter than this. To take the side of these insurgents and this obvious fake, how disingenuous.”

At that, the disciples standing behind Gui Delun stopped whispering. A few laughed amongst themselves, while others remained skeptical, but didn’t move from Gui Delun’s side. One or two ignored the conversation altogether, bored by the concept of it.

Healer pressed his lips together, frustrated. In the end, it’s Gui Delun’s word against ours that Fen Long is the Patriarch. Those who believe him, who have never seen the Patriarch… how many of them are likely to take Fen Long’s side over Gui Delun’s? It would be like if Chen Wuya showed up and claimed to be Starbound Sect’s Patriarch. How many people would choose him over Sectmaster Lan, the Sectmaster they know and trust?

Even if Zhang Minyan vouches for Fen Long… well, everyone knows she’s Gui Delun’s main opposition. I was able to learn that as an Outer Peak Lord here for barely a year! She’d do anything to smear mud on Gui Delun’s name, so if she takes Fen Long’s side… what does that mean? Nothing!

Oh well. From the start, I knew this would be a battle! Healer clenched his fists. He nodded at Rogue, who nodded back. Both faced down the opposing army, ready to fight.

Abruptly, a strange force pulled at them. Healer staggered, and Rogue rolled backward in the air.

Here we go! Sectgoer called.

Sectgoer, what’s happening? Rogue asked.

Now? Healer shouted, frustrated.

What? Didn’t we want to combine together? Sectgoer asked.

We did, but—

Come. We must return, First said gently.

Healer charged at Gui Delun. “You won’t get away with this—”

The world darkened before Healer and Rogue’s eyes. The two of them dropped out of the sky, suddenly limp and lifeless.

Gui Delun waved his hand, sending the bodies flying backward with a burst of air. A second later, he frowned and looked at his hand. Did I even strike them? That was almost… too easy. This Weiheng Hui is known for playing dead, but… to collapse out of the sky without the attack hitting him… has his timing deteriorated?

Song Wei darted forward. He caught Healer, then flew over and grabbed Rogue as well. Looking from one body to the next, he stared, desperation in his eyes. “Master? Master! What happened?”

Li Xiang flew to his side. She frowned slightly, and her grip on her sword tightened. Her eyes darted to Gui Delun. Without another word, she burst toward him.

“Hey, you, swordgirl… ah, who cares? All this talking was getting boring!” Chen Wuya raced after Li Xiang, a vicious grin on his face. He half turned, gesturing at the army. “Charge!”

Fen Long shook his head once, disappointed. “So it is by force that I must prove myself. Very well. Gui Delun… prepare yourself!”

With a ragged roar, the army flew forth. Gui Delun’s army gave up a cheer as well, and raced at Hui’s army. Sword lights flashed. Enormous constructs of light and magic flew at one another, clashing in midair. A thousand techniques burst out, were countered, counter-counterattacked, and struck home.

Far, far away, back in Starbound Sect, the crystal heart resonated with the rest of Hui’s crystalized body. Scintillating light danced around his body. All the crystals melted together, running into a muddy puddle, everything all mixed together. A strong aura of life qi burst out from the puddle, and it trembled, swirling around and around. At the same time, a thick aura of death exuded from the depths of the puddle, threatening to overwhelm the life. The two fought back and forth. One moment, the puddle would glow with gold energy, so vivacious it seemed on the verge of jumping up; the next, black death qi would hang heavy over it, dragging it down to earth.

What’s going on?

Why are we—stop that!

We need to heal, and this is the technique that works! Trust me.

There’s too much death qi!

Stop with the death qi. Who’s even using death qi?

Everyone shut up! Let me—

You? Let me


All the Huis fell silent.

“It’s been a long time. Years. We aren’t who we were. None of us are Hui anymore.”

Reluctance. Disapproval.

“And we can’t be Hui again. Not as we are. Not here, in this world, with so much of us in the underworld.”


First nodded. “But we can be us. Together. As much Hui as we can be.”josei


“It’s easy, isn’t it? Give in. Myself, too… we all have to give in. And become something that is none of us, and all of us.”

Die, then.

First laughed. “Or at least… fake death.”



Just for a little while.

Long enough to see out the battle.

“I don’t think… we have much time left in this world. You all feel it too, right?”


Elder Sister has been busy, lately.

I’ve known for a while. There’s only one way to become Hui again.

“Ah, well, it’s fine. We’ll figure something out. We always do.”

That’s right.

Haa, it’s true.

Then, what’s left to say? Let’s go!

“It’s been too long. Now, let’s… become one!”


The death qi recoiled. Life qi bounded out, circulating through the liquid crystal. A body formed. Bones hardened. Tendons stretched over the bones, and muscles connected over them. Blood circulated through his body, veins and qi passages twining through his flesh. His skin formed over his muscles, closing it all in.

Hui opened his eyes. For the first time in a long time, he stood up. One being. One Hui. A single body. A single person.

He looked down and clenched his fist, frowning slightly. I…

“Xiao Hui, my, my!”

Hui startled, jumping back and instinctively covering himself. Bai Xue stood over him, arms crossed. She laughed, shaking her head. “I wasn’t expecting such an eyeful.”

“Bai Xue! Aren’t you back in the Bai Clan?” Hui asked. He cast around, searching for his robes. The robes his body had worn laid on the ground, dusty and dirty. Yanking them on, Hui frowned at Bai Xue.

Zhubi slithered over. He stretched up toward Hui, hissing quietly. Hui knelt and lifted Zhubi, settling him around his neck as usual.

“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Mmm, the Bai Clan? I was. But I left Xingxue’s toy here, so what was I supposed to do?”

“Stay where it’s safe,” Hui returned.

Bai Xue sighed. “You know, just because I had a child doesn’t mean I’m helpless. I’m still a fifth-stage cultivator.”

“Even so, I can’t help but worry if you’re in danger,” Hui said.

“Danger. As if I’ve never fought before,” Bai Xue said, rolling her eyes. “Tsk tsk. Xiao Hui, I didn’t take you for the protective sort.”

“There’s limits to being a coward, you know,” Hui told her, shaking his head back. He took a deep breath. “But… I suppose, if you want to fight…”

Bai Xue waved her hand. “Of course I want to fight. Don’t be ridiculous! Am I supposed to be happy about the sect that hates my clan? They’ve been quietly suppressing us for years, you know. It’s the same old story everyone has, so I won’t waste your time, but it’s not as if I’ve never been affected by All-Heavens Sect.”

“That’s true,” Hui said, nodding slowly. I wasn’t thinking about Bai Xue. I was thinking about our child, and her safety, but not about what Bai Xue herself wants.

“So… let’s go. Together.” She offered him her hand and a smile, her head tilted at that same playful angle it always had. “Mother has Xingxue. She’ll keep them safe for a day.”

Ah… that’s true. Bai Xue is still Bai Xue. Even if she’s a mother, at the end of the day, she’s… Hui took her hand. “Let’s go.”

As they flew off, Bai Xue leaned in. “Ah, you can fly ahead of me at the end, if you like.”

“Eh? Why?” Hui asked, startled.

“Well, you want your own harem, no? That Li Xiang, she’ll be there,” Bai Xue pointed out.

“That’s…” Hui coughed. “Li Xiang is too straightforward to mind about something like that.”

“Are you sure? I won’t hold back, then,” Bai Xue said, her eyes twinkling with trouble.

“Bai Xue…” Hui said, sighing.

“Hmmm, you’re so cute when you say my name like that,” Bai Xue said. She surged ahead, and Hui was left chasing after her.

Now that I’m like this, it’s only a matter of time. I’ll have to leave this all behind.

But… it was worth it. All of it. Every moment.

So before I go, let’s make sure there’s no one to get in the way of my friends and those I love while I’m gone!

Leaping ahead himself, Hui caught up to Bai Xue. Together, the two of them flew toward the battle.

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