Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 519

Chapter 519: Hell's Revolving Door

The second he stepped inside, Hui dropped into a meditative pose. He circulated his energy, focusing on his route to the surface. The seed on the far side of the mountain barrier. The seed in the Southern region! Call out to me, seed!

To his surprise, two beacons lit up in the Southern Sect Conference. One, brighter than the other, called to him like a sun, eclipsing the light of the second seed. Hui frowned, then shrugged mentally. Let’s go find out! I can take a few risks, now that I’m dead.

A few… a few very carefully calculated risks! A very few carefully calculated risks! To accept risk is to court death. I must remember, at all times, that death is but a temporary state for me! When I return to life, I’ll once again have to stave off death at all turns. If I acquire bad habits now, like risk-taking, I’ll never make it in the mortal realm, and I’ll have no choice but to return to the Underworld and work for free for the rest of my existence.

No, no, no! I refuse! I won’t accept debt, and neither will I accept unpaid labor! I must escape the Underworld for good, as soon as possible!

Not just because of the unpaid labor, of course. I need to see my wives and children and friends, as well. But also the unpaid labor!

The light grew closer. Hui braced himself. Whyever this particular seed is giving off a stronger aura, I have to be prepared! Prepared for anything. He called up the shape of the barrier talisman in his mind, ready to draw it at the slightest provocation. Too bad I left the remnants of the hundred and eight layers on my physical Underworld body. Ahhh, next time, should I draw it on my soul? Then I’ll be protected in both the mortal realm and the Underworld.

Next time, notes for next time!

He smashed into the light, and found himself lying on his back. Colors blurred all around him. Disoriented, Hui stood, then wobbled. Water sloshed around his knees. He lifted a hand to his forehead and smacked himself in the face. Ugh. I feel all… weird. Like my limbs are too big, or maybe too small…

“Master!” a tenor voice called.

“Ying Lin…?” Hui asked on instinct, squinting into the light. Wait, no. Ying Lin ascended… and in the first place, that’s a man’s voice!

“Master, it’s me.”

Hui blinked. His vision cleared.

A handsome man appeared before him, his hair tied back in a low half-crown. White ribbons hung over his shoulders, straight as his silken hair. The man wore white, his robes pooling on the surface of the knee-deep water. He reached out a hand to Hui. “Here, take my hand, Master. Are you awake now?”

“…Song Wei,” Hui concluded. He took Song Wei’s hand. Judging by his appearance, the white lotus never blackened.

Phew! I headed off that particular plot twist. Black lotuses are scary, seriously scary! I don’t want to be tortured, or attacked out of nowhere, or hunted down to the ends of the realm. Relieved, Hui patted Song Wei’s shoulder. “Good job, good job.”

“It’s to Master’s liking?” Song Wei said, his eyes sparkling.

“What?” Hui asked.

Song Wei gestured around Hui.

Hui turned slowly in a circle, taking in his surroundings.

The knee-deep water perfectly reflected the world around him, a liquid mirror. Lotuses floated on the tranquil water, spreading thick petals to the sky. A perfect sky stretched overhead, while a flute played gently in the background. The pool hung in the air, water infinitely pouring over its edges while never diminishing in depth.

Qi swirled on the air, whirling inside him with every breath. When it made contact with his death qi dantian, the death qi instantly infected it into death qi. Though the rate of conversion was low, the sheer quantity of the qi on the air meant that Hui absorbed death qi at a startling rate.

Hui licked his lips. Er, this kind of over-the-top treatment… from a white lotus whose blackening I personally prevented… I never meant to set these kinds of flags!

He nodded. “I’m very pleased.”

Song Wei nodded, smiling happily.

If it’s come to this, there’s only one move I can make! “I can always count on you to look out for me! Song Wei, you’re a great friend,” Hui said, beaming even wider. Take that! The friendzone! I’ve laid it out clearly for you, so take the hint!

“Master considers me a friend,” Song Wei whispered, amazed. He looked at Hui as though he’d never considered such a thing even possible, and yet now, new horizons were opening up to him.

Ah… These flags, these flags! I can’t avoid them all!

Oh well. What happens shall happen. For now, I need to focus on my goal. I only have so long in the mortal realm. Hui waved his hand. “Song Wei, where are we? I need to see Bai Xue and Li Xiang, and—and my children…”

“Your children are in Starbound Sect. As for the other two, it’s hard to say…” Song Wei said, raising a hand to his chin.

“Hard to say?” Hui asked.

“They’re so busy that they could be anywhere. Starbound Sect is a good place to start,” Song Wei offered.josei

Hui nodded. He leaped into the air, then hesitated, hovering there. Distant mountains marked the horizon, while a great forest spread below him. “Er, Elder Brother… where am I…?” All-Heavens Sect? But I’m outside, and I don’t see the floating peaks…

Song Wei nodded. He raised his hand and pushed the air, and crevasse appeared in the air, widening open like a box lid. On the far side, an enormous room appeared, every object ten times as large as it ought to be. “I forged this realm inside a treasured box, with Fen Long’s help for the spatial parts beyond my comprehension. If Master likes it, Master can keep it.”

“You’ve truly improved in forging since I last saw you,” Hui murmured, impressed. He stepped forward, emerging from the box.

“Thank you, Master!” Song Wei said, bowing.

Everything whirled around him again, and he burst up to full size. Hui turned back. A tiny silver box, barely larger than his palm, stood on the dresser beside Song Wei’s bed, its lid half-open. Delicate lotuses in mother-of-pearl coated its surface, resting on a pure-silver pool of water. Just like its interior, he thought, nodding to himself.

Song Wei appeared a moment later, blocking his view of the box. Hui glanced up at him. I didn’t notice when we were in the box, what with all the water and mirrors and such, but is Song Wei taller than me now?

Eh. That’s somewhat dangerous, isn’t it.

Oh well, oh well! It’s fine, it’s fine. Stay focused, Hui.

“Does Master want the box?” Song Wei asked. He reached back and offered the treasured box to Hui.

Hui considered, then shook his head. What’s the point? This body is temporary. I’d only lose it. “Song Wei, you should keep it.”

“Oh,” Song Wei said. He drooped, disappointed.

“Not—not that it isn’t beautiful! Song Wei, it isn’t worthy of a small cultivator like me. I’m simply not fit to take it,” Hui said, waving his hands.

“Not even worthy of Master,” Song Wei murmured, drooping further.

“No, no! It’s too worthy, too worthy! I’m not good enough for it! And, and, I’m afraid I’d lose it right now. Song Wei, you’re the only one I can trust to keep such a beautiful thing safe!” Hui said, quickly backtracking.

Song Wei perked up. “Really?”

Hui nodded emphatically. “Really.”

This troublesome black—ahem, white lotus. I can never let down my guard around him! One misspoken word, and he threatens to blacken!

Still, he still likes me, and the fact that he’s on my side means that I get to partake of the white lotus’ protagonist powers! Having a top-tier artifact forger in my back pocket is no joke! He might even be able to forge a sword so overpowered that this small cultivator can rely on it.

“Actually… Song Wei, could you watch over this for me?” Hui rubbed his hands together, then held out a black seed. “Keep it in the box for me. It’s the most important thing I could ask you to do.”

Song Wei looked at the seed. He frowned at it. “Master wants me to grow lotuses?”

“Ah… not quite. Song Wei, it’s no exaggeration to say that I couldn’t be here without a seed like that one,” Hui said.

“Ah! Then I’ll forge something even better. Something perfectly suited for Master’s seed!” Song Wei said enthusiastically.

Hui choked.

“Master?” Song Wei tilted his head.

Clapping Song Wei on the shoulder, Hui managed a smile. “I’m off to see my children. And Song Wei?”


“Never talk about Master’s… never talk about that seed again,” Hui said, looking into Song Wei’s eyes. I’m begging you. I’m pleading you. Never say that again!

Song Wei nodded. “I understand. I’ll keep this a secret between me and Master!”

“Good. Good,” Hui said. He flew off quickly. I’d better hurry out of here, before Song Wei says anything else concerning!

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