Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 525

Chapter 525: Obliviousness

“So? What troubles do you bring me this time?” Zhu Diyu asked, sitting forward on his throne.

The reaper saluted respectfully. A beat later, Hui joined her, half out of reflex. “Sir,” the reaper stated, “We encountered Black Impermanence again.”

“Ah? What’s he doing now?” Zhu Diyu grumbled, shaking his head. His long blood-red hair fell over one shoulder.

“He calls himself Si Wang, and he appears to have discovered a way to condense demons from resentment,” the reaper stated, still saluting.

Beside her, Hui nodded. Yes, yes, that’s right. All Si Wang, for sure. Nothing to do with me!

“Interesting. How did he do it?”

The reaper shook her head. “I’m not sure yet, but it seems to require freshly-harvested souls. When we encountered him, he was posing as the last survivor of a village he likely massacred himself, then covered in mud.”

“Massacred how?” Zhu Diyu asked.

Hui cleared his throat. “That is… it isn’t clear, sir. The dead showed no signs of injury, nor any indication of fear. Whatever killed them, did it in a single fell swoop before they were aware of its existence.”

“Some kind of demonic cultivation, no doubt,” the reaper said, narrowing her eyes at Hui.

Hui bowed and fell silent. It’s true that there are a great many techniques in demonic cultivation to murder an entire village and leave no trace, but I sensed no demonic forms of qi in the village. No blood qi, or death qi, or rot qi. Nor were there any of the usual signs of an undead attack, or of harvesting bodies for ghoul cultivation, nor of—well, of harming the villagers in any way. If this was a demonic attack, it was one that was meant to kill painlessly.

The only thing that comes to mind, is… He pressed his lips together. The image of the feng shui compass atop Starbound’s hidden peak flashed through his mind. Chen Wuya’s soul transfer array! But… Yunxu, and as far as I know, Chen Wuya, are inside the Southern Sect Alliance. Chen Wuya could break out, but, although Senior is a little malicious, he didn’t seem the type to massacre a village for no reason. Plus, I think I mostly destroyed the compass the last time I used the array… not to mention that it was in bad shape when I started. It’s true that Chen Wuya could have built another, but… why? He didn’t seem that interested or broken up about it. If anyone would have built another, it’s Yunxu, that troublesome demonic cultivator who activated the array the first time and brought me to this world, but I don’t think he has the skill required to do such a thing, whether it’s cultivation levels, materials, or knowledge.

The next time I see Senior Chen Wuya, I’ll ask about it, but I somehow doubt that this incident has anything to do with Chen Wuya’s transfer array.

Unless… He bit his lip, then shook his head. No, those thoughts are too dangerous. Even if they’re true, what can this small cultivator do about them? Better to not think them, not think them at all!

“Demonic cultivators, always causing us so much trouble,” Zhu Diyu sighed. He swept his hair back and rested his head on his hand. “Is that all?”

“Sir, I’d like to request once again that you retract the last of Si Wang’s rights as a reaper. He has not only failed, but has clearly abdicated all his responsibilities, and now, you have a replacement. Please finish the job and completely remove him from his former position,” the reaper said.

Eh? Si Wang still has some of his rights as a reaper? Hui blinked. He looked at Zhu Diyu. Is Senior really so negligent…?

Zhu Diyu yawned. “Denied.”josei

Confused, Hui frowned. But why?

“Please reconsider,” the reaper said.

“We’ve spoken of this a great many times. My answer remains the same,” Zhu Diyu intoned.

“Why?” the reaper asked.

Zhu Diyu wrinkled his nose. His gaze landed on Hui. “Must you drag our troubles out in front of the newcomer?”

“Ah? Ah! Don’t mind me. I’m a fly on the wall, a nobody,” Hui said, shaking his head. I’m curious, too, so go on, Senior!

Sighing, he waved his hand. “Si Wang, as he calls himself now, is a troublesome being. He knows a great many hidden arts and secretive techniques. If I were to completely relinquish his rights as a reaper, I would also relinquish my right to restrict him and track him. Without the Lord of the Underworld’s right to know of the reapers’ movements, I’m not certain I could maintain awareness of his location, and without that, I would not know ahead of time if he posed a threat.”

“If he posed a threat—what about him killing those mortals?” the reaper steamed.

Zhu Diyu looked down at her, his eyes cold. “There are things at stake here greater than the short lives of a handful of mortals. You should know that better than anyone.”

Pressing her lips together, the reaper bowed deeper, though her facial expression remained as stony as ever.

Elder Sister isn’t convinced… well, neither am I, Hui thought. He eyed Zhu Diyu, suddenly a little more reserved than he had been. What is he worried about, that he needs to track Si Wang so closely? Not mortals, not the resentment demons… Is he concerned that Si Wang might take his position? Is he really so weak? That can’t be.

He glanced upward. But then, the Underworld is crumbling. Is it weak because its lord is weak? But… then, how did Zhu Diyu claim the spot as lord in the first place, if he’s weak? Or has he weakened? But what’s weakening him?

Or could it be something else? Something I’m not yet aware of, some greater threat to the three realms that letting Si Wang go might lead us to… or something along those lines? Hui licked his lips. I need more information. I can’t act recklessly with what little I know. To assume Zhu Diyu is weakened, when it fact it’s Si Wang who has connections with yet more powerful figures, would be a grave mistake. One that might cost me my poor little life… er, the dispersal of my soul and true death! Even if he is weakened, that doesn’t mean I can act as I please, either. An injured tiger can still hunt a rabbit, after all!

Speaking of powerful figures, that Elder Sister that Han Qin was desperate to revive, the flame-phoenix woman… I wonder if she’s entombed down here somewhere? I ought to pay her a visit and see if I can figure out how to dispel the flames Han Qin put on me. Although they’re easy to suppress now, when I have direct access to the Underworld’s waters, these flames will be a nuisance once I regain my body and return to the mortal realm, where the Sanzu River’s waters are hard to find, and likely dangerous to my poor mortal body!

But first… first, I need to keep Fei Guren from kidnapping my children, and teach my children a bit of self-defense! First, I need to hit sixth realm! First, I need to figure out a way to get Elder Sister off my back for a prolonged period! Hui sighed internally. So much to do…

“Keep me appraised on Si Wang’s actions, and keep a close eye on these demons he’s created,” Zhu Diyu said. He waved dismissively and turned away.

The reaper saluted again, aggressively formal. “This one hears and obeys.” She walked away.

Hui looked up at Zhu Diyu for a moment, before slowly turning and following the reaper. Hmm. Well, on one hand, I shouldn’t expect Zhu Diyu to lift a finger to help us, but on the other hand, it isn’t likely he’ll discover my involvement in the resentment demon incident… or anything else. I suppose that’s why he hasn’t stopped me from going to the mortal world. He hasn’t bothered to find out.

Or he knows, but doesn’t care.

Hui peeked over his shoulder. Zhu Diyu gazed up at the rushing souls, face nearly as expressionless as the reaper’s. He waved his hand, and a single soul peeled out from the rush and descended to join the waiting souls lined up before the throne.

Quietly, Hui raised his brows. He isn’t as oblivious as he wants us to believe. But why put up the act?

Zhu Diyu’s eyes met Hui’s. He raised his eyebrows.

Hui quickly turned away. No, no. I didn’t notice! Small cultivator noticed nothing. I’m fine with pretending like neither of us know that I know that you’re not as oblivious as you act! After all, it benefits me.

Although, that does suggest that it somehow benefits him to let me run around as I please. But… how? Hui furrowed his brows, then shrugged. I’ll figure it out as I go. There’s no need to spend too long focusing on one problem when I don’t have all the information yet.

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