Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 547

Chapter 547: Friendly Fire

Really, I should have expected this. Now that I’m fifth-realm, a lot of the things that I create, even incidentally, are nigh-indestructible except by higher-realm cultivators. Something like the snakeskins I cast off casually could be considered a relic or treasure by a low-realm cultivator! Thus… I should, from now on, intentionally destroy everything I cast off!

Hui sighed. What are the chances I remember that…?

Anyways, I’m… I’m just seeding the world for future cultivators! If all cultivators destroyed all the trash they threw away, no one would ever receive inheritance weapons or pass down cultivation techniques! Yes, yes. Someone in the future can receive my cast-off snakeskins, and perhaps use them as forging materials or even deduce the original technique from the castings! Charity, it’s charity! Charity, and leaving behind a legacy! Not pollution!

After all, it’s only thanks to forgetful cultivators that serendipitous discoveries can occur! If not for elder cultivators leaving behind their old items and techniques, no one could discover a powerful hidden weapon! I’m just doing my duties for the youth. Yes, yes.

But first, I need to figure out a way to resolve this “infiltration.”

“If you’re taking part in the infiltration investigation, there’s a meeting next hour at the bottom of the sect,” the female cultivator informed him.

“I want to come, too!” Li Weiqi interjected.

“And me, and me!” Bai Xingxue said, waving his hand.

Hui put a hand up to pause the children. Turning to the female cultivator, he clasped hands to her. “Naturally, Elder Sister.”

“You can send the children with me,” she offered.

“No, no. They’re coming along,” Hui said, nodding. I want to explicitly confirm to them that they aren’t being suspected… or rather, they won’t be blamed for killing an intruder. Or perhaps, best of all, clarify that they didn’t kill this man at all, but he’s merely a demonic cultivator using dangerous cloning techniques. I know I said that already as the demonic cultivator, but it’s best to confirm that they did nothing wrong from the sect’s point of view as well.

Li Weiqi and Bai Xingxue nodded at one another, slightly nervous.

The female cultivator frowned. “Are you sure? These are serious matters.”

“Sooner or later, they’ll have to face serious matters, due to their families’ statuses. Might as well start young,” Hui reasoned, waving his hand.

She paused, then nodded. Bowing, she walked off, leading her squad along with her.

All this fuss over one small infiltrator… there’s no need ofr this much effort, none at all! Hui sighed. He turned to his children. “While we wait, why don’t you two practice your martial arts?”

“Eh?” Bai Xingxue asked, startled.

“Us?” Li Weiqi asked.

Hui nodded. He patted Zhubi, who leaped off his throat and turned into a young boy again. “Zhubi will be your opponent.”

Zhubi gave him a dirty look.

Hui spread his hands. I can’t fight them. Even a pinky’s worth of my strength would be too much for them! I’m not confident in being able to perfectly restrain my strength. You, on the other hand, have lots of practice! I can be confident in you!

Zhubi shook his head and sighed.

“How come he can turn into a snake?” Bai Xingxue asked.

“Consider it a special talent of his,” Hui said.

“Ah, like swapping genders,” Bai Xingxue said, nodding.

“Something like that,” Hui agreed.

Li Weiqi backed up, rubbing a handful of Go stones together. “Is it okay to use my full strength?”

“Have you been holding back until now?” Hui asked.

Li Weiqi gave him a guilty look. “No…”

“Then it’s fine,” Hui said, nodding.

Zhubi nodded as well. He made a come-on gesture.

Fire flashed around Bai Xingxue’s hands. Li Weiqi lifted a stone. Zhubi raised his hands, curling them like a snake’s head.

Hui stepped back, crossing his arms and putting a stern expression on his face. Ah, how wonderful, how wonderful! The teacher’s job is to stand there and watch and offer the occasional pointer. I can stand here quietly, look imposing, and take a break while the three children sweat it out!

Now this is the kind of cultivation experience I’ve been dreaming of! Sitting back and relaxing while others work hard. Yes, yes. I knew I reincarnated in this world for a reason!

He leaned against a tree idly as the three children battled. Zhubi easily fended off Bai Xingxue and Li Weiqi, but as the battle progressed, the two of them coordinated better and better.

Half an hour passed. At last, Hui pushed away from the tree. “Let’s head down the—”

Bai Xingxue leaped out at Zhubi from behind, firing a blast of ice. From the front, Li Weiqi pelted Zhubi with a hail of Go stones. Zhubi jumped up, and the stones and ice hurtled at one another—and toward his two children, now that no one stood between them.

Bai Xingxue yelped. Li Weiqi raised his arms to block.

Fuck! Hui jumped forward. He grabbed Li Weiqi and Bai Xingxue by the backs of their collars and yanked them both to the side. The stones and ice smashed into one another harmlessly.

Hui sighed. Looking at the two children dangling from his hands, he shook his head at them. “Friendly fire is just as dangerous as the enemy! Flanking is an excellent stratagem, but you must take care not to strike your friend in the case that your enemy flees!”

Bai Xingxue looked at her feet, then turned her eyes up at him, giving the most adorable guilty face possible. “I’m sorry.”

“Your charm won’t work on me,” Hui said, shaking his head.

“We didn’t mean to hurt one another,” Li Weiqi said.josei

“That’s precisely the problem!” Hui replied. He put the two children down. “Five laps around the sect! And finish them before the meeting, or you won’t go!”

“Eh?” Bai Xingxue asked, startled. “I’ll make sure Mother hears of this!”

Standing firmly, Hui scoffed. “Ha, tell Bai Xue about this! I’ll explain it to her face!”

“After all my family has sacrificed for the sect… considering that my father died to save Starbound Sect, can’t you—”

Hui cut Li Weiqi off. “All the moreso! Do you want your mother to mourn again when you and Bai Xingxue kill each other by accidental crossfire?”

Li Weiqi flinched back. His expression turned from pouty to serious, brows furrowing.

Hui shooed them off. “Go! Run. And spend your time running pounding this into your brains. There’s no need to attack your allies, accidentally or no! They have enough trouble dealing with the enemies, let alone dealing with the enemies and fending off friendly fire! If you’re going to fight at range, don’t ever allow yourself even the chance of striking an ally!”

I can’t allow my children to act so dangerously! Friendly fire? The thought of it sends shivers down my side! To think, I might one day entrust my back to my children, only to find an accidental knife through it! Accidental or not, it’s still damage, and this small cultivator values his life above everything! Not to mention, I don’t want to come back from the Underworld to find out I now have to meet one of my children in it! No, no. I can’t allow my children to continue doing this dangerous, dangerous thing!

Bai Xingxue pouted. “What? I don’t wanna.”

Li Weiqi cupped his hands and set off. Over his shoulder, he shouted, “Bai Xingxue, let’s go.”

“Eh? Huh?” Bai Xingxue looked at Hui, then at Li Weiqi. She scowled. “Ugh!” She raced after Li Weiqi, still frustrated.

Hui looked after his children and smiled. Good. I’ll teach them yet!

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