Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 549

Chapter 549: To Find Oneself

With little more ado, the group of cultivators split into squads, who took off over the peaks. As the last squad left, the leader turned to Hui. “Coming along, Lao Gongren?”

Hui waved his hand. “No, no. I have to go take the children back to their homes.”

Li Weiqi scoffed. “What was that about all talk and no action?”

Hui gently patted him on the head. “One shouldn’t criticize one’s elders. In any case, I’m going to go search. I just need to return you two to safety first.” I might as well check on the sect’s defenses. It’s all in preparation for Fei Guren, after all. Well, in the first place… it would be a bit absurd to go looking for myself.

“Hmm,” Li Weiqi said skeptically.

“Alright, you don’t get to ride on the bamboo on the way back,” Hui declared.

Bai Xingxue hurried over to Hui’s side. “Senior is working hard, Senior is all work and no talk!”

Li Weiqi scowled at Bai Xingxue. “How quickly you forget favors and violate justice!”

Hui laughed quietly to himself. What a condemnation!

Rounding on Hui, Li Weiqi wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue.

Tutting, Hui shook his head at Bai Xingxue. “I suppose your brother doesn’t want to ride the bamboo. It’s all yours, Bai Xingxue.”

Bai Xingxue beamed and curled her fists, practically vibrating in excitement.

Li Weiqi pouted. “Fine. Whatever. The bamboo’s stupid, anyways.”

Waving his hand, Hui called forth the bamboo again, then reached down to Bai Xingxue. Bai Xingxue took his hand, her small, cold hands fitting neatly into his palms. He carefully extended a layer of qi over her body, then threw her up into the air. She squealed, startled, only to land perfectly atop the bamboo. Excited, she clapped. “That was so much fun! Do it again.”

“No, no. Once is enough,” Hui insisted firmly. It was scary enough making sure I didn’t injure her the first time. She’s so small and delicate and fragile. I could probably do it again, but I don’t want to risk it! Too scary, too dangerous.

Li Weiqi pursed his lips and turned away, putting his hands behind his back in a mockery of Hui’s scholarly pose.

Hui barely stifled a chuckle. He gestured Li Weiqi on. “Let’s head down the mountain. You’ll be safe with everyone else while I go search for the infiltrator.”

Li Weiqi nodded petulantly. Bai Xingxue made whooshing noises to herself from atop the bamboo.

Down the mountain they walked. The sun began to set, coloring the horizon in golden hues. Hui lifted his hand to shield his eyes and let out a sigh. No sunsets in the Underworld or the Night Market. I’ve missed them.

White robes swished. Hui looked up, smiling gently, and nodded.

At Lao Gongren.

Lao Gongren stared at Hui. Hui stared at Lao Gongren. Bai Xingxue and Li Weiqi squinted at the new Lao Gongren.josei

There’s only one way to resolve this… by striking first! Hui gasped and jabbed his finger at Lao Gongren. “The infiltrator!”

“What? What infiltrator?” Lao Gongren asked, confused. “I just came back with the rare herbs… who are you? Why do you look like me?”

“What excuses! Can you believe them? Li Weiqi, quickly, on the bamboo!” Hui shouted.

Li Weiqi scrambled onto the bamboo. With a wave of his hand, Hui sent it flying down the mountain toward the lower disciples’ barracks.

Lao Gongren blinked at Hui. “Martial Brother, what’s happening?”

Hui took a deep breath, then bowed at Lao Gongren. “Many apologies, Elder Brother. But this small cultivator truly had no other option.”

Now that I’ve sent the children away and my identity is in no risk of causing any further danger to their mental states… of the thirty-six stratagems, fleeing is best! Still bowed, Hui retreated back into the Underworld, sending his consciousness out of his Lao Gongren-disguised body.

Lao Gongren blinked, confused. He stepped forward and caught the man as he fell, only for the body in his arms to wither away into a flat, dead shape. His brows furrowed. “Ex… excuse me…?” What just happened? Who was that?

Darkness closed in around Hui. He surged onward, sending his consciousness down. Back to the Underworld. To the Underworld, this time! No more deviations! No Night Market, no mortal realm, just the ordinary Underworld and the body Zhu Diyu granted me!

A cold wind blew. Quiet met his ears. Hui opened his eyes.

Once more, he sat in his empty quarters in the Underworld. Hui climbed to his feet and stretched. I hope Elder Sister didn’t miss me while I was busy with other things. Ah, I’m such a bad coworker. I need to spend more time here, at the office…

No, no! What am I thinking? I won’t let my fellow workers peer pressure me into spending more than eight hours at the office!

Though… I’m not sure I’m even doing my obligatory forty hours a week right now…

Hui shook his head. I’m not actually a salaryman. I don’t actually have to put in forty hours a week. Quite honestly, I’m not sure how to track days or weeks in a realm that doesn’t have a sun, or visible time cycles.

Eh, if Zhu Diyu isn’t complaining, I’m probably fine. Probably.

The door to his quarters opened. The reaper peered inside.

Hui smiled at her. “Elder Sister! Do you need me?”

Her eyes narrowed. She reached out her hand. Red light emanated from her palm and wrapped around Hui, dragging him toward her.

“Eh? Elder Sister, use words, use words!” Hui protested, confused.

Her hand closed around his collar. She turned, yanking him after her. “You know what you did.”

Hui stumbled after her, taking quick, short steps so she didn’t tip him forward. “Uh… no, I’m sorry. Small cultivator knows not what he’s done. Surely Elder Sister could illuminate me?” Or rather, I don’t know which thing you’re angry about! Is it because I’m not working as hard as you? Is it because I went to the Night Market? Or because I went to the mortal realm? Oh, or maybe it’s because she found out I spoke with Si Wang, and even cooperated with him for a while… or… could it be that she’s found out about the resentment demons?

Come to think of it… what rule haven’t I violated? Honestly, I should be more surprised that I went this long without Elder Sister dragging me off somewhere!

The clerks stared as the reaper dragged him through the village. Hui coughed. “Elder Sister, if you release me, I’ll follow.”

“How can I trust you?” she snarled.

He gestured vaguely. “Where else would I go? Elder Sister is stronger than me. That, and… I haven’t fought you this whole time, have I?”

She twisted her lips. Tossing her hair, she turned away from him.

Now that it’s come to this… I have no other option! Hui coughed. In a coquettish voice, he murmured, “Elder Sister… ah! Dragging me off like this, how ferocious! You don’t need to be so aggressive. I’ll come, I’ll come, happily!”

All around them, clerks stopped in their tracks and whirled, staring at Hui and the reaper. A few of the more gossipy ones giggled and raised their documents, whispering behind them to their neighbors.

The reaper’s face turned black. The grip on his collar tightened to the point that Hui began to fear for his robes. Elder Sister, I only have one pair in the Underworld! One pair of robes! If Elder Sister damages them…!

She dragged him another few steps, then released him.

Relieved, Hui slowed his steps and followed her at a normal walk. “Could the accused please hear his sentence?” he tried.

The reaper ignored him.

Hui sighed and tucked his hands behind himself, emanating a quiet, calm air as he followed the frustrated reaper. He nodded at the clerks, giving them a small, knowing smile, though he knew the least of anyone present. The reaper stomped off ahead of him, making a beeline for Zhu Diyu’s throne.

Well, it’s something she thinks Zhu Diyu won’t like. Though… I wonder. Zhu Diyu has certainly allowed… no, even encouraged, me to do a lot of things that break the reaper’s understanding of the rules. Did the reaper misunderstand the rules? Or does Zhu Diyu want me, specifically, to do something?

They arrived. The reaper slammed to a halt and saluted sharply to Zhu Diyu. Behind her, Hui ducked into a short salute, watching Zhu Diyu the same time. Zhu Diyu lifted a long scroll and peered down it, then waved his hand, curling it up. Catching the curled scroll in one hand, he set it atop his desk. A lazy look in his eye, he sorted through a few loose documents, hemming and hawing to himself.

Seems like he doesn’t mind, Hui thought, primly tucking his hands behind him and waiting, glancing around.

The reaper continued saluting.

At last, Zhu Diyu looked down at her. “What have you interrupted me with?”

“Zhu Diyu, this man before you has not only left the Underworld unauthorized, but visited the Southern Realm, and worse, communicated with his family and those who knew him while he lived! Pass down your punishment,” the reaper declared.

Hui startled. He looked at the reaper. Huh? That’s all? I thought Elder Sister would have some much worse crime to accuse me of! Visiting my family… compared to the resentment demons, that’s nothing!

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