Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 569

Chapter 569: Alive in the Land of the Dead

The reaper darted forth, charging at Hui.

Hui waved his hand. “Elder Sister, careful, careful!” I’m not sure how the reapers work, entirely, but we’re in the Underworld right now. I don’t know if she gets the extradimensional properties she does on the surface. In any case, phoenix fire could burn me up as a reaper, so it must also be dangerous to Elder Sister!

“You’re the one who should take care. In the Underworld, Zhu Diyu’s word is law,” the reaper returned. She reached the rings.

“Oh? If that’s the case, then why hasn’t he killed me with a mere word? After all, Zhu Diyu’s word is law. His will is the Underworld. Could it be? Am I no longer in the Underworld… if I destroy it?” he asked innocently.

The reaper narrowed her eyes. She burst through the rings.

“Mmm. I wouldn’t do that,” Black Dragon murmured. She looked at Hui. “Is she important to you?”

“Huh? Uh… I suppose… I don’t want her to die, if that’s what you mean.” Hui said. He blinked. From the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of a frozen songbird, stopped mid-flap. Wait, what’s going on? I’m not moving anymore. Nothing is. Not even the rings.

And—Black Dragon’s eyes are—

“Understood.” Black Dragon shut her eyes.josei

The reaper blinked. For a moment, she vanished. Hui frowned, looking around. What?

She reappeared in front of him, her sword bared.

Oh fuck! Hui jumped backward, desperately drawing a barrier talisman to block. The barrier appeared moments before the reaper’s sword pierced him. Her sword bounced off in a shower of sparks, and the barrier popped. Eyes flashing, she darted after him. Hui ran backward, operating his movement technique and drawing barriers as he went. With every sword stroke, a new barrier appeared; the barrier popped, the sword bounced, and the cycle continued. Flashes of gold barriers and silver sword light burst over the surface of the rings.

“As you wished,” Black Dragon said, chuckling.

“This isn’t as I wished!” Hui protested. I don’t want Elder Sister to kill me!

“Hmm? Then do you wish for her to be dead?” Black Dragon asked.

Hui shook his head. “No, no! This—this is fine! Perfectly fine, Senior!” Troublesome, how troublesome! Is Senior deliberately causing trouble? Ahhh, Senior, why now? I never knew you were a prankster! Your son is so kind and gentle… Why couldn’t Senior also be?

Black Dragon laughed. “It’s good that my child is gentle.”

Er, I mean, Senior is gentle and kind, beyond all belief, truly, Senior is a pillar of kindness and gentility!

Gentleness? Anyways. The point is, Senior is magnificent in all ways and perfectly flawless!

“There’s no need to overdo it. What’s done is done,” Black Dragon said, nodding firmly.

Hui grimaced. With one hand, he continued to write single barriers to counter the reaper, while with his other hand, he drew a more complex barrier, a barrier of barriers—the Hundred and Eight Layers barrier technique.

“How can you block my attacks?” the reaper snarled.

“How can I?” Hui muttered, half to himself. I’m once more alive. That is, mortal! I shouldn’t be able to see the reaper, let alone block her. That’s… a good question!

The reaper snarled aloud and redoubled her attacks.

“Wait, wait, Elder Sister! I wasn’t taunting you! Elder Sister, please. I legitimately don’t know!”

The reaper’s face contorted. Her attacks grew heavier.

Ahhh… I understand. I understand. Elder Sister… should I lie and say I came up with a fantastic technique to make you feel better?

Being serious now… how can I block and see the reaper?

Fundamentally, I’m using life and death qi, but on the other hand, I’ve been doing that for a long time now, and I haven’t been able to match the reaper as a mortal while doing it. What changed?

Ah! The phoenixes. That is, fire qi! The intermediary step between life and death qi. Phoenix fire could burn me as a reaper. Given that I reforged my entire body using phoenix fire and incorporating fire qi into my very being… it isn’t unreasonable that I can fight Elder Sister now!

“Elder Sister! I’ve figured it out!” Hui said.

The reaper screamed in frustration and attacked yet faster.

Black Dragon cleared her throat. “You know, you might not want to let her know that you’re using so little of your attention on the battle that you can also ponder mechanics of the world while you fight her. Some people take offense to that.”

“No offense, no offense intended at all. It was an honest mistake, Elder Sister,” Hui said, still backing away.

“Fuck you,” the reaper growled.

Hui flicked his hand. The Hundred and Eight Layers activated with a burst of golden light. Settling behind it, Hui smiled at the reaper. “Elder Sister, why don’t we talk things out?”

With a chuckle, Black Dragon cut her eyes at Hui. “Not only were you pondering mysteries of the world, not only were you writing barriers as you ran, but you were also writing a larger barrier at the same time? Truly, to take a reaper so lightly… who else would dare?”

The reaper grit her teeth. She launched at Hui again.

Hui looked at Black Dragon, tired. “Senior… are you trying to help or hurt?”

Black Dragon smiled at him mischievously. “I’m just having a little fun. It’s fun to play intermediary between two young lovers.”

“Two… whats?” Hui asked, flabbergasted.

At that, the reaper momentarily paused to stare at Black Dragon as well.

Black Dragon raised her palms. “Am I wrong? The tension is palpable. I’d offer you two a room in my inn, but it’s a bit out of commission at the moment.”

“Where… on earth…?” the reaper asked.

Zhu Diyu nodded from his throne. “Indeed. It’s obvious, isn’t it? I’ve thought so for a long time now.”

“The fire in her eyes. The softness in his rebuttals. They’re made for one another,” Black Dragon agreed.

“Senior!” Hui protested, blushing a little despite himself.

“To be so oblivious is a sin. I’ve been trying my best, but my Mamian simply won’t open her eyes to the possibility of love,” Zhu Diyu sighed.

“Useless. Pointless,” the reaper muttered under her breath.

“In any case, isn’t it time to give up the ruse? Zhu Diyu, everyone knows you don’t care about the Underworld. Step aside and allow Xiao Hui to fix it. You’ve tried to bait him into it for as long as he’s been down here, so why fight it now that he’s doing it?” Black Dragon asked.

Zhu Diyu scowled. “What ruse? Am I not allowed to defend my own Underworld?”

“You’re throwing a fit just because you’re mad that he didn’t do it exactly the way you wanted, isn’t that right,” Black Dragon said, shaking her head.

“Not so,” Zhu Diyu declared.

Black Dragon tilted her head and raised her eyebrows at him.

“Er, Seniors, there’s no need to fight,” Hui said placatingly.

Black Dragon and Zhu Diyu both rounded on him.

“Or, or, there is…? Ah, in any case, Seniors should decide it between themselves. Myself and the reaper will be quietly waiting over here,” Hui said. He nodded and smiled gently at them.

The reaper snorted.

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