Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 572

Chapter 572: As the Realm Dies

At last, the rings engulfed the entire Underworld. Hui paused, leaning on his knees and panting. The reaper stood opposite him, cool and collected on the outside, though rage burned in her eyes. She advanced.

Hui held up his hand. “It’s enough, it’s enough, Elder Sister! Small cultivator has learned his lesson.”

“Has he,” the reaper murmured. She didn’t stop.

“Yes, yes, he has, he absolutely has,” Hui said, nodding. He backed away slowly.

Around them, the Underworld burned out, collapsing into ash. The life qi ring passed over the ash. Life flickered where it passed, little golden sparks darting here and there in the gray.

The reaper lifted her sword.

“Elder Sister, could I get a stay of execution? At least until after I rejuvenate the Underworld,” Hui begged.

She paused, twisting her lips thoughtfully. After a moment, she shook her head. “Request denied.”

It’s time to switch tactics, Hui thought to himself. Standing up tall, he looked down on the reaper. “Elder Sister, it’s no good. Even if you slay small cultivator here, the world will still know that you like stepping on people. It’s better to admit one’s preferences and live earnestly than to repress them. Elder Sister, I know it might be hard, but please, look inside yourself. You know you like stepping on people. You know I know, and so do the seniors here. There’s no need to continue to deny it.”

The reaper’s face grew even darker. Her knuckles turned white on the hilt of her sword.

Yes! Excellent. This is the right tactic. Hui threw himself on the ground. “Elder Sister, please! Step on me, just this once. I’ll allow it this time only! Vent your anger with one good stomp. You’ll feel much better afterward, I’m sure. I’m sure of it!”

The reaper halted. A vein throbbed on her forehead. “You…”

Ah, this is indeed a dangerous route, a dangerous route indeed! Any route taken from Ying Lin’s romances is dangerous, and this is a route straight from the trashy romance segments of my favorite novels back home! I’m playing the part of the jade beauty in the tactic of ‘provoking the CEO to the extent that he can’t help but give in,’ and that role usually involves the jade beauty getting… er, well… in any case, Elder Sister, if you must take me, then please at least use a small illusion technique so my friend’s mother doesn’t have to watch!

Across the realm, Black Dragon abruptly snorted.

The reaper drew up to Hui. She stared down at him, her face so black that he could barely see it.

Hui braced himself for impact. With glittering, limpid eyes, he looked up at the reaper, trembling just a little bit. “Be gentle, Elder Sister.” The jade-beauty-provoking-the-CEO’s killer line! Take that, Elder Sister! There’s no way you can resist. Now, step on me, just this once, and vent all your hatred!

The reaper’s jaw clenched. Her vein throbbed, and her knuckles were so white he could see the bones. Her body shook, but not from fear.

“Ah, Elder Sister, it’s not good to hold back so much. Go ahead, you can kick me. Just once!” Hui said, still trembling.

Without a word, the reaper kicked him.

Hui flew backward. His chest caved in, his bones snapped, and his limp body thrashed along. He hurtled through the void where the Underworld had been, rolling over and over as he zoomed by.

As he flew, he circulated his qi, using the flame transfer technique to turn it into life qi. His body healed, bones straightening and chest reforming. Whenever the rotations turned him back to face the reaper, he stole glances. Huh. Her face still looks dark. Was one kick not enough? Elder Sister, please. Restrain yourself! Or rather… this is what happens when you repress your true desires for too long. Ahh, to be the unfortunate target of Elder Sister’s venting… she should be more like me, and live out her true self every day. I play dead every day, after all!

Not bothering to stop rolling, Hui gestured. In the distance, the three enormous rings that surrounded the Underworld and the Night Market collapsed, falling in on themselves. All the power they had collected from burning through the realms poured back into the realms, fueling the sparks of life qi in the ashes. The sparks of life qi burned brighter and brighter, then burst into flames. All the ashes swirled around, gathering up into a ball of ash, life qi, and raw energy. Beneath Hui, the realm began to take shape.

But how should I shape it? I don’t want to have to manually handle the transferal of souls… ah, though that will still be Zhu Diyu’s job… or someone’s. I’m not becoming the Lord of the Underworld.

Still, part of the issue of the original Underworld was that souls would get lost and not properly reincarnate. Hmm… Hui gestured. The Underworld altered itself below him. Instead of a broad plain, it became a funnel. Although I can’t shape the Yellow Springs, the springs themselves a fundamental part of the realms, I can shape the Sanzu River! Hui drew stone to the springs and created a channel, sending the water coursing down the channel across the funnel. A bridge formed over the channel. Beyond the funnel, a small space opened up. A throne and a courtroom appeared.

Black Dragon stepped forward. “Xiao Hui, create a Night Market for me. If Zhu Diyu chooses to abdicate the throne, then I’ll handle it.”

From his place on the floor, Hui glanced at her. Can Elder Sister handle it? She ran the casino in the Night Market and seemed like a major player, but I’m not sure, fundamentally, that I can trust a dragon with human lives and human morality. The Underworld has to judge mortal souls as well, after all. The majority of the souls it handles are human. If it isn’t run by a human, will the Underworld function properly?

“No. I’ll do it,” the reaper said, stepping forward.

Ah. The reaper is responsible. She’s someone who can be trusted! She’s—

Someone who wants to step on me. Can this small cultivator trust her?

The reaper crossed her arms. “So?”

Hui pushed himself upright. He looked at her. Ultimately, I trust her more than I trust Black Dragon. Someone’s preference is nothing to get too hung up on. As long as she properly handles her preferences and vents them according to her needs, it’s nothing to worry about. “I have no problem with that.”

“I wasn’t asking you,” the reaper said. She looked at Zhu Diyu.

Zhu Diyu waved his hand. Something snapped. “You are no longer a reaper.”

The reaper’s skin and hair suddenly seemed to glow. Her body grew softer, and she took on a lively radiance she hadn’t before. She smiled slowly, then held out her hand, palm out. “I, Ming Hailen, accept the title of Lord of the Underworld.”

Something shifted inside Hui. He didn’t know why, but he held out his hand to her. A drop of blood flew from his palm and struck hers.

Everyone froze. All eyes turned to Hui.

“Er, what…?” Hui asked. He looked at Black Dragon. “Ah, Senior, if this is about the Night Market, I can add a space behind the courthouse…”

Black Dragon waved her hand. “Of course I want that, but… Hui, the three realms have recognized you as not the Lord of the Underworld, but the owner of the Underworld.”

Hui licked his lips. “Is that bad?” Did I cause a problem? No, no. The last thing I want to do is cause problems! Not this small cultivator. Please tell me I didn’t, Senior!

“It’s… it means that anyone who becomes Lord of the Underworld is essentially… subordinate isn’t the right word, but…” She tapped her chin, brows furrowed.

“A tenant? If I own the Underworld, then… renter? franchisee?” Hui tried. Franchises of the Underworld? What would that even look like? The Night Market?

“Such a thing has never occurred. Not since the three realms were formed,” Zhu Diyu said seriously.

The Underworld pinged in his mind. Hui turned back to it, adding a space for the Night Market just behind the courthouse, and some quarters for the clerks as well.

Turning back around, he nodded at Zhu Diyu. “Then no one knows what it means, and that means I can make it up.”

Zhu Diyu opened his mouth. After a moment, he shut it again. Thoughtfully, he put a hand on his chin.

“In which case, Elder Sister, please act as Lord of the Underworld. If you ever need my help, you can always reach out to me,” Hui said, bowing.

The reaper… or rather, Ming Hailen, nodded back. “If I ever need to step on someone, I’ll know who to call.”

“Ah, no, no. Small cultivator isn’t suited to being stepped on. I’m the kind of small bug who’s hard to squash, not satisfying to step on at all!” Hui said, waving his hands. “I mean… the Underworld… I feel as though I can still shape it. If you need me to fix it, please let me know!”

Ming Hailen nodded. “Of course.”

Hui pointed at the empty space he’d created for the Night Market and turned to Black Dragon. “Is there anything else you need?”

“No, no. To see my darling son… but that’s too much to ask,” Black Dragon said, chuckling.

Hui nodded. “I’ll see what I can do, Senior.” He turned to Zhu Diyu and Qian Liqiu.

Zhu Diyu crossed his arms. “I think I’ll try ascending again. It’s better than staying here forever.”josei

“As for me… my people…” Qian Liqiu said.

Hui nodded. “If you’ll come with me a while, I have a clone technique that can create a near infinite number of bodies that can be customized to one’s choosing. It’s not a permanent solution, but it’s a first step toward your people returning to being physical beings from being trapped as qi constructs for so long.”

Qian Liqiu nodded. “Thank you. That is acceptable.”

At last, Hui turned upward. He held his hand out to Qian Liqiu, and she stepped to his side. “Let’s go to the surface. My children are waiting!”

They flew upward together, hurtling toward the Underworld’s surface.

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