Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: A Beast and A Sword

Su Yan sniffed and wrinkled his nose. “Stinks.”

“Brother!” Su Caiyi protested, punching him lightly.

Su Yan refused to flinch this time, glaring Hui down instead. He raised his fist.

Hui threw his hands up to block.

“You didn’t get kicked out?” Su Yan asked, tapping the back of his hand. Li Xiang was written in silver on the back of his.

“Ah… my condolences to elder brother,” Hui said gravely. He raised his hand to show Ding Bo.

“Condolences? I’ll bite that small girl in two before she can raise her sword,” Su Yan sneered.

Hui bowed to Su Yan silently. Ah, he’s finished. It’s the end of the line for this wolf-boy.

“I heard you already fought. I wanted to see your match! I missed brother’s, too,” Su Caiyi said, pouting slightly.

Su Yan patted her head. “It’s too much excitement for you. Better if you stay home.”

Su Caiyi pouted.

Adorable, too adorable. “No need to be so strict, elder brother. Surely she can come watch the tournament. Otherwise, what did she come all this way for?” Hui reasoned.

“Yeah, yeah!” Su Caiyi agreed, nodding at her brother.

Annoyed, Su Yan shook his head. “No! You should have stayed back at the sect. Even this is too much.”

“Too much, too much, that’s all you ever say!” Su Caiyi grumbled, frustrated. She punched Su Yan on the side repeatedly.

He ignored her blows. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

Hui stared at Su Yan from the corner of his eyes. Eh… is this the extent of your siscon disease? Elder brother… are you okay? Do you need counseling? Su Caiyi, blink twice if you need help.

Su Yan caught his look and grimaced. “Shut up! You don’t know anything, either.”

“Elder brother, I said nothing,” Hui replied, smiling politely.

Su Yan’s lip twitched. He started to say something, then turned away, drawing Su Caiyi with him. “Once I defeat this Li Xiang, I’ll tear your throat, too.”

“Good luck, elder brother!” Hui wished him. Unlikely.

Su Caiyi waved over her shoulder as she followed her brother. Hui waved back, smiling.

In the near distance, gongs rang out, sounding the start of the next round of tournaments. Hui glanced up. I ought to go over. My next match is soon, and it doesn’t hurt to scout out the opponents.

The other cultivators in the square, likewise, started to walk in the direction of the arena. Caught in the crush, Hui cupped his hands around his neck, protecting Zhubi from stray shoulders. A knot of rowdy Azure Fang cultivators pushed by, passing a gourd of alcohol around. Hui frowned at it, brows furrowing. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen anyone in Starbound Sect drinking alcohol, except Master at the Bai Clan banquet, but Master doesn’t count. Master pays less attention to the rules than I do.

Don’t tell me, are we an ascetic sect? Maybe I really should go read the rules.

…on second thought, ascetic sects always have too many troublesome rules. I’d never remember them even if I knew them. Ah, in the end, it’s no use. I’m better off as I am! Unburdened and free. Hui nodded decisively to himself.

A board at the front of the stadium laid out the next round of fights. Hui inspected it, searching for himself. At last, his finger landed on his own name. Ah, I’m not in the next heat, but the one after. So I watch one fight, then go out and fight.

Scanning the board, he quickly located Su Yan and Li Xiang’s match. They’re up first, before me? All the more reason to watch. Thus decided, he headed for the stands.

Disciples filled up the stadium once more, jiving amongst one another for the best seats. Hui took a quiet spot high up the stands, squeezed into a corner where no one would bother him. Strategically settled between the Azure Fang and Starbound Sects, Hui managed to blend into both, so that neither the Starbound Peak Li Xiang fanatics nor any aggressive Azure Fang disciples would bother him.

The Starbound Sect cultivators mostly sat quietly. Some talked quietly amongst themselves or shared snacks, but no more. Well-behaved and upright, they held their backs straight and arranged themselves in neat rows.

To his other side, the Azure Fang Sect was the exact opposite. Cultivators sprawled, shouting and laughing. A few sang randomly, drunk. Gourds of alcohol and bags of snacks passed from hand to hand. A few rows up, a pair of male cultivators brawled openly while others took bets and egged them on. Spirit beasts of all description crawled up and down the stands, lazed in between the seats, or circled overhead.

Mmm… there should be a limit to being unrestrained and free! Hui decided firmly.

Down below, the cultivators paired off, two to each arena. Contestants bowed to one another. Hui scanned the arenas and quickly located Li Xiang. She stood in the arena nearest the Starbound Sect disciples, facing the white-robed section. Bright eyes gazed over the watching disciples. Occasionally, Li Xiang smiled or gave a little wave. The Starbound Peak disciples leaned forward in their seats, desperately waiting for her to smile in their direction.

She caught sight of Hui and beamed, waving excitedly. Hui smiled and waved back as subtly as he could manage, half an eye on the Starbound Peak disciples.

“Eh? Who’s she waving at?”

“An Azure Fang disciple? Who? Who caught her eye? I’ll beat him up!”

“Wait, it might be a fairy maiden she’s waving at instead.”

“… I’ll still beat her up!”

Hui lowered his hand and stared dead ahead, pretending not to hear the Starbound Peak disciples. If they’re getting that worked up over Li Xiang having a female friend, imagine if they found out about her friend Bai Xue, that Bai Xue who’s both a female friend and a male friend…

Ah! But where’s Su Yan?

A heavy smack landed on the back of Hui’s head. He fell forward and almost tumbled down the seats. Grabbing his head, he turned, indignant.

Su Yan towered over him, Su Caiyi at his side. She smiled and waved at Hui.

“Watch her,” Su Yan demanded.

“Eh? Do I get a say in this?” Hui protested. Besides, Su Caiyi is a grown cultivator. She can watch herself!

“Fifty spirit stones,” Su Yan said, crossing his arms.

“Su Caiyi, sit here, sit here. Do you need anything? Some shade? I could fetch some spring water. Want to play with Zhubi?” Hui offered, suddenly all smiles.

Zhubi lifted off his neck and hissed, confused.

Su Caiyi laughed and sat down beside him. “Sorry to trouble elder brother.”

“It’s nothing, it’s nothing,” Hui said.

Frowning, Su Yan huffed. “It’s not that I trust you. It’s just…” He looked out over the Azure Fang disciples.

With a great shout, one of the brawlers kicked the other brawler into the air. The flying brawler tumbled down over the next set of stairs. A crane took to the air in a flurry of feathers. Growling, a huge crocodile jumped up from under the brawler and snapped, hissing through its open mouth. The brawler jumped back up and fled, crocodile chasing after.

Hui nodded. “I understand.” And I understand that you’re a siscon tsundere.

“Ah, good luck, brother!” Su Caiyi said, smiling. She waved enthusiastically with both hands.

Su Yan nodded shortly. He turned and stomped down the stairs to the arena below.

The announcer started speaking, but his voice was drowned out by the hubbub of the stadium. Su Yan stepped into the arena opposite Li Xiang. She bowed formally to him. He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced to the horizon, then ducked his head once, almost shy.

He’s… really such a tsundere, isn’t he? Hui snorted. “Your brother is unexpectedly cute, isn’t he.”

“I think so, too,” Su Caiyi said, a satisfied expression on her face.

“Don’t you look at Li Xiang with your filthy eyes!”

“Lay one paw on her, you filthy Azure beast, and I’ll make sure you regret it!”josei

“Get beat to hell and back by our Li Xiang!”

Su Caiyi startled and leaned toward Hui. “Is… is it always like this?”

“Mmm, pretty much,” Hui said, used to it.

She stared at the Starbound Peak disciples, wide-eyed, then looked at the other Azure Fang disciples. “I don’t know who’s scarier.”

“Starbound Peak, for sure,” Hui said, unhesitatingly. Azure Fang disciples have big, scary spirit beasts and look wild, but I bet they don’t gang up on people well under their cultivation and subject them to mob violence!

Su Caiyi nodded. She patted Hui on the shoulder. “It must be hard.”

“Big sis has no idea.” Hui sighed, putting his head in his hand.

She tipped her head cutely. “Especially since you like Li Xiang.”

Hui startled. His head slipped out of his hand. “I—what, why would you—”

Su Caiyi grinned. She caught his face in her little hands, fingers squeezing his cheeks. “Ah, is Hui unexpectedly cute too? I like cute things, you know!”

“Eh? Did she say… he likes Li Xiang?”

Killing intent turned toward them from the Starbound Peak sector. Hui grabbed Su Caiyi and covered her mouth, yanking his head free of her grip. “Shh, shh, not so loud.”

She pulled away from him and pouted. “Bullying a small, cute girl, so rude. This cultivator has no manners, hmph.”

“Bullying—what part of me was bullying?” Hui asked, staggered.

She grinned and poked his nose. “Cute.”

Hui pulled away. I don’t understand this girl. She’s so… so… annoying! Ahh, give me Bai Xue’s straightforward sexual harassment any day!

Eh, wait. Did I just ask for… mmm, my mental state has gotten more and more messy lately. Maybe I should work on my mental cultivation some more, when I get a chance.

Down below, Su Yan charged at Li Xiang. Mid-charge, his form shifted, growing fur and dropping to four paws. A massive wolf bit at Li Xiang. She parried with her sword, only for the wolf to throw its bulk against her legs. She stumbled back. Her heels hit the edge of the arena.

Hui caught his breath. Did I underestimate Su Yan?

Su Yan chased at Li Xiang, white teeth wide. Teetering on the edge, Li Xiang had nowhere to go. He bit.

On Li Xiang’s blade. Li Xiang vaulted over him, using her blade as the foundation for her handspring. As she landed, she yanked the blade out of his jaws, scoring a cut at the corners of his lips. She landed, white robes pristine, and immediately charged at Su Yan’s back. A bright smile spread across Li Xiang’s face.

“That’s our Li Xiang!”

“Show him the might of Starbound Peak!”

Su Yan jumped back. Li Xiang chased him. He backed up steadily, ducking and dodging. Her blade couldn’t score a hit, but behind Su Yan, the arena steadily narrowed as he backed into a corner. At last, his paw slipped. He yanked it up before it hit the ground, but without a sturdy foundation, he had no way to fight Li Xiang. Light blows slashed over his fur, never landing a full hit but never letting him counter-attack, either. Under the sword-flurry, Su Yan had no option but to hunker down and protect his vitals.

“It’s not very fun to be backed into a corner, is it?” Li Xiang asked.

Su Yan growled. His feet glowed, and he launched himself at her with explosive speed, barreling head-first into her.

His jaws closed on air. Li Xiang had vanished, little more than a flash.

“This is it! Li Xiang’s killing move!”

“Her ultimate third-stage attack technique! The one she developed herself!”

From high in the sky, a silver flash glistened. Li Xiang dropped from the heavens sword-first, her feet wrapped around the crossbars. “Earthbound Star!”

Hui stared, his expression dead. Eh, that technique… it’s not just this cultivator, right? This small cultivator feels as though he’s been on the receiving end of it many times…

The blade slammed into Su Yan’s back. He cried out and crumpled, falling to the stage.

“A vital hit! Victory, Li Xiang!”

Hui sat up. “Did she… kill him?”

“Eh? Elder brother…” Su Caiyi grabbed Hui’s robes and sniffled.

“No, no, I—I’m sure she didn’t,” Hui said, abruptly remembering who was beside him. I was so caught up in the fight I totally forgot about Su Caiyi!

“But… but she…” Su Caiyi stared up at him, tears welling up in her eyes.

Hui looked down at the arena, then pointed. “Look, there’s no blood! He’s fine!”

Su Caiyi stood on her tiptoes and peered down.

Down in the arena, Su Yan stood slowly and gave himself a good shake, returning to his human form. A nasty black bruise stood out through the back of his torn robes. Wincing, he tossed back a pill, and the bruise faded.

Li Xiang ran a hand over her sword. An oval-shaped light shield that left no sharp edges shone around the sword, then vanished. She bowed to Su Yan. “I blunted my sword. I feared I could not attack non-fatally without it.”

Su Yan glared. “Underestimating me to that extent?”

“Please understand. It was not because of you, but because of my own failure to master the technique to the level I could control my strength,” Li Xiang explained, bowing.

Hui flinched. If I didn’t know Li Xiang can only speak the truth and tends to be very straightforward, that would be an incredible insult. Isn’t she implying that she already saw through his strength and worried for his life before the battle even started? In the end, it implies that Su Yan is so far below her level that she might as well be his Master.

Even though this small cultivator would never look poorly on Li Xiang, even though I know she only means it literally, it’s still harsh to hear!

“I don’t need your pity,” Su Yan spat. Scowling, he stomped up into the arena and grabbed Su Caiyi, immediately turning to go.

Hui grabbed her other arm. He smiled gently. “Wait, elder brother. You promised… spirit stones?”

Su Yan’s scowl grew deeper. He reached into his torn robes and threw a bag at Hui. “Your sect is so poor you have to run errands for other sects’ disciples, set up stalls in your main yard, and scrounge for spirit stones, so take it all. It’s charity.”

Releasing Su Caiyi, Hui opened the bag. A small spatial bag, it easily held three times the spirit stones he’d been promised. Hui grinned and transferred the stones to his ring, storing the bag, then paused. Eh? My sect is poor?

He looked around them, at the grandeur of the stadium, the recently-widened field, the sleek, orderly Starbound Sect disciples, and shrugged. He’s probably just annoyed at getting beaten so soundly by Li Xiang.

“See you later, Xiao Hui!” Su Caiyi said, waving goodbye.

Hui waved back. “If you ever need a babysitter, Su Yan, please call on this small disciple again!” Poor? Su Yan has no idea what the word means! Compared to my first life, I’m rich, and that’s even considering the new debt I’ve accrued! I can eat good food and go for walks without getting harassed, I have beautiful friends and a Master who doesn’t beat me, I have a pet and a hut and a mountain. Compared to the filthy apartment full of bugs I grew up in, I’m infinitely better off! Even if we’re a poor sect compared to Azure Fang, so what? This small cultivator is still perfectly content.

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